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- (共催シンポジウム講演)宇宙観測検出器と量子ビームの出会い。新たな応用への架け橋。 Toward new frontiers : Encounter and synergy of state-of-the-art astronomical detectors and exotic quantum beams
- 東大カブリIPMU Kavli IPMU
- 高橋忠幸 Tadayuki Takahashi
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- (共催シンポジウム講演)Development of transition-edge sensor microcalorimeters for x-ray science applications
- Szyprt Paul
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- (共催シンポジウム講演)精密少数多体計算に基づくミューオン触媒核融合研究の展開 Development of muon catalyzed fusion study based on precise few-body calculations
- 東北大院理化学 Dept. Chem., Graduate School of Science, Tohoku Univ.
- 木野康志 Yasushi Kino
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- (共催シンポジウム講演)電子ビームで探る原子核内部と中性子星深部 Investigation of deep inside of nuclei and neutron stars with electron beams
- 東北大院理物理 Dept. Phys., Graduate School of Science, Tohoku Univ.
- 中村哲 Satoshi N. Nakamura
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- (共催シンポジウム講演)がん研究の最前線と宇宙観測検出技術を用いたがん組織の探査 Frontier of the cancer research and Exploration of cancer tissues using the astronomical detection technology
- 慶応大医 School of Medicine, Keio Univ.
- 佐谷秀行 Hideyuki Saya
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- (共催シンポジウム講演)高偏極RI原子ビーム生成へ向けた低速RIビーム生成装置と中性化装置の開発 Development of the devices for RI beam thermalization and neutralization towards highly spin-polarized RI beam production
- 理研仁科核分光研 Nucl. Spec. Lab., Nishina Center, RIKEN
- 高峰愛子 Aiko Takamine
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- (共催シンポジウム講演)小惑星探査機はやぶさ2が回収したサンプルの初期分析成果 The results of initial analysis of samples returned by Hayabusa2
- 東北大院理地学 Div. Earth Sci., Graduate School of Science, Tohoku Univ.
- 中村智樹 Tomoki Nakamura
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- (共催シンポジウム講演)負ミュオンを用いた歴史資料の非破壊元素分析 Non-destructive elemental analysis of cultural properties by muonic X-ray measurement
- 齋藤努 Tsutomu Saito
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- (共催シンポジウム講演)まとめ Summary and Conclusion
- 理研開拓研究本部 CPR, RIKEN
- 東俊行 Toshiyuki Azuma