
Division 13

18th N1 Room 18pN1 13:25〜17:15

Division 13
Lecture of the Young Scientist Award of the Physical Society of Japan/History of Physics

( Lecture of the Young Scientist Award of JPS ) Introduction of the 18th Young Scientist Award Winner
Nihon University College of Commerce
Chieko Kojima
( Lecture of the Young Scientist Award of JPS ) The Making of Statistical Mechanics
Meiji Univ. Sch. Pol. Sci. and Econ.
Hajime Inaba
Reconsideration of the Birth of the Hamilton-Jacobi Theory
Coll. of Law., Seijo Univ.
Michiyo Nakane
Wave nature of elementary particles is only a phenomena but interference is essential
Ritsumeikan University
Hironari Yamada
Comparison of the relativity among the Japanese physics textbooks after the 1920s
CST Nihon Univ.
Daisuke Chiba, Takahisa Amemiya
Hideki Yukawa's Research Trends through the Analysis of Historical Documents “Ronbun Shōroku (Paper Abstracts) 1933-1941”(2)
Ryukoku Univ.
Daisuke Konagaya
Comments by Hidetosi Takahasi on Fumio Osawa's paper introduction in Kotani Lab. seminar: Consideration from the state of Japanese theoretical condensed matter research (Busseiron) in 1942
Grad. Sch. Sci & Tech., Gunma Univ.
Hiroshi Takahashi

Break (15:15〜15:30)

History of Physics

Historical overview of immediately after the establishment of the Ultra High Temperature Research Society
CST Nihon Univ.
Takahisa Amemiya
On the discussion at the Ultra High Temperature Research Society related to establishment of “Institute for Ultra High Temperature” of Osaka University
CST Nihon Univ.
Takahisa Amemiya
Construction of the Electron Synchrotron of the Institute for Nuclear Study snf its influence to the Future Plans of the Nuclear Physics Research
Kohji Hirata and Yoshinobu Takaiwa
Nuclear material given to France from the U.S. in the 1960s
Nihon University College of Commerce
Concepts of Young Physicists in 1960's
Prof. Emeritus, Kyushu Univ.
Masatoshi NAKAYAMA
The process of the passage of “Resolution 3” in 1967 at the Physical Society of Japan 2.
Kwansei Gakuin Univ.
Historical Documents of Institute for Nuclear Study Preserved at KEK
Yoshinobu Takaiwa, Kohji Hirata

19th N1 Room 19aN1 9:00〜12:00

Division 13
Physics Education

Univ. of Fukui
Yoshihide Yamada
Reflection on “Modeling Instruction” by Hestenes's group
Kagawa Univ., Kyoto Univ. of EducationA, Koyasan Univ.B, Tokyo Gakugei Univ.C, Niigata Univ.D, Fukui Univ.E, Komaba Toho High SchoolF, Takamatsu Daiichi High SchoolG
RYU Jumpei, TAKAHASHI Naoshi, OURA Miyuki, TANIGUCHI KazusigeA, OKAMOTO MasashiB, UKON ShujiC, TOSA SachikoD, YAMADA YoshihideE, KISHIZAWA ShinichiF, SATO TetuyaG
Research on Force and Motion Concept Evaluation and Classroom Test of Scientific Reasoning among medical science students III
Fac. of Med. Saga Univ.
Hiroyuki Ichinose, Hirotaka Tominaga
Aiming to establish a PBL learning platform with the theme of “Challenging the Crisis of Humanity”
Faculty of Engineering, Osaka Institute of Technology (OIT), Faculty of Robotics and Design, OITA
Akira Fujimoto, Takayuki Hasegawa, Takashi ToriiA, Masako Mitsuhashi, Yasutaka Tani, Jun Tanaka, Natsuhiko Kojima
Processes of helping students acquire physics concepts through teacher education activities that use avatar simulations
Faculty of Education, Niigata University
Sachiko Tosa

Break (10:15〜10:30)

Development of an introductory physics textbook based on physics education research (6)
Tokyo Gakugei U., former Takushoku U.A, Tokyo City U.B, Tokyo Tech HSC, former Kanagawapublic HSD, Kitasato U.E
S.Ukon, S.KishizawaA, M.NakamuraB, H.Nitta, Y.HasegawaC, K.MiyazakiD, A.YamamotoE
Development of an introductory physics textbook based on physics education research (7)
former Takushoku U., Tokyo Gakugei U.A, Tokyo City U.B, Tokyo Tech HSC, former Kanagawapublic HSD, Kitasato U.E
S.Kishizawa, S.UkonA, M.NakamuraB, H.NittaA, Y.HasegawaC, K.MiyazakiD, A.YamamotoE
Moving e-textbook “Mechanics”, Laws of motion
Physics Dept., Saitama Medical University
Keiichi Akama
Current status and future possibilities of Interactive Screen Experiment - Report on a visit to the Free University of Berlin
Nagoya U., Osaka U.A, U. of Alaska FairbanksB
J. Yasuda, N. MaeA, M. M. HullB
Misconceptions Regarding the Directivity of Wind Generated by Circulators
F. Cul. and Edu., Univ. Saga
S. Nakamura
Building STEAM Educational Content and Programs for Next-generation Physics Learning (Rethinking Physics Experiment Education)
Kanazawa Inst. of Tech.
Tadayoshi TANAKA

19th N1 Room 19pN1 14:00〜16:15

Division 13
Environmental Physics

Generalized formulation on ideal light-powered systems based on photon entropy flow analysis
Hokusei Gakuen University
Tetsuo Yabuki
Rapid increase in the number of earth satellites and its impact on environment
Musashino Univ.
Shuji Abe
A proposal for reducing soft-errors by cosmic-ray-induced neutrons in large-scale data centers in the era of generative AI
Kansai Gaidai University, LXS Inc.A
Yoshiyuki MIZUNO, Tadasi SUGITAA
The Issue of Determinism (II), Quantum Mechanics and Free Will
F. Cul. and Edu., Univ. Saga
S. Nakamura

Break (15:00〜15:15)

University students' interpretation of new COVID-19 infections data
Univ. of Hyogo
Y. Shoji
Should Cole Power be Abolished?
Prof. Emeritus, Kyushu Univ.
Contributions of steam on global warming
School of Science and Engineering, Teikyo Univ.
K. Akimoto
A position of environmental physics in the case of facing social issues
Former Department of Physics, Tokyo University of Science
Makoto KANO

20th N1 Room 20aN1 9:00〜12:30

Division 13
Physics Education

Coupled Vibration between Spring Motion and Simple Pendulum mediated by Analogous Behavior of Parametric Excitation - Tool for Interdisciplinary Instruction[26]
International Education Center of Chiba University, Instructive Experimental InstituteA
Yuhei Natsume, Hisashi TakamiA
Development of Programs for Biomedical Time-Series Measurement Experiments using Microcontroller Boards
Fac. of Med. Saga Univ.
Hirotaka Tominaga
Temperature variations of coefficient of restitution for elastic ball, inelastic ball, and bouncy ball
Shinshu Univ.
S. Takahashi, H. Kambara
Hand-made diffusion-type cloud chamber to observe muons
Juntendo Univ.
Machiko Hatsuda, Naoki Mizuochi, Seiya Yanagawa
Educational Use of Satellite Velocity Measurement Experiments by Doppler Effect Using Software-defined Radio
Shizuoka Univ., Nihon Univ. Mishima SHSA
Hideki Uchiyama, Akari Sugiyama, Tomoka Matsudaira, Masaya KamioA
Development of position-sensitive radiation detector with segmented plastic scintillator.
Tohoku Univ., Waseda Univ.
Chizuru NoseA, Kazuo TanakaB
Development of the experiments in which inertial force is transformed to other force and appears to have disappeared
Aichi Univ. of the Arts, Nagoya Univ.A, Fujita Health Univ.B, Yamagata Univ.C, Aichi Edu. Univ.D, Chubu Univ.E, Tokushima Univ.F
Y. Miura, Y. SaitoA, J. YasudaA, Y. NakamuraA, A. FurusawaB, K. SenyoC, M. ItoD, T. KonishiE, S. OoyabuF

Break (10:45〜11:00)

Face-to-face on-demand data science education
Gunma Univ., NII, Nakamura Gakuen Univ.
Y. Aoki, N. HamamotoA, K. OeB, S. YokoyamaB, H. InoueC, and A. TakefusaB
The Experimental Determination of the Expander's Spring Constant with Videos, Scoring the Numerical Data Automatically II
Institute for Excellence in Educational Innovation, Chiba University, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Chiba UniversityA, Faculty of Education, Chiba UniversityB, Graduate School of Global and Transdisciplinary Studies, Chiba UniversityC
Takayuki Matsuzawa, Mieko HayashiA, Tetsuya KatoB, Hirofumi MinoC, Kenichi TozakiB
R & D for Physics Laboratory in Medical Schools (III)
National Defense Medical College, Graduate School of Science, The Univ. of TokyoA
K. Yawata, K. SaekiA and M. Kanenaga
Development of web-based teaching materials for physics focused on quantum mechanics and electromagnetism
Yasuhiro Tanaka, Ririka Kanazawa, Tomoshige Kudo
Learning support in physics education using web applications
Shuji Watanabe, Keita Nishioka, Makoto Nishi
Students' understandings of physics measurement in high school II
Doshisha High Schol, Kyoto Univ. of Edu.A
Hisashi Kogetsu, Kazunari TaniguchiA

20th N1 Room 20pN1 13:30〜16:30

Division 13
Physics Education

Development of a package of theoretical, experimental, and simulation materials for mechanics education
KIT Math&Sci RC
Keita Nishioka, Koki Akiyama, Tadayoshi Tanaka, Yasuhiro Tanaka, Shuji Watanabe
Reducing Confusion in Introductory Analytical Mechanics by Devising Creative Ways to Introduce the Equations of Motion
Tatsuki Nagano
Investigation of flipped classroom to achieve Inquiry Based Learning in high school physics
Niigata University
Akiba Hayata, Oono Yoshiaki
Evaluating the Effect of Active Learning in Remote Classes: Practical Approaches to Newton's Laws of Motion
Coop. Fac. of Edu. Utsunomiya Univ., Ctr. for Biosci. Res. and Edu. Utsunomiya Univ.A
Yuno NatsumeA, Riho Tamura, Ieyasu Takimoto, Nobumasa Minami
Effects of Trials to Avoid Confusion in Blended Learning Where Face-to-face Lessons and Remote Lessons Switch Almost Every Other Week
Math. and Science Academic Foundations Programs, Kanazawa Tech., College of Humanities and Sciences, Nihon UniversityA
Physics education at university for those students who have not learned physics at high school
Nihon Univ.
Toshi-Aki Shibata

Break (15:00〜15:15)

Investigation on learning of senior/junior high school students in physics and science learning II
Kyoto Univ. of Edu.(KUE), Kyoto Compulsory Education School attached to KUEA
Kazunari Taniguchi, Tetsuo Ishii, Kojiro FujimotoA
Correlation of Class Style Factor and Cognitive Level Factor in Effectiveness of Physics Education (5)
Univ. of Hyogo, Hiroshima Univ.A, Chubu Univ.B, Obihiro Univ. of A.V.M.C
Y. Shoji, S. MunejiriA, I. NomuraB, J. SaitoC
Characteristics of how high school students ‘interpret of physics phenomena’ and analysis of effects of instruction through “interpretation of physics phenomena” for 3 years
Osaka Prefectural Education Center High School
S. Yamashita
Effectiveness and priority of constructivist learning for high school students
Osaka Prefectural Education Center High School
S. Yamashita
From Theory to Classroom: Utilizing a 5-Qubit Superconducting Quantum Computer for Education
IQM Quantum Computers
Mikio Nakahara, Stefan Pogorzalek, Jami Ronkko, and Stefan Seegerer

21st N1 Room 21aN1 9:30〜12:15

Division 13
Physics Education

Consistency of students' responses to questions in different representations
Tokyo Tech HS, Tokyo Univ. Sci.A, Tokyo Gakkan Urayasu HSB
Y.Hasegawa, Y.TakanoA, R.OzakiB, F.OkiharuA
Results of FCI and Lawson's tests for students not majoring in physics
Chubu Univ., Hiroshima Univ.A, Obihiro Univ. of A.V.M.B, Univ. of HyogoC
I. Nomura, S. MunejiriA, J. SaitoB, Y. ShojiC
Standard concept inventories for “Basic Physics” and “Physics” customized to the Japanese high school curriculum: results of a large-scale survey I
Tokyo Gakugei U, Tsukuba HSA, Gakugei HSB, Kochi TechC, TUSD, Yamagata UE, Meiji HSF, Waseda HSG, Kanagawa U. HSH, Ichikawa HSI, TGUISSJ, Hosei Int. HSK, Shinjuku HSL, Izu Chuo HSM, Doushisha HSN, Nagaoka Ote HSO
Hideo Nitta, Hitoshi KatsudaA, Haruko Uematsu, Ruita NishimuraB, Michi IshimotoC, Shuji Ukon, Fumiko OkiharuD, Jun-ichiro YasudaE, Satoshi ItoF, Akihito ImaiG, Kai EtoH, So-ichiro OgataI, Asako KariyaJ, Akihiro ShimizuK, Toru TakeuchiL, Kenya NagakuraM, Kenta HiramotoN, Gaku YamamotoO
Standard concept inventories for Basic Physics and Physics customized to the Japanese high school curriculum: results of a large-scale survey II
Tsukuba HS, Tokyo Gakugei UA, Gakugei HSB, Kochi TechC, TUSD, Yamagata UE, Meiji HSF, Waseda HSG, Kanagawa U. HSH, Ichikawa HSI, TGUISSJ, Hosei Int. HSK, Shinjuku HSL, Izu Chuo HSM, Doushisha HSN, Nagaoka Ote HSO
Hitoshi Katsuda, Hideo NIttaA, Haruko UematsuA, Ruita NishimuraB, Michi IshimotoC, Shuji UkonA, Fumiko OkiharuD, Jun-ichiro YasudaE, Satoshi ItoF, Akihito ImaiG, Kai EtoH, So-ichiro OgataI, Asako KariyaJ, Akihiro ShimizuK, Toru TakeuchiL, Kenya NagakuraM, Kenta HiramotoN, Gaku YamamotoO
Standard concept inventories for “Basic Physics” and “Physics” customized to the Japanese high school curriculum: results of a large-scale survey III
Gakugei HS, Tokyo Gakugei UA, Tsukuba HSB, Kochi TechC, TUSD, Yamagata UE, Meiji HSF, Waseda HSG, Kanagawa U. HSH, Ichikawa HSI, TGUISSJ, Hosei Int. HSK, Shinjuku HSL, Izu Chuo HSM, Doushisha HSN, Nagaoka Ote HSO
Ruita Nishimura, Hideo NittaA, Haruko UematsuA, Hitoshi KatsudaB, Michi IshimotoC, Shuji Ukon, Fumiko OkiharuD, Jun-ichiro YasudaE, Satoshi ItoF, Akihito ImaiG, Kai EtoH, So-ichiro OgataI, Asako KariyaJ, Akihiro ShimizuK, Toru TakeuchiL, Kenya NagakuraM, Kenta HiramotoN, Gaku YamamotoO

Break (10:45〜11:00)

Analysis of the relation between FCI and GRIT in college physics(IV)
National Defense Medical College
M. Kanenaga, K. Yawata
Relationship of Learning Outcomes and Cognitive Level Factors in Physics Laboratory Course
Agri-Inf. Technol. Ctr. Obihiro Univ. of Agric. & Vet. Med., Hiroshima Univ.A, Chubu Univ.B, Univ. of HyogoC
Jun Saito, Shuji MunejiriA, Izumi NomuraB, Yoshihiko ShojiC
Artificial Intelligence Education in a Medical School
Nippon Med. Sch.
Hiroshi Fujisaki
Statistical Analysis of Educational Effects by Using Academic Support Center in Kogakuin University
Academic Support Center Kogakuin Univ., School of Health Sciences at Odawara International Univ. of Health and WelfareA, Division of Liberal-Arts Kogakuin Univ.B
H. T. Takahashi, T. NagaiA, M. Kino, T. Hosoya, T. Tsuyuki, T. MutoB, S. KomugiB
Impression Analysis of Physics Experiments Using Text Mining and Generative AI
Kanazawa Univ. Senior H.S.
Ken-ya Watarai

21st N1 Room 21pN1 13:30〜16:15

Division 13
Physics Education

Proposal for Teaching Strategies to Motivate Learning in ILDs
Grad. Sch. Sci. Eng., Kansai Univ., Kyoto Univ. of Edu.A
Takumi ONOUE, Tetsuo ISHIIA, Kazunari TANIGUCHIA
Cognitive Acceleration Program at University of Hyogo
Univ. of Hyogo
Y. Shoji
New Outreach Activities by Integrating Physics and Sports
Yamaguchi Univ., Nantofukuno HSA
Nobuyuki Sakai, Shoki Ikeda, Ayaka Harada, Yushi Nishimura, Miharu Fukushima, Taiki Morishita, Haru Morimoto, Yoshihiro YasutaniA
Importance of inertial force in basketball shooting motion
Yamaguchi University
Shoki Ikeda, Nobuyuki Sakai
Mechanically elucidating the timing of right knee flexion during mennuchi movement
Yamaguchi University
Shunngo Itai, Nobuyuki Sakai

Break (14:45〜15:00)

Let's make an accelerator at Tsuyama KOSEN!
NIT Tsuyama CollegeA, KEKB, RIKENC
Yuji SasaiA, Keisuke TaniguchiA, Shigetaka KatoriA, Mitsunori NakaoA, Junji KawamuraA, Masashi OtaniB, Atsushi TaketaniC
Historical Investigations on Real Situations and Active Learning of Physics Education by Research of Students' Notes in Japan
Ed. Niigata-U, CT-ED. TUSA
Akizo Kobayashi, Fumiko OkiharuA
Motion of Projectile and Japanese “houbutusen”
Prof. Emeritus, Kyushu Univ.
Masatoshi NAKAYAMA
The merits and demerits of the “Kinetic Theory of Heat”
Institute of Original Culture, Former Tokyo University of Science
Yasunori Igarashi
the term “Heat Equilibrium” induces a misconception, so it better to correct it to “Temperature Equilibrium”
Institute of Original Culture, Former Tokyo University of Science
Yasunori Igarashi
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