Division 13
- 1
- Publication of Stereoscopic/VR Videos for Physics Experiments on an e-learning Website
- Kanazawa Tech.
- K. Akiyama, A. SekiguchiA, Y. NagamoriA, H. Hori, K. Nishioka
- 2
- Developing the Application for Quizzes with Scoring the Data Automatically III
- Faculty of Education, Chiba University
- Takayuki Matsuzawa
- 3
- group learning assist system
- none
- Shigeru Konno
- 4
- Relationship Between Basic Understanding of Physics and Numerical Literacy in a Pre-Admission Education Program
- Agri-Inf. Technol. Ctr. Obihiro Univ. of Agric. & Vet. Med.
- 5
- On-demand education system that keeps track of learners
- Gunma Univ.
- Yuki Aoki
- 6
- Implementations of the flipped classroom approach in classical and statistical mechanics courses and those evaluation, improvement and evolvement
- Graduate School of Science and Technology, Niigata UniversityA, Faculty of Science, Niigata UniversityB
- Hayata AkibaA, Yoshiaki OnoB
- 7
- Mechanics of forehand drive in table tennis: should sides be tightened or opened?
- Yamaguchi University
- Kei-ichi Sasada, Nobuyuki Sakai
- 8
- Find the mechanics of smash motion in badminton -About optimal angle of the arm and racket-
- Yamaguchi University
- Ren Kanaya, Nobuyuki Sakai
- 9
- Method for increasing flying distance in basketball shooting motion
- Yamaguchi University
- Shoki Ikeda, Nobuyuki Sakai
- 10
- Dynamic consideration of pitching motion in dodgeball
- Yamaguchi University
- Motohiko Date
- 11
- Mechanics of sprint motion
- Yamaguchi University
- Shumpei Mitsushima, Nobuyuki Sakai
- 12
- Mechanical elucidation of men-uchi movement in kendo
- Yamaguchi University
- Itai Shunngo
- 1
- Analyzing retrorocket motion on the mass-momentum diagram
- Nihon Univ.
- OGURA Akihiro
- 2
- Statistical Analysis of Educational Effects by Academic Support in Physics
- School of Health Sciences at Odawara International Univ. of Health and Welfare, Academic Support Center Kogakuin Univ. Tech. & Eng.A, Division of Liberal-Arts Kogakuin Univ. Tech. & Eng.B
- Tomoko Nagai, Hirohisa TakahashiA, Motoki KinoA, Tetsuo HosoyaA, Takanao TsuyukiA, Takayuki MutoB
- 3
- Muography of Japanese ancient tomb by high school students
- WUHSHS, RIKENA, SOKENDAIB, Osaka UniversityC, KEKD, KMI/Nagoya UniversityE, Yamagata UniversityF
- M. OhtsukaA, A. MatsumotoA, T. IshikawaB, K. UenoC, M. ShojiD, S. TakahashiE, T. NakamoriF, M. HigashideB
- 4
- Lesson Plan for Understanding the Principles of Multilayer Perceptron : Research Based on the Concept of Hypothesis-Experiment Class (Kasetsu)
- Nagaoka Univ.
- FUKAYA Shinsuke
- 5
- Humans, Artificial intelligence, Physics
- Tomohiro Isshiki
Environmental Physics
- 6
- A Growth Model of Trees
- Prof. Emeritus, Fac. Sci. Kyushu Univ.
- Masatohi NAKAYAMA
- 7
- Cancellation
- 8
- Environmental Physics of JPS Div.13: Historical Overview and the Themes for Future
- Kansai Gaidai Univ. English-Digital, Tokyo Univ. of ScienceA
- MIZUNO Yoshiyuki, KANO MakotoA
- 9
- Effect of the Generative AI from the Viewpoint of Environmental Physics
- Dept. of Physics, Tokyo Univ. of Science
- Makoto KANO
- 10
- The Issue of Determinism, Focused from the Conditions for Humans and Life
- F. Cul. and Edu., Univ. Saga
- S. Nakamura
- 1
- Development of an Introductory College Physics Textbook that Promotes Student Active Learning
- Faculty of Education, Niigata University, Tokyo Gakugei UniversityA, Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Hiroshima UniversityB, Center of Liberal Arts and Science, Sanyo-Onoda City UniversityC, Faculty of Education, Kyoto University of EducationD,Faculty of Science, Niigata UniversityE, Faculty of Education, Gifu UniversityF, Faculty of Education, Fukui UniversityG
- Sachiko Tosa,Katsumi Itoh,Haruko UematsuA,Takashi UmedaB,Isao KishimotoC,Akizo Kobayashi,Kazunari TaniguchiD,Hiroaki NakanoE,Taku NakamuraF,Yoshihide YamadaG
- 2
- Reports of the Physics Challenge in 2023 I: The Challenge I
- Saitama Univ., Chiba HSA, Todashoyo HSB, ex-NIT Tsuyama CollegeC, UECD, Okayama Sozan HSE, Takachiho Univ.F, Kanazawa Ins. of Tech.G, Waseda Univ. HSH, Tokyo Tech HSI,ex-Azabu HSJ, Matsumoto Univ.K
- H. Kondo, K.AbeA, M. ArakiB, M. SatoC, M. SuzukiD, T. NakayashikiE, M. NamikiF, T.TanakaG, T. TachibanaH, Y.HasegawaI, H. MasukoJ, S. MuroyaK
- 3
- Reports of the Physics Challenge 2023 II: Experimental Competition at The Second Challenge
- UEC, TCUA, Toshima H.S.B, Komaba Toho J.S.H.C, ex-Nagoya Univ.D, Tokyo Gakugei Univ.E, AICHI SHUKUTOKU Univ.F, ex-Okayama U.G, ex-Tukuba Univ.H, TSUI, ex-Takushoku Univ.J, TUTK, ex-Tohoku Univ.L, NIERM, ex-Univ.TokyoN, Univ. of Tsukuba H.S.O, J.S.H.Tukuba KomabaP, ex-AISTQ, Mito 1st S.H.S.R, Kobe Univ.S, Univ. TokyoT, Fukuoka Univ.U, Univ. HyogoV, Komaba H.S.W, Okayama Univ.X, TITY, Hagi C&T H.S.Z
- T.Suemoto, M.IgarashiA, M.IshikawaB, K.IchiharaC, A.IchimiyaD, S.UkonE, I.EbisakiF, T.OhshimaG, Y.OotukaH, Y.KawamuraI, S.KishizawaJ, H.KezukaK, Y.KoikeL, K.KobayashiM, K.KomakiN, Y.KondoL, K.SakuraiO, H.SasadaA, K.ShinkajiP, I.SuzukiQ, K.TakeshiR, T.NishinoS, S.HasegawaT, S.HayashiU, S.FukatsuT, M.MatsumotoE, Y.MatsumotoT, T.ManagoU, K.MikiV, S.MizutaniW, M.MinoX, S.YamazakiY, Y.YoshimuraZ
- 4
- Physics Challenge 2023 Report III
- ex-Tokyo Metro. Univ., ex-Kanazawa Univ.A, Matsudo HSB, ex-Tokyo Inst. Tech.C, ex-Electro-Commun.D,NIT Maizuru CollegeE,Jikei Univ.F, KawaijukuG,ex-Waseda Univ.H,ex-Univ. TokyoI,ex-KawaijukuJ,ex-Okayama Univ.K,ex-Kyushu Univ.L, ex-Osaka Univ.M, Sakura HSN, Tokyo Univ. ScienceO
- Y.Okabe, K.AokiA, K.AkimotoB, S.IioC, T.ItoD, T.UesugiE, T.UedaF, H.OharaG, S.KuriharaH, H.ShibahashiI, T.SugiyamaJ, H.TotsujiK, H.NakanishiL, M.MatsuzawaC, K.MimaM, N.YamatojiN, D.YoshiokaI, K.WatanabeO
- 5
- Report of the 23rd Asian Physics Olympiad in Mongolia (APhO2023)
- Tokyo Gakugei Univ., ex-Okayama Univ.A, ex-Waseda Univ.B, ex-Univ. TokyoC, NIT Maizuru CollegeD, Kawai-jukuE, ex-Tokyo Metro. Univ.F, Tokyo Univ. of Sci.G, ex-Kawai-jukuH, Kanazawa Inst. Tech.I, ex-Kyusyu Univ.J, Takachiho Univ.K, ex-AISTL, ex-NIT Tsuyama CollegeM, ex-Tokyo Univ. of Tech.N, ex-Tohoku Univ.O, ex-Tohoku Inst. of Tech.P, Nippon Inst. Tech.Q, Junior & Senior H.S. at KomabaR, Univ. Electro-Comm.S, Okayama Souzan HST, Univ. TokyoU, UHVEM Osaka Univ.V
- M.Matsumoto, H.TotsujiA, S.KuriharaB, D.YoshiokaC, T.UesugiD, H.OharaE, Y.OkabeF, F.OkiharuG, T.KanekoE, H.ShibahashiC, T.SugiyamaH, T.TanakaI, H.NakanishiJ, M.NamikiK, I.SuzukiL, M.SatoM, S.AndoG, H.KezukaN, Y.KondoO, T.SaitoP, S.SatoQ, K.ShinkajiR, T. SuemotoS, T.NakayashikiT, S.HasegawaU, K.MitsuokaV,R. TakenakaU
- 6
- International Physics Olympiad 2023 (Japan) Report
- ex-Okayama Univ., ex-Waseda Univ.A, ex-Univ. TokyoB, NIT Maizuru CollegeC, Kawai-jukuD, ex-Tokyo Metro. Univ.E, Tokyo Univ. of Sci.F, ex-Kawai-jukuG, Kanazawa Inst. Tech.H, ex-Kyusyu Univ.I, Takachiho Univ.J, ex-AISTK, ex-NIT Tsuyama CollegeL, ex-Tokyo Univ. of Tech.M, ex-Tohoku Univ.N, ex-Tohoku Inst. of Tech.O, Nippon Inst. Tech.P, Junior & Senior HS at Komaba, Tsukuba Univ.Q, UECR, Okayama Souzan HSS, Univ. TokyoT, Tokyo Gakugei Univ.U, UHVEM Osaka Univ.V
- H.Totsuji, S.KuriharaA, D.YoshiokaB, T.UesugiC, H.OharaD, Y.OkabeE, F.OkiharuF, T.KanekoD, H.ShibahashiB, T.SugiyamaG, T.TanakaH, H.NakanishiI, M.NamikiJ, I.SuzukiK, M.SatoL, S.AndoF, H.KezukaM, Y.KondoN, T.SaitoO, S.SatoP, K.ShinkajiQ, T. SuemotoR, T.NakayashikiS, S.HasegawaT, M.MatsumotoU, K.MitsuokaV,K. YoshimiT
- 7
- Development of standard concept inventories customized to Japanese high school physics classes III
- Tsukuba HS,Tokyo Gakugei Univ.A,Gakugei HSB,Kochi TechC,TUSD,Yamagata Univ.E,Meiji HSF,Waseda HSG,Kanagawa Univ. HSH,Ichikawa HSI,TGUISSJ,Hosei Int. HSK,Shinjuku HSL,Izu Chuo HSM,Doshisha HSN,Nagaoka Ote HSO
- Hitoshi Katsuda,Hideo NittaA,Haruko UematsuA,Ruita NishimuraB,Michi IshimotoC,Shuji UkonA,Fumiko OkiharuD,Jun-ichiro YasudaE,Satoshi ItoF,Akihito ImaiG,Kai EtoH,So-ichiro OgataI,Asako KariyaJ,Akihiro ShimizuK,Toru TakeuchiL,Kenya NagakuraM,Kenta HiramotoN,Gaku YamamotoO
- 8
- Development of standard concept inventories customized to Japanese high school physics classes IV: interview survey and expert analysis
- Gakugei HS,Tokyo Gakugei Univ.A,Tsukuba HSB,Kochi TechC,TUSD,Yamagata Univ.E,Meiji HSF,Waseda HSG,Kanagawa Univ. HSH,Ichikawa HSI,TGUISSJ,Hosei Int. HSK,Shinjuku HSL,Izu Chuo HSM,Doshisha HSN,Nagaoka Ote HSO
- Ruita Nishimura,Hideo NittaA,Haruko UematsuA,Hitoshi KatsudaB,Michi IshimotoC,Shuji UkonA,Fumiko OkiharuD,Jun-ichiro YasudaE,Satoshi ItoF,Akihito ImaiG,Kai EtoH,So-ichiro OgataI,Asako KariyaJ,Akihiro ShimizuK,Toru TakeuchiL,Kenya NagakuraM,Kenta HiramotoN,Gaku YamamotoO
- 9
- Developing chained computerized adaptive testing for formative assessment
- Yamagata Univ., Univ. of Alaska FairbanksA, Osaka Univ.B, Kyushu Univ.C, Tokyo Gakugei Univ.D, Gifu Univ.E
- J.Yasuda, M.M.HullA, N.MaeB, K.KojimaC, H.UematsuD, T.NakamuraE
- 10
- Analysis of the relation between FCI and GRIT in college physics(III)
- National Defense Medical College
- M. Kanenaga, K. Yawata
- 11
- Influence of learners' learning strategies and beliefs on understanding of physics concept Ⅳ
- Kyoto University of Education(KUE), Kyoto Compulsory Education School attached to KUEA
- Kazunari Taniguchi,Tetsuo Ishii,Kojiro FujimotoA
- 12
- Investigation on learning of senior/junior high school students in physics and science learning
- Kyoto University of Education(KUE), Kyoto Compulsory Education School attached to KUEA
- Tetsuo Ishii,Kazunari Taniguchi,Kojiro FujimotoA
- 13
- Influence of continuous assistance to the use of learning strategies in middle school science
- Kyoto Compulsory Education School attached to KUE, Kyoto University of EducationA
- Kojiro Fujimoto, Kazunari TaniguchiA
- 1
- Development of an introductory physics textbook based on physics education research (3)
- Tokyo Gakugei Univ., Former Takushoku Univ.A, Tokyo City Univ.B, Tokyo Tech HSC, Former Kanagawa Public HSD, Kitasato Univ.E
- S.Ukon, S.KishizawaA, M.NakamuraB, H.Nitta, Y.HasegawaC, K.MiyazakiD, A.YamamotoE
- 2
- Development of an introductory physics textbook based on physics education research (4)
- Kitasato Univ., Tokyo Gakugei Univ.A, former Takushoku Univ.B, Tokyo City Univ.C, Tokyo Tech HSD, former Kanagawa Public HSE
- A.Yamamoto, S.UkonA, H.NittaA, S.KishizawaB, M.NakamuraC, Y.HasegawaD, K.MiyazakiE
- 3
- Development of an introductory physics textbook based on physics education research(5)
- Tokyo City Univ., Tokyo Gakugei Univ.A, former Takushoku Univ.B, Tokyo Tech HSC, former Kanagawa Public HSD, Kitasato Univ.E
- M.Nakamura, S.UkonA, S.KishizawaB, H.NittaA, Y.HasegawaC, K.MiyazakiD, A.YamamotoE
- 4
- Notation and Calculation Methods of Physical Quantities, Current Status and Theoretical Historical Background
- Waseda Res. Inst. for Sci. and Eng.
- Masashi Mizutani
- 5
- Moving e-textbook“Mechanics”, advanced topic: gravitational force and general relativity
- Physics Dept., Saitama Medical Univ.
- Keiichi Akama
- 6
- Investigations on Physics Education after the Opening of Japanese Education Systems by Studies of Students' Notes on the Various Physics Lectures
- Niigata Univ., Center for Teacher Education, Tokyo Univ. of Sci.A
- Akizo Kobayashi and Fumiko OkiharuA
- 7
- Proposal for visualization of experimental equipment in high school physics education
- Former High School Teacher, Marutosoft Co., Ltd.A
- KOHJI Tsukauchi, HARUSHIGE TomitaA
- 8
- Experiments and simulations of near field patterns and evanescent effects for passing laser light from the ultrafine pore filter~Tool for interdisciplinary instruction -25-
- Int. Edu. Cen. Chiba Univ., Quantum Point Contact K.K.A
- Yuhei Natsume, Koshi KoideA
- 9
- Melde's experiment of a three-pronged stretched string
- Department of Physics, Aichi University of Education
- Masato Ito
- 10
- R & D for Physics Laboratory in Medical Schools (III)
- National Defense Medical College, Graduate School of Science, The Univ. of TokyoA
- K. Yawata, K. SaekiA and M. Kanenaga
- 11
- Model experiments to visualize the laws of statistical mechanics 4 – Visualization of crystal formation and hardness, etc.
- Aichi Univ. of the Arts, Nagoya Univ.A, Fujita Health Univ.B, Yamagata Univ.C, Aichi Edu. Univ.D, Chubu Univ.E, Tokushima Univ.F
- Y. Miura, Y. SaitoA, Y. NakamuraA, A. FurusawaB, K. SenyoC, J. YasudaC, M. ItoD, T. KonishiE, S. OoyabuF
- 12
- Students' understandings of physics measurement in high school
- Doshisha High School, Kyoto Univ. of Edu.A
- Hisashi Kogetsu, Kazunari TaniguchiA
- 1
- Isaburo Kambe's View of Science Education: Developed from Those of Tsunezo Morioka and Eiji Makiyama, Inspectors of the Ministry of Education
- Rissho Univ., Gunma Univ.A, Saitama Medical Univ.B, MAD Lab.C
- Jun Shozawa, Hiroshi TakahashiA, Akira AkabaneB and Toyomi TamakiC
- 2
- Progress of the School Girls' Science Curiosity on the Hometown Study in Gunma Girls School
- MAD Lab., Risho Univ.A, Gunma Univ.B, Saitama Medical Univ.C
- T. Tamaki, J. ShozawaA, H. TakahashiB, A. AkabaneC
- 3
- Physics education in the era of Tokyo Mathematico-Physical Scciety in Japan
- Takachiho Univ.
- Masatoshi NAMIKI
- 4
- Takahiko Yamanouchi's book of Mechanics (Ippan Rikigaku) and his Education and Research Environment
- Coll. of Law., Seijo Univ.
- Michiyo Nakane
- 1
- (Invited Presentation.) 100 Years of Institute for Materials Research (KINKEN), Tohoku University
- Institute for Materials Research, Tohoku University
- Takahiko Sasaki
- 2
- On the relativity in “Butsurigaku Tsuron (An Outline of physics)” by Kōtarō Honda: A comparison between the 1925 edition and the 1947 edition
- CST Nihon Univ.
- Daisuke Chiba, Takahisa Amemiya
- 3
- On the Description of Nagaoka's Spectroscopic Experimental Research in “Nagaoka Hantaro Biography”
- Former Osaka Univ. of E. L., Kyoto Univ.A, Former Kyoto Univ.B
- 4
- On the Materials of Physicist Shoji Nishikawa
- Dept. Sci. Eng., Natl. Mus. Nat. Sci.
- Hiroto Kono
- 5
- Hideki Yukawa's Research Trends through the Analysis of Historical Documents “Ronbun Shōroku (Paper Abstracts) 1933-1941”
- Ryukoku Univ.
- Daisuke Konagaya
- 6
- Isao Imai's hydrodynamics in the first Japan National Congress for Applied Mechanics, 1951
- Grad. Sch. Lang. Soc., Hitotsubashi Univ.
- Nobumichi Ariga
- 7
- The Etymology of“Classical Mechanics”in the German-speaking World
- Sc. of Polit. Sci. and Econ.
- Hajime Inaba
- 8
- Proposal of the Idea of non-Newtonian Mechanics
- Tokyo Daiichi Gosei Co., Ltd.
- Hidenori Kotake
- 9
- Science Council of Japan and physicists -Documents on physics kept in the Science Council of Japan 6-
- Keio Univ., KEKA, Hiroshima Univ., Res. Inst. Radiation Biology and MedicineB
- Michiji Konuma, Yoshinobu TakaiwaA, Akiko KubotaB
- 10
- The process of the passage of“Resolution 3”in 1967 at the Physical Society of Japan.
- Kwansei Gakuin Univ.
- 11
- The Institutional Structure pursued in the the Long-Range Plan for Nuclear Research
- Kohji Hirata, Yoshinobu Takaiwa
- 12
- Response of Researchers and SCJ to the Institutional Structure Proposed by the Ministry of Education for a Laboratory of the Long-Range Plan for Nuclear Research
- Yoshinobu Takaiwa, Kohji Hirata
- 13
- Changes in nuclear back-end engineer education since 2011
- Nihon University College of Commerce
- Chieko KOJIMA
- 1
- The Second Law of Thermodynamics and Carnot's Theorem - Clausius' merits and demerits -
- Toshio HYODO
- 2
- 「Netu Undou」is a Translation of“Heat Motion”in the Old Era,“Thermal Motion”Should be Translated as「Ondo ni yoru Undou」or「Ondo Undou」
- Institute of Original Culture, Former Tokyo University of Science
- Yasunori Igarashi
- 3
- Thermodynamics of the isolated single point mass system
- ISHIGURO Ryosuke
- 4
- Quantitative Evaluation of Mathematics and Physics Learning in STEAM Education
- Kanazawa Ins. of Tech., Kanazawa Univ. Se. High Sch.A
- Tadayoshi TANAKA, Ken-ya WATARAIA, and Yoshinobu TACHI
- 5
- Research on university physics classes based on the ungrading philosophy that reduces the negative effects of grading and promotes learning.
- Hiroshima Univ.
- 6
- Teaching Geometric Optics for General Education at University
- Univ. of Fukui
- YAMADA Yoshihide
- 7
- Development and Effectiveness of Inquiry-Based Teaching Materials in Mechanics Classes
- Gifu Univ.
- Taku Nakamura
- 8
- Effectiveness of seminars with hands-on training
- IMR, Tohoku Univ.
- Yayoi Terada
- 9
- Interview Survey of First-Year University Students on Mechanical Wave Propagation III-an Analysis Using a Framework-
- Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering, Hiroshima University
- Asuka Hamada, Shuji Munejiri
- 10
- Correlation of Class Style Factor and Cognitive Level Factor in Effectiveness of Physics Education (4)
- Univ. of Hyogo, Hiroshima Univ.A, Chubu Univ.B, Obihiro Univ. of A.V.M.C
- Y. Shoji, S. MunejiriA, I. NomuraB, J. SaitoC
- 11
- A Study of the Impact of“Strange Expressions”: Preventing Students from Deepening Their Misconceptions
- Graduate School of Science and Technology, Gunma University
- Manabu Takahashi, Takao Yamamoto
- 12
- Effects of neutron radiation on Soybeans in a deep space environment
- Juntendo Univ.A, Showa Women's Univ.B, RIKENC, Xi'an Jiaotong Univ.D, Hokuriku Univ.E
- Machiko HatsudaA, Hiroaki KawasakiB, Fumiyuki YamakuraA, Yoshie OtakeC, Atsushi TaketaniC, Takaoki TakanashiC, Yauo WakabayashiC, Keiichi IkedaE, Ayako ShigenagaA, Runa AkiyamaA, Sosuke KimuraA, Motoya TeradaA, Megumi YazawaA