
Theoretical Nuclear Physics

15th A125 Room 15aA125 9:00〜12:30

Experimental Nuclear Physics,Theoretical Particle Physics,Experimental Particle Physics,Theoretical Nuclear Physics,Cosmic Rays/Astrophysics Joint
Dark Matter Search (Joint Session)(I)

XMASS: Dark matter search by using XMASS full data
ICRR The University of TokyoA, Kavli IPMU (WPI) The University of TokyoB
K. AbeA,B, for the XMASS Collaboration
Progress report on PICOLON project
Tokushima Univ., Univ. of AlabamaA, RCNP Osaka Univ.B, RCNS Tohoku Univ.C, Osaka Sangyo Univ.D, Tukuba Univ.E, Kobe Univ.G, ICRR Univ. TokyoH, Dept. Sci. Osaka Univ.I, MEPhIJ, Osaka Butsuryo Univ.K, Kavli IPMU Univ. TokyoL
K.Fushimi, D.CharnyakA, H.EjiriB, K.HataC, R.HazamaD, T.IidaE, H.IkedaC, K.ImagawaF, K.InoueC, H.IshiuraG, H.ItoH, T.KisimotoI, M.KogaC, K.Kotera, A.KozlovJ, K.NakamuraK,L, R.Orito, T.ShimaB, Y.TakemotoH,L, S.UmeharaB, Y.Urano, K.YasudaF, S.YoshidaI
Background measurement results of PICOLON high-purity NaI (Tl) crystals
Tokushima Univ., Univ. of AlabamaA, RCNP Osaka Univ.B, RCNS Tohoku Univ.C, Osaka Sangyo Univ.D, Tukuba Univ.E, Kobe Univ.G, ICRR Univ. TokyoH, Dept. Sci. Osaka Univ.I, MEPhIJ, Osaka Butsuryo Univ.K, Kavli IPMU Univ. TokyoL
K.Kotera, K.Fushimi, D.CharnyakA, H.EjiriB, K.HataC, R.HazamaD, T.IidaE, H.IkedaC, K.ImagawaF, K.InoueC, H.IshiuraG, H.ItoH, T.KisimotoI, M.KogaC, A.KozlovJ, K.NakamuraK,L, R.Orito, T.ShimaB, Y.TakemotoH,L, S.UmeharaB, Y.Urano, K.YasudaF, S.YoshidaI
NEWAGE65: Direction-sensitive dark matter search in a surface laboratory using large volume gaseous TPC
Kobe Univ.
Satoshi Higashino, Kentaro Miuchi, Hirohisa Ishiura, Ryo Kubota, Ayaka Nakayama
NEWAGE66:Shield Development for Reducing Background Events in Dark Matter Search Using Large Gas TPC
Kobe University
Ayaka Nakayama, Kentaro Miuchi, Satoshi Higashino, Hirohisa Ishiura, Ryo Kubota
NEWAGE67: Development of a Low BG μ-PIC for internal background reduction of NEWAGE
Kobe Univ., Kyoto Univ.A, ICRRB, Tokyo Univ. of Scie.C, Tohoku Univ.D, Waseda Univ.E

Break (10:30〜10:45)

Directional Dark Matter Search Project NEWSdm(1)~overall status~
Toho University, Nagoya UniversityA, IMASS Nagoya UniversityB, Gran Sasso National LaboratoryC, Tsukuba UniversityD, Isotope center Chiba UniversityE, Kanagawa UniversityF
Tatsuhiro Naka, Ryuta KobayashiA, Takuya Shiraishi, Hitoshi Oshima, Kana Saeki, Saya Akamatsu, Hiroaki Morisaki,Takashi AsadaC, Atsuhiro UmemotoD, Osamu SatoB, Toshiyuki NakanoA, Ken'ichi KugeE, Yasushi HoshinoF and NEWSdm collaboration
Directional Dark Matter Search Project NEWSdm(2)~data taking status of underground experiment~
Graduate School of Science Nagoya University, Graduate School of Science Toho UniversityA, Laboratori Nazionali del Gran SassoB, Graduate School of Science Kanagawa UniversityC, IMASS Nagoya UniversityD, Tsukuba UniversityE, Chiba University IsotopeF
Ryuta Kobayashi, Tatsuhiro NakaA, Hitoshi OshimaA, Takashi AsadaB, Takuya ShiraishiA, Kana SaekiA, Hiroaki MorisakiA, Saya AkamatsuA, Yasushi HoshinoC, Osamu SatoD, Atsuhiro UmemotoE, Ken'ichi KugeF, Toshiyuki Nakano, and NEWSdm collaboration
Directional Dark Matter Search Project NEWSdm(3)~Data analysis report of the LNGS underground experiment~
Graduate School of Science Toho University, Graduate School of Science Nagoya UniversityA, Laboratori Nazionali del Gran SassoB, Graduate School of Science Kanagawa UniversityC, IMASS Nagoya UniversityD, Tsukuba UniversityE, Chiba University IsotopeF
Hitoshi Oshima, Tatsuhiro Naka, Ryuta KobayashiA, Takashi AsadaB, Takuya Shiraishi, Kana Saeki, Hiroaki Morisaki, Saya Akamatsu, Yasushi HoshinoC, Osamu SatoD, Atsuhiro UmemotoE, Ken'ichi KugeF, Toshiyuki NakanoA, and NEWSdm collaboration
Environmental Neutron Measurement with Ultra Fine-grained Nuclear Emulsion (1) - Improvement of recoil proton analysis and status report of Gran Sasso run
Graduate School of Science Toho University, Laboratori Nazionali del Gran SassoA, Graduate School of Science Nagoya UniversityB, IMASS Nagoya UniversityC, Chiba University IsotopeD, and NEWSdm collaboration
Saya Akamatsu, Takuya Shiraishi, Tatsuhiro Naka, Takashi AsadaA, Ryuta KobayashiB, Kana Saeki, Hiroaki Morisaki, Osamu SatoC, Ken'ichi KugeD, and NEWSdm collaboration
Environmental Neutron Measurement with Ultra Fine-grained Nuclear Emulsion (2) - Physical analysis of Gran Sasso run
Graduate School of Science Toho University, Laboratori Nazionali del Gran SassoA, Graduate School of Science Nagoya UniversityB, IMASS Nagoya UniversityC, Chiba University IsotopeD, and NEWSdm collaboration
Takuya Shiraishi, Saya Akamatsu, Tatsuhiro Naka, Takashi AsadaA, Ryuta KobayashiB, Kana Saeki, Hiroaki Morisaki, Osamu SatoC, Ken'ichi KugeD, and NEWSdm collaboration
Model dependence of directional direct detection of up-scattered dark matter
Okayama Univ. of Sci., Kobe Univ.A, Toho Univ.B
Keiko I. Nagao, Satoshi HigashinoA, Tatsuhiro NakaB, Kentaro MiuchiA
Dark matter indirect detection using Radio and Gamma ray
School of Science UTokyo, ICEPP UTokyoA
Chikara Kawai, Shoji Asai, Toshio NambaA

15th A132 Room 15aA132 9:00〜11:45

Theoretical Nuclear Physics
Nuclear matter / Neutron star

Numerical simulations of supernovae and proto-neutron stars with the EOS table based on Dirac-Brueckner-Hartree-Fock calculation
NIT Numazu, Kanto Gakuin U.A, NAOJB, Kyushu U.C, Tokyo U. Sci.D
K. Sumiyoshi, S. FurusawaA, H. NagakuraB, K. NakazatoC, H. SuzukiD
Refinement of the modified URCA neutrino emissivity calculation with the cluster variational method II
Adv. Sci. Eng., Waseda Univ.A, Tohoku Univ.B, WISE, Waseda Univ.C
M. TakanoA,C, H. TogashiB,C
Study of Vortex Pinning/Unpinning Mechanisms in Time-Dependent Gross-Pitaevskii Equation
Niigata Univ.,Tokyo Inst. Tech.A,Niigata Univ.B
Teppei Sasaki,Kazuyuki SekizawaA,Masayuki MatsuoB
Equation of state with kaon condensation based on interrelations between nonlinear self-interactions and three-baryon forces in relativistic mean-field theory
Chiba Inst.Tech.,JAEAA
Introduction of relativistic effects in a molecular dynamics for quark system
JAEA, Univ. TsukubaA, Chiba TechB
Toshiki Maruyama, Shota OzakiA, Nobutoshi YasutakeB

Break (10:15〜10:30)

Gravitational wave asteroseismology on cooling neutron stars
Hajime Sotani
Gravitational waves probing hadron-to-quark crossover
U of Tokyo, Kyoto UA
Yuki Fujimoto, Kenji Fukushima, Kenta Hotokezaka, Koutarou KyutokuA
The properties of 3-flavor parity doublet model in chiral (3,3*)+(3*,3) representation
Nagoya Univ., CCNUA
T. Minamikawa, M. Harada, T. KojoA
Impacts of anomaly on nuclear and neutron star equation of state based on a parity doublet model
Nagoya Univ.A,Central China Normal Univ.B
Bikai GAOA, Takuya MinamikawaA, Masayasu HaradaA, Toru KojoB
A variational method with an explicit energy functional for symmetric nuclear matter taking into account the spin-orbit force
Adv. Sci. Eng., Waseda Univ.A, WISE, Waseda Univ.B
S. FushimaA, T. SatoA, M. TakanoA,B

15th A133 Room 15aA133 9:30〜12:00

Theoretical Nuclear Physics
Nuclear Force, Few-body Systems, and Cluster

Symmetrized Faddeev Equations
Kyutech, Jagiellonian Uni.
H. Kamada, J. Golak
Ab initio calculations and derivation of shell-model effective interactions based on chiral interactions including three-body forces
Utsunomiya Univ.
Sota Yoshida
Study on nuclear structure of the He isotopes from ab initio no-core Monte Carlo shell model calculations
RIKEN Nishina CenterA, Center for Nuclear Study, the University of TokyoB, Advanced Science Research Center, Japan Atomic Energy AgencyC, Department of Physics, the University of TokyoD
Takashi AbeA, Yusuke TsunodaB, Noritaka ShimizuB, Yutaka UtsunoC,B, Takaharu OtsukaD,A,C
Construction of microscopic nuclear reaction model with complex transition density
Takenori Furumoto
Low-energy 12C+13C fusion reaction from a microscopic model
NIT, KagawaA, RCNPB, Hokkaido Univ.C, RIKEND

Break (10:45〜11:00)

Cluster-shell competition and effect of hyperon
Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto University, Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, Tohoku UniversityA, RIKEN Nishina Center for Accelerator-Bassed ScienceB
Naoyuki Itagaki, Emiko HiyamaA,B
Persistence of cluster structure in the ground state of 11B and its application
YITPA, Dept. Phys., U. TokyoB, RIKEN Nishina CenterC, Private HomeD
Naoyuki ItagakiA, Tomoya NaitoB,C, Yuichi HirataD
Three-alpha model calculations of low-energy 12C excited states II
Hosei Univ.
S. Ishikawa
Structure of few-alpha systems in cold neutron matter
Hokkaido Univ., Univ. of TokyoA, Kochi Univ.B
H. Moriya, H. TajimaA, W. Horiuchi, K. IidaB, E. NakanoB

15th A531 Room 15aA531 9:00〜12:20

Theoretical Particle Physics,Theoretical Nuclear Physics,Cosmic Rays/Astrophysics
The 16th Seitaro Nakamura Prize

(Invited Presentation.)
Mitsuhiro Kato
(Invited Presentation.) A new search method for axion dark matter by using the birefringence effect
Ippei Obata
(Invited Presentation.) Topology-changing horizons at large D as Ricci flows
Toyota Tech. Inst.
Ryotaku Suzuki
(Invited Presentation.) 't Hooft surface operators in five dimensions and elliptic ruijsenaars operators
Tokyo Inst. Tech.
Yutaka Yoshida

Break (10:25〜10:40)

Lecture of the Young Scientist Award of the Physical Society of Japan

(Lecture of the Young Scientist Award of JPS) Report of the Selection Committee
Univ. Tokyo
Yoshio Kikukawa
(Lecture of the Young Scientist Award of JPS) AdS/CFT Correspondence from Surface/State
Univ. California, Berkely
Masamichi Miyaji
(Lecture of the Young Scientist Award of JPS) Studies on defect C-theorem
Tohoku U.
Yoshiki Sato
(Lecture of the Young Scientist Award of JPS) Generalized Higgs effective field theory and perturbative unitarity
Osaka U.
Ryo Nagai

15th A122 Room 15pA122 13:30〜17:00

Experimental Nuclear Physics,Theoretical Nuclear Physics Joint
Unstable Nuclei (I)

Reaction cross sections for N isotopes for density distributions / nuclear radii
Osaka Univ., RIKENA, Tokyo City Univ.B, Niigata Univ.C, RI Center Niigata Univ.D, Saitama Univ.E, NIRS(QST)F
M. Fukuda, K. Ohnishi, R. Wakabayashi, M. Tanaka, M. Fukutome, G. Takayama, D. NishimuraB, M. TakechiC, T. IzumikawaD, T. OhtsuboC, A. KitagawaF, Y. Kimura, S. SatoF, S. SugawaraB, T. SuzukiE, K. Takatsu, H. TakahashiB, N. NoguchiC, S. FukudaF, A. HonmaC, K. Matsuta, M. Mihara, T. YamaguchiE
Measurement of reaction cross sections and neutron removal cross sections of 16N isomeric state
Osaka Univ., RIKENA, Tokyo City Univ.B, Niigata Univ.C, Niigata Univ. RID, Saitama Univ.E, Tsukuba Univ.F, NIRSG
M. Fukutome, M. Fukuda, M. TanakaA, K. YamaguchiC, D. NishimuraB, M. TakechiC, T. OhtsuboC, M. Mihara, K. Matsuta, T. SuzukiE, T. YamaguchiE, T. IzumikawaD, S. SatoG, S. FukudaG, A. KitagawaG, N. NoguchiC, H. TakahashiB, Y. Kimura, S. SugawaraB, K. TakatsuC, G. Takayama
Measurements of Reaction Cross Sections 12C on heavy-nuclei targets (Ⅱ)
Niigata Univ.,Osaka Univ.A,Saitama Univ.B,Tokyo University of ScienceC,Tokyo City Univ.D,Institute for Research Promotion,Niigata Univ.E,RIKENF, QSTG
N. Noguchi, M. Takechi, M. Katayama, T. Ohtsubo, M. TanakaF, M. FukudaA, M. MiharaA, T. SuzukiB, T. YamaguchiB, J. ChibaC, D. NishimuraD, T. IzumikawaE, S. SatoG, S. FukudaG, A. KitagawaG, K. AokiC, A. Ikeda, R. IshiiC, M. ItoC, H. OikawaC, K. OhnishiA, J. OhnishiC, I. KatoB, Y. KankeC, N. Kanda, S. KanbayashiA, T. SugiharaA, S. ShimizuC, H. Takahashi, Y. TakeiC, A. TakenouchiC, M. TadaC, N. TadanoB, Y. TanakaA, T. TaharaC, K. Chikaato, H. DuA, T. NagaiC, S. NakamuraA, J. NagumoC, K. Nishizuka, H. HosokawaC, T. HoriA, A. Honma, M. MachidaC, E. Miyata, S. YagiC, R. YanagiharaA, S. YamaokaA, K. Yokoyama, K. WakayamaB
Measurements of the cross sections of Be isotopes at solid-hydrogen and -deuterium targets aimed at the determination of proton- and neutron-distribution radii.
Osaka Univ., Univ. of TsukubaA, RIKENB, Tokyo City Univ.C, Niigata Univ.D, Saitama Univ.E, RI Center Niigata Univ.F, NIRSG
G.Takayama, M.Fukuda, T.MoriguchiA, A.YanoA, M.TanakaB, M.Fukutome, R.Taguchi, N.KanameA, D.NishimuraC, H.TakahashiC, S.SugawaraC, N.NoguchiD, K.TakatsuD, K.Matsuta, M.Mihara, Y.Ohtani, Y.Kimura, Y.Honda, F.Hayashi, A.OzawaA, C.UneC, T.OhtsuboD, M.TakechiD, T.SuzukiE, T.YamaguchiE, M.KandaE, H.SekiE, T.IzumikawaF, S.SatoG, S.FukudaG, A.KitagawaG
Description of deuteron-induced inclusive knockout reactions 2
RCNP, Osaka Univ.A, Osaka City Univ. & NITEPB
Hibiki NakadaA, Kazuyuki OgataA,B
212Po/210Po ratio of alpha reduced width determined by alpha knockout reaction
ASRC JAEA, RIKEN Nishina CenterA
Kazuki Yoshida, Junki TanakaA
Effective polarization in alpha knockout reactions
RCNP, Osaka Univ.A, ASRC, JAEAB, Osaka City Univ. & NITEPC
Tomoatsu EdagawaA, Kazuki YoshidaB, Yoshiki ChazonoA, Kazuyuki OgataA,C

Break (15:15〜15:30)

Signature of local alpha formation in nuclei
Ctr. Comp. Sci., Univ. of Tsukuba
Nuclear Structure Study of Neutron-Rich 141Xe by β-γ Decay Spectroscopy
Dept. of Phys.,Osaka Univ.,IPHC,FranceA,CSNSM,FranceB,Hoseo Univ.,KoreaC,RIKEND,Dept. of Phys.,Kyushu Univ.E,NPL,UKF,Univ. of Surrey,UKG,Beihang Univ.,ChinaH,Univ. of Brighton,UKI,Univ. of Hong Kong,Hong KongJ,Dept. of Phys.,Univ. of TokyoK,ANL,USAL,CNS,Univ. of TokyoM,RCNP,Osaka Univ.N,Dept. of Phys.,Tohoku Univ.O
Nurhafiza M.Nor,A. Odahara,A. Yagi,R. LozevaA,B,C.-B. MoonC,S. NishimuraD,H. NishibataE,P. DoornenbalD,G. LorussoD,F,G,T. SumikamaD,H. WatanabeH,D,F. BrownI,D,Z.Y. XuJ,K,J. WuL,D,R. YokoyamaM,T. IsobeD,H. BabaD,H. SakuraiD,K,H. SuzukiD,N. InabeD,D. KamedaD,N. FukudaD,H. TakedaD,D.S. AhnD,Y. ShimizuD,H. SatoD,T. KuboD,S. Iimura,Y. Fang,R. Daido,T. Ishigaki,S. Morimoto,E. IdeguchiN,T. KomatsubaraD,M. NiikuraK,I. NishizukaO and the EURICA collaborators.
Nuclear structure study of 254Es via Coulomb exciataion gamma ray spectroscopy
RCNP,ASRC JAEAA,QSTB,IMP CAS ChinaC,CNS Univ. of TokyoD,NSEC JAEAE,ORNL USAF,Kyushu Univ.G,Dept. of Physics Univ. of York UKH
T.T Pham, E Ideguchi, N Aoi, A Kohda, R OrlandiA, K NishioA, H MakiiA, M AsaiA, F SuzakiA,K HiroseA,T.K SatoA, K TsukadaA, Y ItoA, T ShizumaB, Y FangC, M Kumar RajuC, J-G WangC, S GuoC, M LiuC, X ZhouC, N ImaiD, N KitamuraD, S MichimasaD, Y TohE, K.P RykaczewskiF, J EzoldF, S CleveF, J.B RobertoF, R.A BollF, S GoG, M TanakaG, A AndreyevH
The Equation of state of nuclear matter and liquid drop mass formula
Aichi Shukutoku Univ.
Kazuhiro Oyamatsu
Hydrogen isotopes production in heavy-ion collisions with radioactive beams and the high-density symmetry energy
Kyoto University, RIKEN Nishina CenterA, Tohoku UniversityB, Tottori UniversityC, Michigan State UniversityD, Korea UniversityE, Korea Basic Science InstituteF, Technische Universitat DarmstadtG, GSIH, Ruder Boskovic InstituteI, Jagiellonian UniversityJ, Polish Academy of SciencesK, INFNL, Tokyo Institute of TechnologyM, Institute for Basic ScienceN, Rikkyo UniversityO, Texas A&M UniversityP, Tsinghua UniversityQ
M. KanekoA, T. MurakamiA, T. IsobeA, M. Kurata-NishimuraA, A. OnoB, N. IkenoC, J. BarneyD, G. CerizzaD, J. EsteeD, G. JhangD, J.W. LeeE, W.G. LynchD, C. SantamariaD, C.Y. TsangD, M.B. TsangD, R. WangD, D.S. AhnA,G, L. AtarG,H, T. AumannG,H, H. BabaA, K. BoretzkyH, J. BrzychczykJ, N. ChigaA, N. FukudaA, I. Gašparic ́I, B. HongE, A. HorvatG,H, T. IchiharaA, K. IekiO, N. InabeA, Y.J. KimN, T. KobayashiB, Y. KondoM, P. LaskoK, H.S. LeeN, Y. LeifelsH, J. ŁukasikK, J. ManfrediD, A.B. McIntoshP, P. MorfouaceD, T. NakamuraM, N. NakatsukaM, S. NishimuraA, R. OlsenP, H. OtsuA, P. PawłowskiK, K. PelczarL, D. RossiH, H. SakuraiA, H. SatoA, H. ScheitG, R. ShaneD, Y. ShimizuA, H. SimonH, T. SumikamaA, D. SuzukiA, H. SuzukiA, H. TakedaA, S. TangwancharoenD, Y. ToganoO, H. TörnqvistG,H, Z. XiaoQ, S.J. YennelloP, J. YurkonD, Y. ZhangP
Uncertainty quantification for peak energy of giant dipole resonance using Skyrme interaction
ZC, Tokyo Tech
Tsunenori Inakura

15th A125 Room 15pA125 13:30〜15:15

Experimental Nuclear Physics,Theoretical Particle Physics,Experimental Particle Physics,Theoretical Nuclear Physics,Cosmic Rays/Astrophysics Joint
Dark Matter Search (Joint Session)(II)

Development of ultra-low radioactivity type 5A zeolite for removing radon
CST-Nihon-U, U-TokyoA, ICRRB, Kobe-UC, Osaka-UD
Hiroshi Ogawa, Kenta IyogiA, Minoru MatsukuraA, Toru WakiharaA, Ko AbeB, Kentaro MiuchiC, Saori UmeharaD
XENONnT and its Neutron Veto Technology
Kavli IPMU,The University of Tokyo
Kai Martens
XENONnT: measurement of environmental tritium for further understanding of low energy ER background
ISEE, Nagoya University
Masatoshi KobayashiA,Ko AbeB,Yoshitaka ItowA,C, Shingo KazamaA,C,Nobuyuki KatoB,Yasuo TakeuchiD,Atsushi TakedaB,E,Tuan Khai BuiE,Takeshi MaedaD,Kai MartensE,Kentaro MiuchiD,Keita MizukoshiD,Shigetaka MoriyamaB,E,Masaki YamashitaB,E,Hideki KakiuchiF for XENON Collaboration
Neutron beam test results for observation of Migdal effect using xenon gas detector
Tohoku University, Kobe UniversityA, Kyoto UniversityB
Kiseki Nakamura, Kei KanezakiA, Takeki Uchiyama, Kentaro MiuchiA, Satoshi HigashinoA, Keita MizukoshiA, Tomonori IkedaB
Neutron beam test results for observation of Migdal effect using argon gas TPC
Kobe University, Tohoku UniversityA, Kyoto UniversityB
Kei Kanezaki, Kiseki NakamuraA, Takeki UchiyamaA, Kentaro Miuchi, Satoshi Higashino, Keita Mizukoshi, Tomonori IkedaB
Development of hermetic LXe TPC for the DARWIN experiment
Nagoya University, KMI
Shingo Kazama
Development of new electrodes with low quantum efficiency for the DARWIN experiment
Nagoya University, ISEE
Naoki Aoyama

15th A132 Room 15pA132 13:30〜17:30

Theoretical Nuclear Physics,Experimental Nuclear Physics Joint
High-energy heavy-ion collision

Renormalization of the equation of state by hydrodynamic fluctuations in hydrodynamic models of heavy-ion collisions
YITP, Kyoto U.
Koichi Murase
Causal hydrodynamic fluctuations in (1+1) dimensional expanding system
Sophia Univ.
S.Fujii, T.Hirano
Effects of hydrodynamic fluctuations in ultra-central heavy-ion collisions
Sophia Univ., Kyoto Univ.A
Kenshi Kuroki, Azumi Sakai, Koichi MuraseA, Tetsufumi Hirano
Systematic study of energy loss in QGP in Au + Au collisions and Cu + Au collisions at √sNN = 200 GeV at RHIC-PHENIX
Nara Women's Univ.
Mika Shibata for the PHENIX collaboration
Global polarization of Lambda hyperons in Beam Energy Scan II at RHIC-STAR
University of Tsukuba, Degree Programs in Pure and Applied Sciences Graduate School of Science and Technology
Kosuke Okubo (for the STAR Collaboration)
Dilepton production from soft modes of QCD critical point
Dept. of Phys. Osaka Univ., YITP, Kyoto Univ.A
T. Nishimura, M. Kitazawa, T. KunihiroA
Time evolution of quarkonium in the quark-gluon plasma using color dipole limit
Department of Physics, Osaka University
Yukana Kaida, Yukinao Akamatsu, Masayuki Asakawa
Ideal quark-gluon plasmas are in quark-gluon clusters.
Physics Department, Saitama Medical University
Keiichi Akama

Break (15:30〜15:45)

Analysis on High-Energy Heavy-Ion Collisions based on Relativistic Resistive Magneto-Hydrodynamics
Nagoya Univ.A,Hiroshima Univ.B,Komazawa Univ.C,Kobayashi-Maskawa InstituteD
Kouki Nakamura, Hiroyuki Takahashi, Takahiro Miyoshi, Chiho Nonaka
Analysis of fixed point in 3-dimensional O(N) scalar model using gradient flow
Osaka University
Mizuki Tanaka, Masakiyo Kitazawa
System size dependence of long-range two-particle correlations with LHC-ALICE
Center for Nuclear Study, the University of Tokyo
Yuko Sekiguchi for the ALICE Collaboration
Measuremens of neutral mesons inside jets in pp collisions at √s = 13 TeV with ALICE at the LHC
University of Tsukuba
Phase space distribution of core and corona components in high-energy nuclear collisions
Sophia University, Akita International UniversityA
Yuuka Kanakubo, Yasuki TachibanaA, Tetsufumi Hirano
On the evaluation of entropies in field theory based on test-particle methods
Gunma Coll.,Kyoto Univ.A,YITPB
Toru T. Takahashi,Hidefumi MatsudaA,Akira OhnishiB,Teiji KunihiroB
Quantum collection to energy-momentum tensor distribution around a soliton in 1+1d real scalar φ4 model
Dept. of Phys. Osaka Univ.
Hiroaki Ito, Masakiyo Kitazawa

16th A122 Room 16aA122 9:00〜12:35

Theoretical Nuclear Physics,Experimental Nuclear Physics
Lecture of the Young Scientist Award of the Physical Society of Japan

(Lecture of the Young Scientist Award of JPS) Award ceremony
Hokkaido Univ.
Masaaki Kimura
(Lecture of the Young Scientist Award of JPS) Development of first-principles shell-model calculations via proper treatment of three-body force
RIKEN Nishina Center
Tokuro Fukui
(Lecture of the Young Scientist Award of JPS) Determining the equation of state of neutron star matter using deep learning
Dept. of Phys. Univ. of Tokyo
Yuki Fujimoto
(Lecture of the Young Scientist Award of JPS) Causal hydrodynamic fluctuations in non-static and inhomogeneous backgrounds
YITP, Kyoto Univ.
Koichi Murase

Break (10:40〜10:55)

(Lecture of the Young Scientist Award of JPS) Award ceremony
Masahiko Iwasaki
(Lecture of the Young Scientist Award of JPS) Formation of α clusters in dilute neutron-rich matter
RIKEN Nishina Center
Junki Tanaka
(Lecture of the Young Scientist Award of JPS) Observation of Coulomb-assisted nuclear bound state of system
Tohoku Univ.
Shuhei Hayakawa
(Lecture of the Young Scientist Award of JPS) Observation of the KbarNN and future prospects to determine its fundamental properties
Takumi Yamaga

16th A533 Room 16aA533 9:00〜12:30

Theoretical Particle Physics,Theoretical Nuclear Physics
Lattice QCD, perturbative calculation, algorithm

Spectral sum of correlators from lattice QCD and its application
Tsutomu IshikawaA,B,C,Shoji HashimotoA,B,Takashi KanekoA,B
Determination of |Vcb| from B → D*ℓν decays
KEKA, SOKENDAIB, RIKEN RCCSC, York UniversityD, Osaka UniversityE, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität MainzF
Takashi KanekoA,B, Yasumichi AokiC, Brian ColquhounD, Hidenori FukayaE, Shoji HashimotoA,B, Jonna KoponenF (JLQCD Collaboration)
Kaon semileptonic form factor from the PACS10 configuration
Univ. of TsukubaA, Univ. of Tsukuba CCSB, Hiroshima Univ.C, R-CCSD, Kyoto Univ.E
Takeshi YamazakiA,B, Ken-ichi IshikawaC, Naruhito IshizukaB, Yoshinobu KuramashiC, Yoshifumi NakamuraD, Yusuke NamekawaE, Yusuke TaniguchiB, Naoya UkitaB, Tomoteru YoshieB for PACS Collaboration
Computing structures of nucleon in lattice QCD at physical point
Tohoku U.A, RIKEN R-CCSB, Hiroshima U.C, U-Tsukuba CCSD, U-TsukubaE
Ryutaro TsujiA,B, Yasumichi AokiB, Ken-Ichi IshikawaC, Yoshinobu KuramashiD, Shoichi SasakiA, Eigo ShintaniD, Takeshi YamazakiE
Isovector nucleon form factors from 2+1-flavor dynamical domain-wall lattice QCD
Shigemi Ohta
Proton decay matrix elements on the lattice at physical pion mass
Jun-Sik YooA,Yasumichi AokiB,Peter BoyleC,D,Taku IzubuchiC,E,Amarjit SoniC,Sergey SyritsynE,F

Break (10:30〜10:45)

Analysis of meson–baryon scatterings including baryon resonances in the HAL QCD method
YITP, Kyoto Univ.
Kotaro Murakami, Sinya Aoki for HAL QCD Collaboration
Lattice study of trace anomaly contribution to glueball mass
Dept. of Phys., Tohoku Univ.
Keita Sakai, Shoichi Sasaki
Study on the perturbation expansion of a matrix exponential for the numerical stochastic perturbation theory
Hiroshima Univ.A, Universidad Autonoma de MadridB
Ken-Ichi IshikawaA, Antonio Gonzalez-ArroyoB, Yingbo JiA, Masanori OkawaA
Numerical stochastic perturbation theory applied to twisted reduced principal chiral model
Hiroshima Univ.A,Universidad Autonoma de MadridB
Yingbo JiA, Ken-Ichi IshikawaA, Masanori OkawaA, Antonio Gonzalez-ArroyoB
Fully numerical method of Feynman integral: Higher-order electroweak corrections by DCM III
KEK,Western Michigan Univ.A, Kogakuin Univ.B, Hitotsubashi Univ.C, Univ. of AizuD
Fukuko Yuasa, Elise de DonckerA, Tadashi Ishikawa, Kiyoshi KatoB, Hiroshi DaisakaC, Naohito NakasatoD
General purpose lattice QCD code set Bridge++ 2.0
YITP, KEKA, RIKEN R-CCSB, Tomonaga Center, Univ. of TsukubaC, Grad.Sch.Sci, Kyouto Univ.D, CCS, Univ. of TsukubaE
Yutaro Akahosi, Sinya Aoki, Tatsumi AoyamaA, Issaku Kanamori, Kazuyuki KanayaC, Hideo MatsufuruA, Yusuke NamekawaD, Hidekatsu Nemura, Yusuke TaniguchiE (Bridge++ project)
Configuration generation in lattice field theory using machine learning
IPUT Osaka, JAEAA, AtelierArithB
Akio Tomiya, Yuki NagaiA, Satoshi TerasakiB

16th A122 Room 16pA122 13:30〜17:00

Experimental Nuclear Physics,Theoretical Nuclear Physics Joint
Unstable Nuclei (II)

Dineutron in the resonant state of 6He
Kyushu University
Shoya Ogawa, Takuma Matsumoto
Dineutron correlation in Borromean nucleus 22C
Univ. of Aizu
Masayuki Yamagami
4α linear-chain state produced by 9Be+9Be collision
KIT, Kagawa KOSEN CollegeA, Hokkaido Univ.B
T. Baba, Y. TaniguchiA, M. KimuraB
Study of 31Al investigated by spin-polarized 31Mg
Kyushu Univ., Osaka Univ.A, Gakushuin Univ.B, Tokyo Univ. of Agriculture and TechnologyC, TRIUMFD
H. Nishibata, A. OdaharaA, T. ShimodaA, D. MaejimaA, Y. Hamano, Y. OkamiA, Y. OtaniA, S. KanayaA, S. IimuraA, N. SekiguchiB, K. AsakawaC, C.D.P. LevyD, M.R. PearsonD, J. LassenD, R. LiD
Study of deformed halo and resonances in 31Ne
Hokkaido Univ.A, RIKENB
Takatsu Ryuen, Masaaki KimuraA,B, Wataru Horiuchi
Study of bound and neutron-unbound states in neutron-rich nucleus 33Al by β decay of 33Mg
Dept. of Phys., Osaka Univ., Dept. of Phys., Kyushu Univ.A, Gakushuin Univ.B, Tokyo Univ. of Agriculture and TechnologyC, TRIUMF, CanadaD
Y. Okami, A. Odahara, H. NishibataA, T. Shimoda, Y. Otani, S. Iimura, Nurhafiza M. Nor., D. Maejima, S. Kanaya, Y. HamanoA, N. SekiguchiB, K. AsakawaC, C.D.P. LevyD, M.R. PearsonD, J. LassenD, R. LiD
Core excitation effects on deformed halo nuclei in Coulomb breakup reactions
NIT, Gifu Col.A, RIKENB, RCNPC, Osaka City Univ. & NITEPD, Kyushu Univ.E
Shin WatanabeA,B, Kazuyuki OgataC,D, Takuma MatsumotoE

Break (15:15〜15:30)

Correlation between shape coexistence and monopole transition strength in N ≈ 28 neutron-rich nuclei
Hokkaido Univ.
Yoshiki Suzuki, Masaaki Kimura
Anomalous quadrupole collectivity of Mg isotopes near the neutron drip line
Kyoto U.
Kenichi Yoshida
Collectivity in Ti isotopes towards N=40
RCNP, Osaka Univ.A, Dep. of Phys., Univ. of TokyoB, CSICC, RIKEN Nishina CenterD, LBNLE, KU LeuvenF, Univ. of CologneG, Korea Univ.H, Univ. of SurreyJ, Univ. of YorkK
A. KohdaA, Y. YamamotoA, N. AoiA, S. IwazakiA, T. KoiwaiB,D, K. WimmerC,D, H. BabaD, F. BrowneD, C. CampbellE, H. CrawfordE, H. de WitteF, P. DoornenbalD, C. FransenG, H. HessG, E. IdeguchiA, J. KimH, T. KoikeI, B. MaussD, R. MizunoB, B. MoonD, M. NiikuraB, T. ParryJ, T. T. PhamA, P. ReiterG, D. SuzukiD, R. TaniuchiK, S. ThielG
Large enhancement of total reaction cross sections in the island of inversion near N=40
Hokkaido Univ., TITechA, Univ. of TokyoB
Wataru Horiuchi,Tsunenori InakuraA,Shin'ichiro MichimasaB
Orbital deflection of fragment 39Cl produced from 40Ar
Kochi Univ. of Tech., Niigata Univ.A, QSTB
S. Momota, H. Okumura, T. OhtsuboA, M. TakechiA, M. TomitaA, K. MosumiA, K. YamamotoA, A. KitagawaB, S. SatoB
Systematic measurement of nucleon removal cross sections in the vicinity of doubly magic 78Ni
Tokyo City Univ., RIKENA, Univ. of YorkB, RCNPC, Univ. of California – BerkeleyD, KU LeuvenE, Univ. of CologneF, Korea Univ.G, The Univ. of TokyoH, Univ. of SurreyI, and CSICJ
H. Takahashi, D. Nishimura, D. SuzukiA, R.TaniuchiB, N. AoiC, H. BabaA, F. BrowneA, C. CampbellD, H. CrawfordD, H. De WitteE, P. DoornenbalA, C. FransenF, H. HessF, E. IdeguchiC, S.IwazakiC, J. KimG, A. KohdaC, T. KoiwaiH,A, B. MaussA, B. MoonA, T. ParryI, P. ReiterF, H. SakuraiA,H, S. Sugawara, S. ThielF, K. WimmerJ,A, Y. YamamotoC, for the RIBF181 colloaboration

16th A132 Room 16pA132 13:30〜17:15

Theoretical Nuclear Physics
Exotic hadrons / Excited baryons

Study of the Tbb tetraquark state using the coupled-channel HALQCD method
Takafumi Aoki, Shinya Aoki for HAL QCD Collaboration
Structures of TQQ tetraquarks from a diquark model 2
Kyushu Univ., JAEAA, RIKENB
Yonghee Kim, Makoto OkaA,B, Kei SuzukiA
Bottom counterpart of X(3872) by heavy hadron effective field theory
Showa Pharmaceutical University
Makoto Takizawa
Y(4260) by a multi-channel qqbar-ccbar quark model with one-pion-exchange potential
Japan College of Social Work
Sachiko Takeuchi
Novel coupled channel framework connecting quark model and lattice QCD: an investigation on near-threshold Ds states.
Univ. of Electronic Sci. and Tech. of China, Japan Atomic Energy AgencyA, Univ. of Chinese Academy of Sci.B, Peking Univ.C
Zhi Yang, Guang-Juan WangA, Jia-Jun WuB, Makoto OkaA, Shi-Lin ZhuC
πJ/ψ-D\bar{D}\ast interaction by meson and quark exchanges
ASRC JAEA, NEC CorporationA, RCNP Osaka Univ.B
Y. Yamaguchi, Y. AbeA, A. HosakaB
Quark confinement potential in tetra-quark systems
ASRC, JAEA, Tokyo TechA
Makoto Oka, Daisuke Jido

Break (15:15〜15:30)

mass of light scalar mesons in the Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model
Tokyo Tech, Nagoya Univ.A
Saionji Takahiro, Jido Daisuke, Harada MasayasuA
dilatation mode of a baryon in holographic QCD
Kyoto U.
Keiichiro Hori, Hideo Suganuma
The study of N(1535) → Nπ decay by using holographic QCD
Akihiro Iwanaka,Atsushi Hosaka,Noriyoshi Ishii,Daisuke Fujii
The electromagnetic transition amplitude for the Roper resonance from the holographic QCD
D. FujiiA, A. IwanakaA, A.HosakaA,B
Decays of Roper-like charmed baryons from chiral effective model
Daiki SuenagaA, Atsushi HosakaA,B
Nature of excited Xibaryons as resonances
Takuma Nishibuchi, Tetsuo Hyodo
Weak decay of heavy hadrons based on the dynamical supersymmetry of the !LaTeX$¥bar s$ quark and the !LaTeX$ud$ diquark
Tokyo Tech, Tokyo Metropolitan Univ.A, Uppsala Univ.B
Harunobu Akiyama, Taiju AmanoA, Daisuke Jido, Stefan LeupoldB

16th A533 Room 16pA533 13:30〜15:45

Theoretical Particle Physics,Theoretical Nuclear Physics
Finite temperature QCD, thermodynamics

Higher order terms ans convergence of hopping-parameter expansion
Osaka Univ., Niigata Univ.A, Univ. TsukubaB
M. Kitazawa, S. EjiriA, K. KanayaB
Convergence of hopping parameter expansions for determining critical points in the heavy quark region
Niigata Univ., Univ. TsukubaA, Osaka Univ.B
S. Ejiri, K. KanayaA, M. KitazawaB, N. Wakabayashi
Thermodynamics near the physical point using Möbius domain wall fermions
Sinya Aoki, Yasumichi AokiA, Hidenori FukayaB, Shoji HashimotoC,D, Issaku KanamoriA, Takeshi KanekoC,D, Yoshifumi NakamuraA, Yu ZhangA
Chiral phase structure of three flavor QCD using Mobius Domain Wall Fermion
Yu Zhang,Yasumichi Aoki,Shoji HashimotoA,B,Issaku Kanamori,Takeshi KanekoA,B,Yoshifumi Nakamura

Break (14:30〜14:45)

Investigating U(1) anomaly of high temperature 2+1-flavor QCD with overlap fermions
Sinya Aoki, Yasumichi AokiA, Hidenori FukayaB, Shoji HashimotoC,D, Issaku KanamoriA, Takeshi KanekoC, Yoshifumi NakamuraA, Christian RohrhoferB, Kei SuzukiE (JLQCD Collaboration)
Thermodynamical quantities in Nf=2+1 flavor QCD by the SFtX method
Niigata Univ., Univ. of TsukubaA, Osaka Univ.B, Kyushu Univ.C, Hiroshima Univ.D
Shinji Ejiri, Kazuyuki KanayaA, Masakiyo KitazawaB, Yusuke TaniguchiA, Hiroshi SuzukiC, Takashi UmedaD
Equation of state in low-temperature and high-density regimes of two-color QCD
RIKEN Nishina CenterA, RIKEN-iTHEMSB, RECNS Keio U.C, RCNP Osaka U.D, Kochi U.E
Etsuko ItouA,B,C,D, Kei IidaE
Gradient flow and magnetic monopole in finite temperature phase transition of lattice gauge theory
Niigata Univ.
Yuya Horikoshi, Shinji Ejiri

17th A122 Room 17aA122 9:00〜12:15

Experimental Nuclear Physics,Theoretical Nuclear Physics Joint
Hypernuclei and Strangeness(Joint Session)

Particle identification in nuclear emulsion plates using X-ray microscope at SPring-8
Faculty of Education, Gifu University, Graduate School of Engineering, Gifu UniversityA, RIKENB, Department of Physics, Tohoku UniversityC
Naoki Nishimura, Ayumi KasagiA,B, Ibuki Kubo, Risa Kobayashi, Akiyoshi Shimamura, Kazuma Nakazawa, Junya YoshidaB,C, Phyo Myat LinB, Aung Nay Lin Nyaw
Analysis of double hypernucleus events in emulsion using SPring-8 X-ray microscopy
Faculty of Education, Gifu University, Graduate School of Engineering, Gifu UniversityA, RIKENB, Department of Physics, Tohoku UniversityC
Koji Hayashi, Ayumi KasagiA,B, Ibuki Kubo, Risa Kobayashi, Akiyoshi Shimamura, Kazuma Nakazawa, Naoki Nishimura, Junya YoshidaB,C, Aung Nay Lin NyawA, Phyo Myat LinA
The Xi atomic X-ray measurement using a nuclear emulsion
JAEAA, RIKENB, Department of Physics, Tohoku UniversityC, Graduate School of Engineering, Gifu UniversityD, Faculty of Education, Gifu UniversityE, KEKF
M. FujitaA, H. EkawaD, S. HayakawaB, K. HosomiA, A. KasagiF, T. KoikeB, K. NakazawaE,F, N. NishimuraE, H. TamuraA,B, K. TanidaA, M. UkaiC, T. O. YamamotoA, J. YoshidaB, M. YoshimotoE, J-PARC E07 Collaboration
Preparation status of missing mass spectroscopy experiment of Ξ hypernuclei with S-2S magnetic spectrometer
Kyoto Univ.A, Tohoku Univ.B, Tokyo Tech.C, KEKD, JAEAE
K.EbataA, H.FujiokaC, T.GogamiA, T.HaradaA, S.HayakawaB, Y.IchikawaE, K.KamadaB, K.MiwaB, T.NagaeA, T.NanamuraA, R.NegishiC, F.OuraB, T.SakaoB, T.TakahashiD, H.TakahashiD, H.TamuraB, M.UkaiD, T.O.YamamotoE, for the J-PARC E70 Collaboration.
Preparation status of double strange nuclear spectroscopy experiments using 7Li targets
Dept. of Phys., Tokyo TechA,RCNP, Osaka Univ.B,IPNSC,Dpet. of Phys., Kyoto Univ.D,CNS, Univ. of TokyoE,ELPH, Tohoku Univ.F,Dept. of Phys., Tohoku Univ.G,RIKEN Nishina CenterH,Osaka Electro-Communication Univ.I,YITP, Kyoto Univ.J,ASRC, JAEAK
R. NegishiA,S. AjimuraB,M. UkaiC,M. UchidaA,K. EbataD,T. GogamiD,A. SakaueE,T. SakaoG,T. TakahashiC,Y. TakiA,T. TanakaA,A. O. TokiyasuF,T. NagaeD,S. NagaoG,T. HaradaD,E. HiyamaG,H,T. FukudaH,I,H. FujiokaA,T. MotobaI,J,Y. MorinoC,T. O. YamamotoK,M. YosoiB

Break (10:30〜10:45)

Search for the K-ppn bound state in the in-flight K- reaction on helium-4
Tadashi Hashimoto for the J-PARC E73 collaboration
Production cross-sections and γ transition amplitudes of 11ΛB and 11ΛBe calculated with extended shell-model wave functions
Nippon Inst. of Tech.,RCNP, Osaka Univ.A,Osaka E-C Univ.B,Miyazaki Univ.C,Gifu Univ.D
Atsushi Umeya,Toshio MotobaA,B,Kazunori ItonagaC,D
Structures of neutron-rich Lambda hypernuclei in He isotopes
Osaka Inst. of Tech., Tohoku Univ.A
Takayuki Myo, Emiko HiyamaA
Mean-field model calculations for the density of Lambda-hyper nuclei with Skyrme-type effective interaction
Saitama Univ., Nippon Inst. of Tech.A
Shun Ito, Shuichiro Ebata, Naotaka Yoshinaga, Atsushi UmeyaA
Simple model for Lambda hypernuclei in medium and heavy mass region
Saitama Univ.,Nippon Inst. of Tech.A
Yoshinaga Naotaka, Umeya AtsushiA, Nojima Tasuku,Ebata Shuichiro,Shun Ito
In-medium T matrix including local momentum transfers in the optimal Fermi-averaging
Osaka Electro-Communication Univ., Hokkaido Univ.A
Toru Harada, Yoshiharu HirabayashiA

17th A125 Room 17aA125 9:00〜12:30

Experimental Nuclear Physics,Theoretical Particle Physics,Experimental Particle Physics,Theoretical Nuclear Physics,Cosmic Rays/Astrophysics Joint
Double Beta Decay (Joint Session)

AXEL: Result of the 180L large-sized prototype detector
Kyoto Univ.A, Tohoku Univ.B, Tohoku Univ. FRISC, UTokyoD
Kazuhiro NAKAMURAA, Atsuko K. ICHIKAWAB, Tsuyoshi NAKAYAA, Kiseki NAKAMURAB, Shuhei OBARAC, Sei BAND, Masashi YOSHIDAA, Bungo SUGASHIMAA, Yukimasa KASHINOA, and the AXEL collaboration
AXEL: Efforts to develop a large gas Xe TPC
Kyoto Univ.A, Tohoku Univ.B, Tohoku Univ. FRISC, KEKD, UTokyoE
Bungo SUGASHIMAA, Atsuko K. ICHIKAWAB, Tsuyoshi NAKAYAA, Kiseki NAKAMURAB, Shuhei OBARAC, Yoshihisa IWASHITAA,Ken SAKASHITAD, Sei BAND, Kazuhiro NAKAMURAA, Masashi YOSHIDAA, Yukimasa KASHINOA, and the AXEL collaboration
KamLAND-Zen: Summary of Background Estimation
RCNS, Tohoku Univ.
KAMEI Yuto, for KamLAND-Zen Collaboration
KamLAND-Zen: Particle Identification Technique with Machine Learning
RCNS, Tohoku Univ.
Haruhiko Miyake, for KamLAND-Zen Collaboration
KamLAND-Zen: New result from the neutrino-less double beta decay search
RCNS, Tohoku Univ.
Hideyoshi Ozaki, for KamLAND-Zen Collaboration
KamLAND-Zen: Identification and track reconstruction of muon bundle
RCNS, Tohoku Univ.
Tomomi Gima, for KamLAND-Zen Collaboration
Development of liquid scintillator with wavelength shifter for KamLAND2-Zen
RCNS, Tohoku Univ.
Anna Goto, for KamLAND-Zen Collaboration

Break (10:45〜11:00)

A search for double beta decay of Gd-160 by PIKACHU experiment
University of Tsukuba, Tokushima UniversityA, Tohoku University IMRB, Tohoku University NICHeC, Tokyo UniversityD, Fukui UniversityE, Kobe UniversityF
Takashi Iida, Ken-ichi FushimiA, Masao YoshinoB, Kei KamadaC, Keishi HosokawaD, Kyohei NakajimaE, Nobuo Hinohara, Keita MizukoshiF
Purification of CaF2 Crystals for Double-beta experiment III
NICHe Tohoku Univ.A,IMR Tohoku Univ.B,IMR, RCNP Osaka Univ.C, Tokushima Univ.D,I.S.C.Lab.E
Shunsuke KurosawaA,B, Saori UmeharaC, Ken-ichi FushimiD, Yumiko KishidaD, Akitoshi SakaueD, Tomomi YoshidaC, Kyoshiro ImagawaE, Kensuke YasudaE, Akihiro YamajiA,B
Improvement of pulse shape discrimination analysis for background rdduction in CANDLES
Osaka Univ., RCNP, OSaka Univ.A, Univ. of FukuiB, Tokushima Univ.C, Tsukuba Univ.D, Osaka Sangyo Univ.E, WERCF, Saga Univ.G
Yoshioka Atsushi, Miyoshi Go, Minami YutoA, Umehara SaoriA, Yoshida Sei, Anawat RittirongE, Fushimi Ken-ichiC, Harada Takaaki, Hashimoto AkihiroB, Hazama RyutaE, Hiraiwa TasukuB, Iida TakashiD, Matsuoka KenjiA, Kishida YumikoC, Kishimoto TadafumiA, Muramatsu YoshikiB, Nakajima KyoheiB, Nomachi MasaharuA, Ogawa IzumiB, Osumi HideakiG, Sakagami AkitoshiC, Sakai Toshiki, Suzuki KohtakuF, Takihira YukichiA, Tamagawa YoichiB, Tozawa MasashiB, Yamamoto Asahi, Yoshida Tomomi
Analysis for reducing backgrounds by 208Tl decays in CANDLES experiment
Osaka Univ.,Osaka Univ.RCNPA
Miyoshi Go,Yoshioka Atsushi,Minami YutoA,Umehara SaoriA,Yoshida Sei,for CANDLES collaboration
Development of low radioactive Germanium detector for trace analysis
Osaka Univ., Osaka Univ. RCNPA
Yoshida Tomomi, Harada Takuaki, Yamamoto Asahi, Umehara SaoriA, Minami YutoA, Yoshida Sei
Improvement of 48Sc Detection Efficiency for 48Ca Half-life Measurement and Evaluation of Sc Collection Efficiency by Chelate Resin
University of Osaka, RCNPA
Harada Takaaki, Yamamoto Asahi, Yoshida Sei, Umehara SaoriA

17th A132 Room 17aA132 9:00〜11:45

Theoretical Nuclear Physics
Hadron-hadron interactions, Scattering, and Resonances

Influence of discretization error on the HALQCD baryon forces Part 1
Takashi Inoue, for HAL QCD Collaboration
Development of a fast algorithm for generalized nuclear forces from lattice QCD
NEMURA Hidekatsu
NN interaction with HAL QCD+LapH method
RIKEN, KEKA, Kyoto U Yukawa InstituteB, Osaka U RCNPC
Takuya Sugiura, Tatsumi AoyamaA, Takumi Doi, Yutaro AkahoshiB, Takahiro M DoiC
Evaluation of three-body baryon correlation color-magnetic term in a quark model
National Institute of Technology, Suzuka College
Choki Nakamoto
Weinberg operator contribution to the CP-odd nuclear force in the quark model
KMI, Nagoya Univ., JAEAA
Nodoka Yamanaka, Makoto Oka
Momentum correlation functions of charmed meson systems in high-energy collisions
Yuki KamiyaA,B, Tetsuo HyodoB,C, Akira OhnishiD

Break (10:30〜10:45)

Application of the weak-binding relation with range correction
Tomona Kinugawa, Tetsuo Hyodo
Analysis of 3-channeled Hadronic Systems by the use of the Uniformized Mittag-Leffler Expansion
Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, University of TokyoA, KEKB, SOKENDAIC, RCNP, Osaka Univ.D
Wren A. YamadaA,B, Osamu MorimatsuA,B,C, Toru SatoD
Generalized optical theorem and potential transformation theory
Faculty of Science and Engineering, Sophia Univ.
Mao Kurino, Kazuo Takayanagi
Analysis of coupled-channel potentials with quark and hadron degrees of freedom
Ibuki Terashima, Tetsuo Hyodo

17th A133 Room 17aA133 9:00〜12:15

Theoretical Nuclear Physics
Shell Model and Mean Field

Shell-model study of neutron-rich pf-shell nuclei
CNS Univ. TokyoA, Utsunomiya Univ.B, RIKEN NishinaC
Noritaka ShimizuA, Sota YoshidaB, Naofumi TsunodaA, Takaharu OtsukaC
Quasi-particle vacua shell model calculations for structure of nuclei in Sm region
Univ. TokyoA, RIKENB
Yusuke TsunodaA, Noritaka ShimizuA, Takaharu OtsukaA,B
Ca- and Ti-drip lines studied with realistic shell model
RIKEN Nishina Center, INFN-NapoliA, South China Normal Univ.B, Peking Univ.C
Tokuro Fukui, Luigi CoraggioA, Giovanni De GregorioA, Angela GarganoA, Nunzio ItacoA, Yuanzhuo MaB, Furong XuC
Theoretical Predictions of Beta-Decay Half-Lives of Neutron-Rich Nuclei Within HFB+QRPA Approach
JAEA, Anhui Univ.A, Univ. TokyoB, RIKENC
F. MinatoA, Z. NiuA,C, H. LiangB,C
Left-right weak boson exchange for neutrinoless double beta decay
Kansai UniversityA, Indian Institute of Technology RoparB
Y. IwataA, S. SarkarB
Structure of Te isotopes and double beta decay nuclear matrix elements of 128Te to 128Xe
Saitama, It-ChibaA
Tatsuya Ochiai, Rika Omata, Chinatsu Watanabe, Naotaka Yosinaga, Koji HigashiyamaA

Break (10:30〜10:45)

Study of the nuclear Schiff moment of 129Xe for the neutron EDM search
Center for Nuclear Study, The Univ. of Tokyo
Kota Yanase, Noritaka Shimizu, Koji Higashiyama, Naotaka Yoshinaga
Description of transitional nuclei with quadrupole collective Hamiltonian based on FAM-QRPA
Kyushu Univ., Univ. TsukubaA
Kouhei Washiyama, Nobuo HinoharaA, Takashi NakatsukasaA
Extraction of collective path with the adiabatic SCC theory including the second-order collective operator
Fac. of Edu., Kochi Univ.
Koichi Sato
Description of collective motions based on the dynamical GCM with the Gogny force
Grad. Sch. of Sci., Kyoto Univ.
Norihiro Hizawa, Kouichi Hagino, Kenichi Yoshida
Systematics in nuclear octupole deformations and dynamical symmetry of the deformed mean field
Nagoya Inst. Tech.
K. Arita

17th A122 Room 17pA122 13:30〜15:00

Experimental Nuclear Physics,Theoretical Nuclear Physics Joint
Hypernuclei and Strangeness(Joint Session)

Lambda hypernucleus mass spectroscopy with new configuration of spectrometers at JLab
Graduate School of Science, Tohoku Univ.A, GP-PUB, Graduate School of Science, Kyoto Univ.C, Faculty of Science, Tohoku Univ.D, Tohoku Med. Pharm. Univ.E, INFNF, FIUG, Hampton Univ.H, JLabI
K. OkuyamaA,B, T. AkiyamaA,B, T. IshigeD, K. ItabashiA,B, K. UeharaA, E. UmezakiC, M. KanetaA, R. KinoA, T. GogamiC, K.N. SuzukiC, K. TachibanaA, Y. ToyamaA,B, S. NagaoA, S. NaganoA, S.N. NakamuraA, Y.R. NakamuraA, Y. FujiiE, T. FujiwaraA, M. MizunoA, F. GaribaldiF, P.E.C MarkowitzG, J. ReinholdG, L. TangH,I, G.M. UrciuoliF for the JLab Hypernuclear Collaboration
The study of Λn final state interaction in the 3H(e,e'K+)X reaction
Tohoku Univ.A, GP-PUB, Kyoto Univ.C, Tohoku Med.D, INFNE, FIUF, Hampton Univ.G, JLabH
K. ItabashiA,B, T. AkiyamaA,B, T. IshigeA, K. UeharaA, E. UmezakiC, K.OkuyamaA,B, M. KanetaA, R. KinoA, T. GogamiC, K.N. SuzukiC, K. TachibanaA, Y. ToyamaA,B, S. NagaoA, S. NaganoA, S.N. NakamuraA, Y.R. NakamuraA, Y. FujiiD, T. FujiwaraA, K. MaedaA, M. MizunoA, F. GaribaldiE, P.E.C MarkowitzF, J. ReinholdF, L. TangG,H, G.M. UrciuoliD for the JLab Hypernuclear Collaboration
The feasibility study for measurements of beta-decay rates of Λ hypernuclei (2)
Tohoku U.A, JAEAB
K. KamadaA, H. TamuraA,B, M. FujitaB
Analysis status of the Ξ--Fe atomic X-ray spectroscopy in the J-PARC E03 experiment I
Tohoku University, JAEAA, KEKB
Y. Ishikawa,H. Kanauchi,H. Tamura, K. Kamada, F. Oura, K. TanidaA,T. O. YamamotoA, M. FujitaA, M. UkaiB, J-PARC E03 collaboration
Simulation study of Λp scattering in a wide-momentum range at high-p beam line in J-PARC
Tohoku Univ.A, KEKB
T. MorinoA, K. MiwaA, R. HondaB
Study of Λ Polarization Measurement by the π-p → K0Λ Reaction in J-PARC E40
Tohoku Univ.,Osaka Univ.A,RCNPB,Kyoto Univ.C,KEKD,JAEAE,RIKENF,Korea Univ.G
T. Sakao,K. Miwa,N. Fujioka,H. Kanauchi,Y. Ishikawa,H. Tamura,K. Matsuda,T. Aramaki,S. Kajikawa,T. Kitaoka, S. Wada,T. Morino,K. Ohashi,H. Miyata,S. Hayakawa,S. Nagao,M. Ikeda,Y. Matsumoto,S. Ozawa,T. Shiozaki,H. Umetsu,T. Rogers,M. Ukai ,D,J. Yoshida ,F,Y. NakadaA,S. HoshinoA,R. NagatomiA,K. KobayashiA,K. ShirotoriB,T. NanamuraC,E,S. AshikagaC,M. IchikawaC,K. SuzukiC,T. GogamiC,T. HaradaC,R. HondaD,T. TakahashiD,S. SuzukiD,M. IeiriD,S. Ishimoto,Y. IchikawaE,K. TanidaE,T. YamamotoE,M. FujitaE,H. EkawaF,S.H. KimG,B.M. KangG,W.S. JungG,S.W. ChoiG and J-PARC E40 Collaboration

17th A123 Room 17pA123 13:30〜15:00

Experimental Nuclear Physics,Theoretical Nuclear Physics Joint
High energy QCD, Nucleon structure(Joint session)

Status of the Transversity measurements of polarized deuteron at CERN-COMPASS II
Yamagata Univ., KEKA, Chubu Univ.B, Miyazaki Univ.C, RIKEND
T. Iwata, N. Doshita, S. IshimotoA, K. Kondo, H. SuzukiB, N. HorikawaB, T. MatsudaC, G. NukazukaE, Y. Miyachi, and COMPASS Collaboration
Transverse single spin asymmetries in proton-proton collisions at PHENIX
Ralf Seidl A,and the PHENIX Collaboration
Transverse single spin asymmetry for very forward neutron production in polarized p + p collisions at √s = 510 GeV
RIKEN BNL Research Center
Minho Kim
Measurements of deep inelastic electron scattering on a transversely polarized proton target by HERMES
Nihon Univ., Yamagata Univ.A
Toshi-Aki Shibata, Yoshiyuki MiyachiA for HERMES Collaboration
Polarized Drell-Yan experiment, Fermilab-SpinQuest
Yamagata Univ.A,RIKEN RNCB,KEKC,Nihon Univ.D,LANLE,University of VirginiaF
Y. MiyachiA, Y. GotoB, S. SawadaC, T.-A. ShibataD, K. NagaiE,K. NakanoF, G. NukazukaB for the SpinQuest collaboration
Trace anomalies for each of quark part and gluon part of the energy-momentum tensor and their applications to mass formula and gravitational form factors for the pion
Juntendo University
Kazuhiro Tanaka

17th A132 Room 17pA132 13:30〜16:30

Theoretical Nuclear Physics,Experimental Nuclear Physics Joint
Mesic atoms / nuclei

Measurement of KN elastic scattering for partial restoration of chiral symmetry
ELPH(Tohoku Univ.), INFN, ItalyA, CENTRO FERMI, ItalyB, SMI, AustriaC
Y.Sada, H.Ohinishi, K. Toho, C. CurceanuA, C. GuaraldoA, A. ScordoA, F. SirghiA, M.IliescuA, K. PiscicchiaB, J. ZmeskalC, for the SIDHARTA-2 collaboration
Theoretical study on the kaon-nucleus interaction from high resolution experiment of kaonic helium atom.
Kyoto Sangyo Univ., Nara Women’s Univ.A
Junko Yamagata-Sekihara, Satoru HirenzakiA
Faddeev calculation of the !LaTeX$\bar{K} N N$ system with explicit two-nucleon absorption
Kyoto Prefectural U., Valencia U.A, Barcelona U.B
Takayasu Sekihara, Eulogio OsetA,Angels RamosB
The cross section of the γ d → d π+π- reaction and NΔ dibaryon
Y. ToyamaA,B,T. IshikawaC, M. KanetaA,H. KandaD,S. NagaoA, S.N. NakamuraA,for the NKS2 Collaboration
cross section measurement of the γd → dX reaction toward a search experiment of η'd bound state
Tokyo Tech, Tohoku Univ.A, GP-PUB
K. Fukada, H. Fujioka, T. AkiyamaA,B, K. ItabashiA,B, K. UeharaA,B, K. OkuyamaA,B, M. KanetaA, R. KinoA, K. TachibanaA, Y. ToyamaA,B, S. NagaoA, S. NaganoA, S.N. NakamuraA, Y.R. NakamuraA, T. FujiwaraA, M. MizunoA
Coherent neutral pion and eta meson photoproduction on the deuteron near the threshold (II)
ELPH, Tohoku Univ.
Takatsugu Ishikawa for the FOREST collaboration

Break (15:00〜15:15)

Sensitivity of the deeply bound pionic atoms to the pion-nucleon sigma term
Tottori Univ.,RIKENA,RCNPB,Nara Women's Univ.C
Natsumi Ikeno,Takahiro NishiA,Kenta ItahashiA,Naoko Nose-TogawaB,Akari Tani,Satoru HirenzakiC
Current status of high precision spectroscopy of pionic atoms at RIBF
Kyoto Univ.A, RIKENB, Tokyo Tech.C, GSID, CNSE, Toho Univ.F, JAEAG, Saitama Univ.H, RCNPI
Shota Y. MatsumotoA, Hidemitsu AsanoB, Hidetada BabaB, Masanori DozonoA, Hiroyuki FujiokaC, Naoki FukudaB, Nobuhisa FukunishiB, Hans GeisselD, Shutaro HanaiE, Tomoya HaradaB,F, Tadashi HashimotoG, Seiya HayakawaE, Kanato HiguchiC, Yuto HijikataA,B, Kota HorikawaC, Kenta ItahashiB, Kensuke KusakaB, Yue MaB, Riku MatsumuraH, Shin’ichiro MichimasaE, Tomofumi NagaeA, Noritsugu NakatsukaC, Takahiro NishiB, Shinsuke OtaI, Akane SakaueE, Huminori SakumaB, Masanori SasanoB, Ryohei SekiyaA,B, Yohei ShimizuB, Toshiyuki SumikamaB, Daisuke SuzukiB, Hiroshi SuzukiB, Hiroyuki TakedaB, Yoshiki K. TanakaB, Junki TanakaB, Ryotaro TsujiA, Tomohiro UesakaB, Kentaro YakoE, Yoshiyuki YanagisawaB, Koichi YoshidaB, Masahiro YoshimotoB, Juzo ZenihiroA
In-medium strange quark condensate estimated from the K+ N elastic scatterings
Tokyo Tech
Yutaro IIZAWA, Stephan Hübsch, Daisuke JIDO
Regularization dependence of NJL model at high density
National Institute of Technology, Ube College, Graduate School of Science, Hiroshima UniversityA, Information Media Center, Hiroshima UniversityB
Daiji Kimura, Yamato MatsuoA,Hiromu ShimojiA,Tomohiro InagakiB
Results of the commissioning run of the J-PARC E16 experiment
Kyoto University, JAEAA
M. Ichikawa for the J-PARC E16 collaboration

17th A133 Room 17pA133 13:30〜16:45

Theoretical Nuclear Physics
Collective Motion, Nuclear Fission

Evaluating condensation energy in terms of two-nucleon transfer strength function
Graduate School of Science and Technology, Niigata U., Faculty of Science, Niigata U.A
K. Takahashi, Y. Matsuda, M. MatsuoA
continuum random-phase approximation for direct neutron capture part III
Niigata Univ.
Teruyuki Saito, Masayuki Matsuo
Mass table calculation of pairing rotational moment of inertia
CCS, Univ. Tsukuba
Nobuo Hinohara
Novel Superfluid Dynamics in Low-Energy Heavy-Ion Reactions
Tokyo Inst. Tech., Warsaw Univ. Tech.A,Univ. WashingtonB
K. Sekizawa,P. MagierskiA,B,A. MakowskiA,M.C. BartonA,G. WlazłowskiA,B
Stability of the rod-shaped states of N=Z nuclei III
Kansai University of Welfare Sciences, Laboratory of Zero Carbon Energy - Tokyo Institute of TechnologyA
Shoujirou Mizutori, Tsunenori InakuraA
Analyses of cluster radioactivities with the maximum-coupling approximation
Kyoto Univ.
K. Uzawa, K. Hagino, K. Yoshida

Break (15:00〜15:15)

Nuclear fission study on Md using the four-dimensional Langevin model
Tokyo Tech,KINRA
Chikako Ishizuka,Jun Inagaki,Kazuya Shimada,Fedir A. IvanyukA,Satoshi Chiba
Coupling of fission event generator FIFRELIN to radiation transport code PHITS
Tatsuhiko OgawaA, Olivier Litaize, Davide Mancusi, Abdelhazize Chebboubi, Olivier Serot
Evaluation of the possibility of new element synthesis using changes in shell structure during the fusion process
Kindai Univ.
Shinya Takagi, Shota Amano, Wataru Miyasakai, Shoma Yamamoto, Yoshihiro Aritomo
Development and calculation of dynamical model considering neutron emission during fission process
Kindai Univ., JAEAA
Ryota Yamasaki, Shoya Tanaka, Shinya Takagi, Yoshihiro Aritomo, Katsuhisa NishioA
Study of fission dynamics by five-dimensional Langevin equation in actinide region
Fac. Eng. Sci, Kansai Univ.
Kazuki Okada, Takahiro Wada
Calculation of low excitation fission of 226Th in dynamical model
Kindai Univ.
Wataru Miyasakai, Yoshihiro Aritomo, Shinya Takagi

17th A561 Room 17pA561 13:30〜14:30

Experimental Particle Physics,Theoretical Particle Physics,Theoretical Nuclear Physics
New Physics at LHC

(Invited Presentation.) Imminent to restart: BSM searches at the LHC (1) -- New analysis strategies and expected physical results after the resumption
International Center for Elementary Particle Physics, The University of Tokyo (ICEPP)
Takuya Nobe
(Invited Presentation.) Towards 4/ab: BSM searches at the LHC (2) -- approach to the TeV scale with ultimate high statistics
Tokyo Institute of Technology (Tokyo Tech)
Hideyuki Oide

18th S01 Room 18pS01 14:10〜17:00

Theoretical Particle Physics,Experimental Particle Physics,Theoretical Nuclear Physics
Challenges and opportunities in large-scale lattice QCD computations and target physics

(Symposium Session.) Introduction
Yasumichi Aoki
(Symposium Session.) Physics explored by master-field simulation in lattice QCD
Univ. of Tsukuba, CCS
(Symposium Session.) Large volume simulations with domain wall fermions and g-2
University of Regensburg
Christoph Lehner
(Symposium Session.) Lattice QCD challenges for muon g-2 and EW precision science
Helmholtz-Institut Mainz (HIM)
Kohtaroh Miura

Break (15:45〜16:00)

(Symposium Session.) Decays and scatterings from lattice QCD: beyond Luscher's method
Shoji Hashimoto
(Symposium Session.) Accelerating lattice QCD by physics-inspired machine learning
IPUT Osaka
Akio Tomiya

18th S03 Room 18pS03 13:00〜16:50

Experimental Nuclear Physics,Theoretical Nuclear Physics,Cosmic Rays/Astrophysics,Beam Physics,Division 1,Division 10
Toward new frontiers : Encounter and synergy of state-of-the-art astronomical detectors and exotic quantum beams

(Symposium Session.) Toward new frontiers : Encounter and synergy of state-of-the-art astronomical detectors and exotic quantum beams
Kavli IPMU
Tadayuki Takahashi
(Symposium Session.) Development of transition-edge sensor microcalorimeters for x-ray science applications
Paul Szypryt
(Symposium Session.) Development of muon catalyzed fusion study based on precise few-body calculations
Dept. Chem., Graduate School of Science, Tohoku Univ.
Yasushi Kino
(Symposium Session.) Investigation of deep inside of nuclei and neutron stars with electron beams
Dept. Phys., Graduate School of Science, Tohoku Univ.
Satoshi N. Nakamura

Break (14:40〜14:50)

(Symposium Session.) Frontier of the cancer research and Exploration of cancer tissues using the astronomical detection technology
School of Medicine, Keio Univ.
Hideyuki Saya
(Symposium Session.) Development of the devices for RI beam thermalization and neutralization towards highly spin-polarized RI beam production
Nucl. Spec. Lab., Nishina Center, RIKEN
Aiko Takamine
(Symposium Session.) The results of initial analysis of samples returned by Hayabusa2
Div. Earth Sci., Graduate School of Science, Tohoku Univ.
Tomoki Nakamura
(Symposium Session.) Non-destructive elemental analysis of cultural properties by muonic X-ray measurement
Tsutomu Saito
(Symposium Session.) Summary and Conclusion
Toshiyuki Azuma

18th S04 Room 18pS04 13:30〜17:05

Experimental Nuclear Physics,Theoretical Nuclear Physics,Cosmic Rays/Astrophysics,Division 6,Division 8
High-density nuclear matter explored through space observation, accelerator experiment and theory

(Symposium Session.) QCD phase diagram and related topics
Univ. Tokyo, Dept. Phys.
Kenji Fukushima
(Symposium Session.) Equation of state of Neutron Star approaching from space observation
Teruaki Enoto
(Symposium Session.) Status of neutron star equation of state based on experiments and observations and theoretical investigation
Chiba Inst. Tech. /JAEA
Nobutoshi Yasutake
(Symposium Session.) Perspective from condensed matter physics: The world of high-density nuclear material explored from the BCS-BEC crossover phenomenon
Keio Univ., Dept. Phys.
Yoji Ohashi

Break (15:10〜15:25)

(Symposium Session.) Experimental study of neutron star equation of state using neutron-rich nuclei
Tadaaki Isobe
(Symposium Session.) QCD phase diagram search by RHIC beam energy scan experiments
Univ. Tsukuba, Dept. Phys.
Toshihiro Nonaka
(Symposium Session.) Equation of State of High Density Nuclear Material from transport model
Akita Int. Univ., Liberal Arts
Yasushi Nara
(Symposium Session.) Prospects for high-density quark matter exploration
Univ. Tokyo, CNS
Taku Gunji

19 S03 Room 19aS03 9:00〜12:25

Theoretical Nuclear Physics,Experimental Nuclear Physics
Symposium on Korea-Japan collaboration on hadron spectroscopy with strangeness and charm

(Symposium Session.) Introduction
Kiyoshi Tanida
(Symposium Session.) H-Dibaryon Search with Hyperon Spectrometer at J-PARC
Korea Univ.
Shin Hyung Kim
(Symposium Session.) Lattice QCD studies on the S = -2 baryon-baryon interactions
CiDER Osaka U
Kenji Sasaki
(Symposium Session.) Recent results on heavy hadrons at Belle and Belle II
Showa Pharm. Univ.
Makoto Takizawa

Break (10:40〜10:55)

(Symposium Session.) Static properties of heavy and excited baryons
Hoseo Univ.
Ghil-Seok Yang
(Symposium Session.) Hadron spectroscopy experiments at J-PARC
Kotaro Shirotori
(Symposium Session.) K- p -> K Ξ reaction and Λ* and Σ* resonances
Soongsil Univ.
Sangho Kim
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