Magnetic Confinement Fusion
(Atomic Process, Spectroscopy, Diagnostics)
- 7
- Effect of Impurity Gas Puff on effective ion charge in LHD
- Yasuko KawamotoA, Shigeru MoritaA, Motoshi GotoA,B, Tetsutarou OishiA,B, Tomoko KawateA
- 8
- Ion temperature measurement of highly ionized tungsten ions with X-ray crystal spectroscopy in LHD
- Tetsutarou OishiA,B, Shigeru MoritaA,B, Daiji KatoA,C, Izumi MurakamiA,B, Hiroyuki A. SakaueA, Yasuko KawamotoA, Tomoko KawateA,B,D, Motoshi GotoA,B
- 9
- Particle transport control using large-angle scattering in divertor plasma
- Kyushu Univ.
- Umezaki Daisuke, Matsuura Hideaki
- 10
- Consideration on a new reconstruction method of divertor heat flux profile
- Osaka pref. Univ.
- H.Matsuura, Bui Xuan Nhat Son
- 11
- Spectral analysis of pellet ablation clouds with a non-LTE model
- M. Goto, R. Sakamoto, G. Motojima, A. MatsuyamaA
- 12
- Measurement of Near-Infrared Spectra of Pellet Ablation Cloud in Heliotron J
- Grad. Sch. Ene., Kyoto Univ., IAE, Kyoto Univ.A, NIFSB, Grad. Sch. Eng., Kyoto Univ.C
- Akihiro Iwata, Shinichiro KadoA, Gen MotojimaB, Atsuki Mori, Hiroyuki OkadaA, Takashi MinamiA, Shinsuke OhshimaA, Shinji KobayashiA, Akihiro Ishizawa, Yuji Nakamura, Shigeru KonoshimaA, Tohru MizuuchiA, Kazunobu NagasakiA, Chao Feng, Takuto Suzuki, Taiichi ShikamaC, Tomoki ChataniC
Magnetic Confinement Fusion
(Transport and Confinement, Numerical Analysis and Simulation, Instability)
- 7
- Estimation and evaluation of zonal flow damping by turbulence
- Department of Physics, Nagoya University
- M. Misawa, S. Maeyama, T.-H. Watanabe
- 8
- Semi-Lagrangian scheme with the moment extract method for solving the drift kinetic equation
- Nagoya Univ.
- T.-H. Watanabe, S. Maeyama
- 9
- Improvement of nonlinear MHD code by implementing complete set of basis functions
- Takashi Shiroto, Akinobu Matsuyama, Nobuyuki Aiba
- 10
- Mode decomposition of 3-D structures in tokamak MHD dynamics
- IGSES, Kyushu Univ., RIAM, Kyushu Univ.A, NIFSB, CIT, Nihon Univ.C
- Y. Kuroda, ○N. KasuyaA, M. SatoB, M. SasakiC
- 11
- Parity transition of internal mode structure of low-order MHD instability in helical plasmas
- NIFSA, SOKENDAIB, Nagoya Univ.C, Univ. TokyoD
Basic Plasma Physics
(Atomic process, spectroscopy, plasma diagnostics, Plasma sources, ion sources, New trends in plasma physics)
- 7
- Measurement of ion temperature of magnetic field direction using gridded energy analyzer in DT-ALPHA device
- Tohoku Univ., QST RokkashoA
- Nishimura Ryota, Sakata Yuki, Takahashi Hiroyuki, Seino Tomohiro, Kusabiraki Kaoru, Muhammad Naufal Winarto, Yoshimura Keigo, Boonyarittipong Peerapat, Matsuyama AkinobuA, Tobita Kenji
- 8
- Optimization of discharge condition for enhancing hydrogen molecular activated recombination in radio-frequency plasma source DT-ALPHA
- Tohoku Univ., QST RokkashoA
- K. Yoshimura,H. Takahashi,T. Seino,K. Kusabiraki,Y. Sakata,M. N. Winarto,R. Nishimura,P. Boonyarittipong,A. MatsuyamaA,K. Tobita
- 9
- Effect of RF field on negative ion beam focusing and its controllability
- NIFSA, Nagoya Univ.B, SOKENDAIC, Nihon Univ.D, Nagaoka Umiv. Tech.E, Naruto Univ. Edu.F, Tohoku Univ.G
- K. NagaokaA,B, T. HamajimaB, K. TsumoriA,C, H. NakanoA,B, K. IkedaA, M. OsakabeA,C, Y. TakeiriA, Y. HabaD, T. SasakiE, K. MiyamotoF, K. TakahashiG, S. YoshimuraA,B
- 10
- Initial result of kW-class RF negative hydrogen ion source with C12A7 electride
- NIFSA,Nagoya Univ.B,Tohoku Univ.C,SOKENDAID,Doshiha Univ.E,F
- H. NakanoA,B,S. ShimizuC,K. SaitoA,D,M. SasaoE,K. BitoF,M. WadaF,A. AndoC
- 11
- Radial manipulation of positron orbit trapped in a dipole magnetic field configuration
- GSFS U.Tokyo, IPPA,TUMB,Lawrence U.C
- H. Saitoh, J. Horn-StanjaA, M. SingerB, S. NisslB, E.V. StensonA, M. StonekingC, T. Sunn PedersenA, C. HugenschmidtB
- 12
- The effects of chaotic orbit of low energy charged particles in dipole field configuration
- GSFS Univ. of Tokyo
- Itsuki Tanioka, Haruhiko Saitoh
Plasma Sciences
(high-energy-density physics, plasma applications, discharge physics)
- 6
- Research on temperature wavelength tuning of Bragg diffraction hard x ray laser with temperature
- H. Yoneda, Y. Michine, A. Fuchi, K Yoshida, K. Takeuchi, Y. Inubushi, M. Yabashi
- 7
- Development of compression ozone grating for high power lasers
- Y. Michine, H. Yoneda
- 8
- Laser Intensity Dependence of Water-Window X-ray Emitted from Laser-Produced Plasmas
- Hiroshima Univ., Purdue Univ.A
- 9
- Electron-positron pair production by linear Breit-Wheeler process in relativistic laser-plasma interaction
- Grad. Sch. Sci. Osaka Univ., ILE Osaka Univ.A, IACS Osaka Univ.B
- Kaoru Sugimoto, Natsumi IwataA,B, Takayoshi SanoA, Yasuhiko SentokuA
- 10
- Scaling for non-thermal electron generation in intense non-relativistic laser and plasma interaction
- Sci. Osaka Univ., ILE Osaka Univ.A, IACCS Osaka Univ.B
- Y. TakagiA, N. IwataA,B, Y. SentokuA
- 11
- Stationary solutions of equations of motion for a radiating charged particle including a radiation reaction effect
- Tatsufumi Nakamura
Basic Plasma Physics
(Numerical analyses and simulation, Waves and heating)
- 7
- A numerical simulation method for compressible extended MHD equations
- Tohoku Univ.
- Makoto Hirota
- 8
- Hasegawa-Mima equation in magnetic fields with arbitrary topology
- The University of Tokyo, Kyoto UniversityA
- Naoki Sato, Michio Yamada
- 9
- Phase-space transfer process of entropy variables in three-dimensional drift wave turbulence
- Department of Physics, Nagoya University
- 10
- Macro-hierarchical simulation of 2D Vlasov-Ampère system with extended water-bag model
- Univ. of Tokyo Grad. School of Frontier Sciences, NIFSA
- Koki Maekaku, Zensho YoshidaA
- 11
- Relativistic hot electron generation at standing whistler waves and the application to laser-driven ion acceleration
- ILE Osaka U, Kyushu UA
- T. Sano, S. IsayamaA, K. TakahashiA, S. MatsukiyoA
- 12
- Power absorption in magnetized plasmas based on the weakly relativistic Vlasov-Maxwell system by full-wave simulation
- GSFS Univ. of Tokyo,NIFSA
- Takuya Nakazawa, Masaki NishiuraA, Takahiro Mori
- 1
- (Invited Presentation.) Physical mechanism of hydrogen isotope effect on self-organized structure of magnetically confined plasmas
- National Institute for Fusion Science
- Tatsuya Kobayashi
Division 2
Lecture of the Young Scientist Award of the Physical Society of Japan
- 2
- (Lecture of the Young Scientist Award of JPS) Explanation of the reasons for receiving the Young Scientist Encouragement Prize and award ceremony
- Kyushu Univ. RIAM
- Shigeru Inagaki
- 3
- (Lecture of the Young Scientist Award of JPS) Ion versus electron heating in astrophysical plasma turbulence
- Frontier Research Institute for Interdisciplinary Sciences, Tohoku University
- Yohei Kawazura
- 4
- (Lecture of the Young Scientist Award of JPS) Statistical modeling of emission spectra from many-electron atoms and heavy nucleiUniversity
- Kyoto Univ. Dep. Mechanical Eng. and Sci.
- Keisuke Fujii