Applications of string theory and extra dimension
- 8
- Transient chaos analysis of string scattering
- Kyoto U., Kindai U.A
- Koji Hashimoto, Yoshinori MatsuoA, ○Takuya Yoda
- 9
- Fluid model of black hole/string transition
- Kindai Univ.
- Yoshinori Matsuo
- 10
- Gauge Symmetry Breaking in Flux Compactification with Wilson-line Scalar Condensate
- Osaka Metropolitan Univ., NITEP
- Kento Akamatsu, Takuya Hirose, Nobuhito Maru
- 11
- Higher-Derivative Corrections and Vacuum Structures in 4D N=1 Supergravity Coupled with Matter Fields
- Kitasato U.
- Atsuki Inoue, Shin Sasaki
- 12
- Stabilization of 5-dimensional domain wall brane model with Casimir effect
- Dep. of Physics, Waseda Univ.A, Inst. of Particle and Nuclear Studies, KEKB, WIAS, Wasaeda Univ.C
- Yu AsaiA, Hiroyuki AbeA, Yutaka SakamuraB, Yusuke YamadaC
- 13
- Geometrical effective actions for a partially massless symmetric tensor field
- Yamaguchi Univ., NIT Gifu CollegeA
- Kiyoshi Shiraishi, Nahomi KaA, ○Takuma Aoyama
Symmetry and Fundamental PhysicsⅡ
- 7
- T-violation search using compound nuclei -measurement of the spin-dependent neutron absorption cross section with polarized nuclei-
- Nagoya Univ.A, JAEAB, Tokyo TechC, Osaka Univ.D, Kyushu Univ.E, KEKF, RIKENG, Ibaraki Univ.H, Tohoku Univ.I
- T. OkudairaA, Y. ItoA, I. IdeA, S. EndoA,B, T. OkuB, K. KamedaC, S. KawamuraA, M. KitaguchiA, A. KimuraB, Y. GotoA, R. KobayashiH, K. SakaiB, T. ShimaD, ○H. M. ShimizuA, S. TakadaI,B, S. TakahashiH,B, K. HirotaF, T. FujiieA,G, H. FujiokaC, T. YoshiokaH, H. YoshikawaD, for NOPTREX collaboration
- 8
- Present status of development of nuclear polarized La targets for the experiments of T-violation searches
- Nagoya Univ.A, Hiroshima Univ. AdSEB, Osaka Univ. RCNPC, Tohoku Univ. IMRD, Yamagata Univ.E, RIKENF
- Y.ItoA, I.IdeA, K.IshizakiA, H.M. ShimizuA, M. KitaguchiA, T. OkudairaA, T. MatsushitaA, M. IinumaB, M. FujitaC, Y. IkedaC, T. TaniguchiC, H. KohriD, and NOPTREX collaboration
- 9
- Measurement of the circular polarization of γ-rays from the 139La(n,γ)140La reaction
- Nagoya Univ.A, JAEAB, Tokyo Tech.C, Osaka Univ.D, Tohoku Univ.E, Kyushu Univ.F
- S. EndoA,B, T. OkudairaA, K. KamedaC, S. KawamuraA, M. KitaguchiA, A. KimuraB, K. SakaiB, T. ShimaD, H. M. ShimizuA, S. TakadaE, H. FujiokaC, T. YoshiokaF, H. YoshikawaD, for NOPTREX collaboration
- 10
- Prompt γ-ray measurement for derivation of partial width x of 3.91 eV p-wave resonance in 105Pd(n,γ)106Pd reaction
- RCNP, Osaka Univ., Dept. of Phys., Nagoya Univ.A, JAEAB, KMI, Nagoya Univ.C, IMR, Tohoku Univ.D, Dept. of Phys., Tokyo Tech.E, RCAPP, Kyushu Univ.F
- H. Yoshikawa, S. EndoA,B, T. OkudairaA,B, S. KawamuraA, M. KitaguchiC, A. KimuraB, K. SakaiB, T. Shima, H. M. ShimizuA, S. TakadaD, H. FujiokaE, T. YoshiokaF for the NOPTREX collaboration
- 11
- Measurement of the hyperfine structure of muonic helium at J-PARC and development of SEOP system for muonic helium.
- School of Science, Nagoya University, KEK IMSSA, JAEAB, School of Science, Ibaraki UniversityC, KMI, Nagoya UniversityD, School of Science, the University of TokyoE, Open-ItF
- S.Fukumura, P.StrasserA, T.InoA, T.OkuB,C, T.Okudaira, S.KandaA, M.KitaguchiD, H.M.Shimizu, K.ShimomuraA, H. A. ToriiE, S.NishimuraA,F
- 12
- Transmittance evaluation of a neutron guide tube for the TUCAN experiment by using pulsed UCNs at J-PARC/MLF BL05
- RCNP, Osaka Univ.
- Sohei Imajo, TUCAN collaboration
- 13
- Evaluation of Polarization Analysis Films for Neutron EDM Measurements at TRIUMF
- Akatsuka Hiroaki, Hino MasahiroA, TUCAN collaboration
- Akatsuka Hiroaki, Hino MasahiroA, TUCAN collaboration
Non-perturbative effects in QFT
- 7
- Analysis on Dirac Fermion Symmetric Product CFT
- Tadashi Takayanagi, ○Takashi Tsuda
- 8
- Method of images in defect conformal field theories
- Osaka University, Tokyo UniversityA
- Tatsuma NishiokaA, Yoshitaka OkuyamaA,B, Soichiro ShimamoriA
- 9
- Properties of fermionic field theories with subsystem symmetry
- Masazumi Honda, Taiichi Nakanishi
- 10
- Non-Hermitian Higgs mechanism and complex 't Hooft-Polyakov Monopole
- University of Tokyo, City University of LondonA
- ○Takanobu Taira, Andreas FringA
- 11
- Unstable Nambu-Goldstone modes
- Keio U., KEK
- Naoki Yamamoto, Ryo Yokokura
- 12
- Boundary of 3+1 dimmensional exotic gapped fermionic system
- Osaka-U
- Hiroki Kawakami
Phase transition, topology
- 7
- Investigating U(1) anomaly of high temperature 2+1-flavor QCD with overlap fermions
- Sinya Aoki, Yasumichi AokiA, ○Hidenori FukayaB, Shoji HashimotoC,D, Issaku KanamoriA, Takeshi KanekoC, Yoshifumi NakamuraA, Christian RohrhoferB, Kei SuzukiE (JLQCD Collaboration)
- 8
- 2+1 flavor domain wall fermions for finite temperature with fine-tuned quark masses
- Sinya Aoki, Yasumichi AokiA, Hidenori FukayaB, ○Issaku KanamoriA, Shoji HashimotoC,D, Takashi KenekoC,D,E, Yoshifumi NakamuraA, Yu ZhangA (JLQCD Collaboration)
- ●9
- Finite temperature QCD phase transition with 3 flavors of Mobius domain wall fermions
- Yu Zhang, Yasumichi Aoki, Shoji HashimotoA,B, Issaku Kanamori, Takeshi KanekoA,B,C, Yoshifumi Nakamura
- ●10
- Searching for critical points in (2+1)-flavor QCD at finite chemical potential using multi-point Pade approximants
- RIKEN Center for Computational ScienceA, Bielefeld UniversityB, University of ParmaC, University of PisaD
- Jishnu GoswamiA, D. A. ClarkeB, P. DimopoulosC, F. Di RenzoC, G. NicotraB, C. SchmidtB, S. SinghC, K. ZambelloD
- 11
- Phase diagram of Schwinger model using quantum-classical hybrid algorithm
- IPUT Osaka
- Akio Tomiya
- 12
- Numerical studies on the CP symmetry and its temperature dependence in 4D SU(2) gauge theory at θ=π
- Akira MatsumotoA, Kohta HatakeyamaB, Mitsuaki HirasawaC, Masazumi HondaD, Yuta ItoE, Jun NishimuraB,F, Atis YosprakobF
- 13
- Formulation of fractional topological charge in lattice gauge theory
- Dept. of Phys. Kyushu U., Dept. of Phys. Osaka U.A
- ○Motokazu Abe, Yuki Miyakawa, Okuto MorikawaA, Hiroshi Suzuki
New particle search (1)(SUSY)
- 4
- Improvement of a search method for long-lived particles with a secondary vertex and missing transverse momentum in the LHC-ATLAS Experiment
- Tokyo Tech, KEKA, KTHB, LBNLC
- Risa Ushioda, Osamu Jinnouchi, Hideyuki OideA, Christian OhmB, Simone Pagan GrisoC
- 5
- Search for charged long-lived particles at the TeV scale with anomalous ionization loss using the LHC Run 2 dataset
- KEK, University of OregonA, Harvard University (now at SLAC)B, INFN-GenovaC
- Hideyuki Oide, Ismet SiralA, Ann WangB, Leonardo RossiC, and ATLAS Collaboration
- 6
- Search for long-lived SUSY particles in multi-jets events with displaced vertexes using the full Run2 dataset at the LHC-ATLAS experiment
- Grad. Sch. of Sci., Nagoya Univ.A, IPNS KEKB
- Moe WakidaA, Yu NakahamaB, Makoto TomotoA,B
- ●7
- Analysis of the TeV-scale neutrino cross section using IceCube
- Chiba University
- Colton Hill
- 8
- Search for the long-lived particle from the Cosmic Ray interaction with the IceCube detector
- Chiba Univ.
- R. Nagai, C. Hill, M. Meier, N. Shimizu, A. Ishihara, S. Yoshida