Lecture of the Young Scientist Award of the Physical Society of Japan
- 6
- ( Lecture of the Young Scientist Award of JPS ) Selection Report and award ceremony (10 min.)
- Keio Univ.
- Shinichi Watanabe
- 7
- ( Lecture of the Young Scientist Award of JPS ) Extreme nonlinear spectroscopy in solids using intense infrared light (30 min.)
- Dept. of Phys., Kyoto Univ.
- Kento Uchida
- 8
- ( Lecture of the Young Scientist Award of JPS ) Terahertz optical phenomena derived from quantum geometry (30 min.)
- University of Tokyo
- Yoshihiro Okamura
Topological matter (Theory)
- 6
- Topology and nonlinear response in altermagnets and p-wave magnets (15 min.)
- Dept. Appl. Phys., Univ. Tokyo
- Motohiko Ezawa
- 7
- Real-space representation of the second Chern number (15 min.)
- Dept. of Phys. Ibaraki Univ.
- F.Hamano, T.Shiina, T.Fukui
- 8
- Real-space representation of the Berry phase using Kitaev approach (15 min.)
- Dept. of Phys. Ibaraki Univ.
- Y. Onaya, F. Hamano, T. Fukui
- 9
- Theory of fractional corner charges in cylindrical crystal shapes (15 min.)
- Dept. Phys., Science Tokyo (Tokyo Tech)A, ITP, CASB, WPI-SKCM2, Hiroshima Univ.C
- Hidetoshi WadaA, Tiantian ZhangB, and Shuichi MurakamiA,C
- 10
- Quantum Hall phases in a cavity-embedded kagome system (15 min.)
- Dept. Appl. Phys., Tokyo Univ. Sci.
- Hikaru Goto, Ryo Okugawa, Takami Tohyama
- 11
- Topological liquids in closed-shell clustered fusible alloys (15 min.)
- Univ. TokyoA, RIKEN CEMSB
- Tatsuki HanadaA, Motoaki HirayamaA,B
- 12
- Magnetoresistance and quantum-classical correspondence in the extreme quantum limit based on the Kubo formula (15 min.)
- Kobe Univ., Univ. Electro-Communications
- Shuto Tago, Akiyoshi Yamada, Yuki Fuseya
2D・Layered materials (Experiment)
- 6
- Tunneling magnetoresistance in van der Waals magnetic heterostructure (15 min.)
- Univ. of Tokyo, ISSPA, NIMSB
- Tomohiro Ishii, Miuko TanakaA, Yu DongA, Pradhan ItishreeA, Kenji WatanabeB, Takashi TaniguchiB, Masayuki HashisakaA, Toshiya IdeueA
- 7
- High-resolution ARPES study of triangular-prism-type NbO2 thin film (15 min.)
- Dept. Phys., Tohoku Univ.A, WPI-AIMR, Tohoku Univ.B, JST-PRESTOC, CSIS, Tohoku Univ.D, SRIS, Tohoku Univ.E, and MathCCS, Tohoku Univ.F
- M. NishigamiA, K. YanagizawaA, K. SasakiA, K. SugawaraA,B,C, T. TakahashiA, and T. SatoA,B,D,E,F
- 8
- μ-ARPES study on the fine electronic structure of misfit layer compound (PbSe)1.16(TiSe2)2 (15 min.)
- Dept. of Appl. Phys., Univ. of TokyoA, RIKEN CEMSB, Dept. of Physics, Okayama Univ.C, KEK-PFD, RIES, Hokkaido Univ.E
- H. MuramatsuA, N. MitsuishiB, T. UenoC, K. OzawaD, K. KobayashiC,E, K. IshizakaA,B
- 9
- Stacking pattern and anisotropic electronic band structure in Cairo pentagonal semiconductor PdPS (15 min.)
- RIKEN CEMSA, Grad. Sch. Eng. Sci., Osaka Univ.B, Grad. Sch. Sci., Nagoya Univ.C, Dept. of Appl. Phys., Univ. of TokyoD, IIS, Univ. of TokyoE, KEK-PFF, JASRIG, Dept. of Phys., Univ. of TokyoH
- N. MitsuishiA, H. TakahashiB, A. NakanoC, J. MatsudaD, Y. SeoE, D. SuzukiD, M. SakanoD, K. OzawaF, K. YamagamiG, T. MachidaE, R. AritaA,H, S. IshiwataB, K. IshizakaA,D
- 10
- Infrared study of Landau levels and magnetoexcitons in bulk black phosphorus (15 min.)
- Tokushima University, Tohoku University, JASRI, University of Hyogo
- Hidekazu Okamura, Satoshi Iguchi, Takahiko Sasaki, Yuka Ikemoto, Taro Moriwaki, Yuichi Akahama
- 11
- Split gate control of valley current and possible origins of step-wise and peak-structures observed in non-local voltage (15 min.)
- Chiba Univ., ASUA, SUNY BuffaloB
- K. Tadkahashi, Y. Nakayama, Y. Nakayama, M. Ke, D.K. FerryA, J.P. BirdB, ○N. Aoki
- 12
- Observation of diffusion of layer structure ACrO2 (A=Li, Na) by muon Spin Relaxation (15 min.)
- Izumi Umegaki, Hiroya SakuraiA, Kazuki OhishiB, MaanssonC, Peter BakerD, Jun SugiyamaB
Molecular Solids, Novel Materials
- 7
- Transport properties of an n-type conducting polymer PBFDO investigated by evaluations of broadband and low-temperature complex optical conductivity spectra (15 min.)
- Dept of Adv. Mat. Sci., Univ. of TokyoA, Dept. of Eng., NITechB, Dept. of Appl. Chem., AISTC, RIKEN CEMSD
- Z. GuoA, Y. ShiA, T. FurukawaA, R. IkedaA, T. MiyamotoA,B, Q. WeiC, M. MukaidaC, S. WatanabeD, J. TakeyaA, H. OkamotoA
- 8
- Electronic structure of x-form phthalocyanine crystal doped with iodine atomic chains: Formation of iodine conduction bands by applying strain (15 min.)
- Fac. of Science, Univ. of the Ryukyus
- Takeshi Inaoka
- 9
- Monolayer organic single-crystalline transistors with surface-modified gold electrodes transferred (15 min.)
- Aoi MorimotoA, Yu YamashitaA,B,C, Tatsuyuki MakitaA,C, Shun WatanabeA, Jun TakeyaA,B,C,D
- 10
- Characteristics of alkylphenyl[n]phenacene (n=4-6) field-effect transistors fabricated by solution process (15 min.)
- Graduate School of Science/Univ. of Hyogo, RIIS/Okayama Univ.A, School of Science/Okayama Univ.B
- Shuhei Agata, Yi ChenA, Hideki OkamotoB, Yoshihiro KubozonoA, Ritsuko Eguchi
- 11
- Proton-electron mixed-conducting BEDT-TTF cation radical salt with high ambipolar conductivity (15 min.)
- Grad. Sch. Sci., Kyoto Univ.
- Peng-Hao Wang, Yukihiro Yoshida, Soichiro Yasaka, Mitsuhiko Maesato, Yoshiaki Nakano, Hiroshi Kitagawa
- 12
- Soft organic paramagnet in water: a supramolecular approach based on amphiphilic nickel dithiolene complex salt (15 min.)
- ISSP, The Univ. of Tokyo, Dep. of Chem., Tokyo Univ. of ScienceA, IMSB, NIMSC, Dep. of Mater. Sci., Osaka Metropolitan Univ.D, Dep. of Chem., Rikkyo Univ.E, PRESTO, JSTF
- Tomoko Fujino, Mafumi HishidaA, Masatoshi Ito, Toshikazu NakamuraB, Mizue AsadaB, Naoya Kurahashi, Hisao Kiuchi, Yoshihisa Harada, Koji HaranoC, Rie MakiuraD, Kanokwan Jumtee TakenoD, So YokomoriE, Hiroshi OikeF, Hatsumi Mori
Semiconductor spintronics
- 7
- Spin polarization near quantum point contact with flat potential profile (15 min.)
- Ibaraki Univ.
- Tomosuke Aono
- 8
- A generalized Landauer's principle in the memristor (15 min.)
- Mie University
- Kentaro Ao, Yasuhiro Utsumi
- 9
- Chirality-induced spin selectivity by variable-range hopping along DNA double helix (15 min.)
- Kyoto Univ., UTokyo ISSPA
- Ryotaro Sano, Takeo KatoA
- 10
- Non-equilibrium distribution function in voltage-biased metal wires: An approach using non-equilibrium Green's function technique (15 min.)
- UTokyo Department of Basic Science
- Taira Kawamura, Yusuke Kato
- 11
- Superradiant phase transition in thermal transport through quantum Rabi model with dissipation (15 min.)
- Univ. Tsukuba
- Tsuyoshi Yamamoto, Yasuhiro Tokura