
Division 13

16th WA201 Room 16aWA201 9:00〜12:15

Division 13
Physics Education

Parameter excitation of cycloid pendulum
Hokkaido Univ. of Edu., Hokkaido Univ.A, Former Hokkaido Univ. of Edu.B
Hisao Taira, Takuma TanitsuA, Takashi OkazakiB
Prototyping a novel wave machine to visualize propagation of longitudinal wave
Osaka Electro-Communication Univ.
Takumi Miyagi, Masami Kageshima
Melde's experiment and double-well potential problem
Aichi University of Education
Masato Ito
Contribution by Parametric Excitation to Coupled Vibration between Spring Motion and Simple Pendulum - Tool for Interdisciplinary Instruction [27]
Int. Edu. Center, Chiba Univ., Instructive Experimental InstituteA
Yuhei Natsume, Hisashi TakamiA
Development and practice of a tutorial class for understanding the potential energy of a vertical spring pendulum.
Hiroshima Univ.
Nakadome Shun, Umeda Takashi
NMR Quantum Computer for Educational Use
Physics Department, Kindai University
Yasushi Kondo

Break (10:30〜10:45)

Reports of the Physics Challenge in 2024 I: The Challenge I
Tokyo Tech HS, Chiba HSA, Todashoyo HSB, Waseda Univ. Honjo SHSC, Saitama Univ.D, ex-NIT Tsuyama CollegeE, UECF,Waseda Univ. SHSG, Kanazawa Ins. of Tech.H, Okayama Sozan HSI, ex-Takachiho Univ.J, ex-Azabu HSK, Matsumoto Univ.L, Kanazawa Univ. SHSM
Yamato Hasegawa,Kei AbeA,Minako ArakiB,Miki OhtsukaC,Hitoshi KondoD,Makoto SatoE,Masaru SuzukiF,Takahiro TachibanaG,Tadayoshi TanakaH,Tsutomu NakayashikiI,Masatoshi NamikiJ,Hiroshi MasukoK,Shin MuroyaL,Kenya WataraiM
Reports of the Physics Challenge 2024 II: Experimental Competition at The Second Challenge
UEC, TCUA, Toshima H.S.B, Komaba Toho J.S.H.C, ex-Nagoya U.D, Tokyo Gakugei U.E, AICHI SHUKUTOKU U.F, ex-Okayama U.G, ex-Tukuba U.H, TSUI, ex-Takushoku U.J, TUTK, ex-Tohoku U.L, NIERM, ex-U.TokyoN, U. of Tsukuba H.S.O, J.S.H.Tukuba KomabaP, ex-AISTQ, Mito 1st S.H.S.R, Kobe U.S, UTokyoT, Fukuoka U.U, U.HyogoV, Komaba H.S.W, Okayama U.X, TITY, Tohoku U.Z, Hagi C&T H.S.AA
T.Suemoto, M.IgarashiA, M.IshikawaB, K.IchiharaC, A.IchimiyaD, S.UkonE, I.EbisakiF, T.OhshimaG, Y.OotukaH, Y.KawamuraI, S.KishizawaJ, H.KezukaK, Y.KoikeL, K.KobayashiM, K.KomakiN, Y.KondoL, K.SakuraiO, H.SasadaA, K.ShinkajiP, I.SuzukiQ, K.TakeshiR, T.NishinoS, S.HasegawaT, S.HayashiU, S.FukatsuT, M.MatsumotoE, Y.MatsumotoT, T.ManagoU, K.MikiV, S.MizutaniW, M.MinoX, S.YamazakiY, M.YoshizawaZ, Y.YoshimuraAA
Reports of the Physics Challenge 2024 III: Theoretical Competition at The Second Challenge
ex-Tokyo Metro. Univ., ex-Kanazawa Univ.A, Chiba Univ.B, ex-Univ. TokyoC, ex-Tokyo Inst. Tech.D, Chuo Univ.E, ex-Electro-Commun.F,NIT Maizuru CollegeG,KawaijukuH,ex-Waseda Univ.I,Ritsumeikan Univ.J,ex-KawaijukuK,ex-Okayama Univ.L,ex-Kyushu Univ.M, ex-Osaka Univ.N, Sakura HSO, Tokyo Univ. ScienceP
Y.Okabe, K.AokiA, K.AkimotoB, J.ArafuneB, S.IioD, Y.IshiiE, T.ItoF, T.UesugiG, H.OharaH, S.KuriharaI, H.ShibahashiC, Y.SugawaraJ, T.SugiyamaK, H.TotsujiL, H.NakanishiM, R.MatsumotoB, K.MimaN, N.YamatojiO, K.WatanabeP
Report of the 24th Asian Physics Olympiad in Malaysia (APhO2024)
Tokyo Gakugei Univ., ex-Okayama Univ.A, ISSP, Univ.TokyoB, ex-Waseda Univ.C, ex-Univ. TokyoD, NIT Maizuru CollegeE, Kawai-jukuF, ex-Tokyo Metro. Univ.G, Tokyo Univ. of Sci.H, ex-Kawai-jukuI, Kanazawa Inst. Tech.J, ex-Kyusyu Univ.K, ex-Takachiho Univ.L, ex-AISTM, ex-NIT Tsuyama CollegeN, ex-Tokyo Univ. of Tech.O, ex-Tohoku Univ.P, ex-Tohoku Inst. of Tech.Q, Nippon Inst. Tech.R, AISTS, Junior &Senior H.S. at KomabaT, Univ. Electro-Comm.U, Okayama Souzan HSV, Univ. TokyoW, UHVEM Osaka Univ.X
M.Matsumoto, H.TotsujiA, T. KatoB, S.KuriharaC, D.YoshiokaD, T.UesugiE, H.OharaF, Y.OkabeG, F.OkiharuH, T.KanekoF, H.ShibahashiD, T.SugiyamaI, T.TanakaJ, H.NakanishiK, M.NamikiL, I.SuzukiM, M.SatoN, S.AndoH,H.KezukaO,Y.KondoP, T.SaitoQ, S.SatoR, K. FujiiS, K.ShinkajiT, T. SuemotoU, T.NakayashikiV, S.HasegawaW, K.MitsuokaX
European Physics Olympiad (EuPhO)2024 (Georgia) Report
ex-Okayama Univ., Tokyo Gakugei Univ.A, ex-Kyusyu Univ.B, ex-Univ. TokyoC, NIT Maizuru CollegeD, Kawai-jukuE, ex-Tokyo Metro. Univ.F, Tokyo Univ. of Sci.G, Univ. TokyoH, ex-Waseda Univ.I, ex-Kawai-jukuJ, Kanazawa Inst. Tech.K, ex-Takachiho Univ.L, Okayama Souzan HSM, ex-AISTN, ex-Tokyo Univ. of Tech.O, ex-Tohoku Univ. of Tech.P, Nippon Inst. Teck.Q, NIT Ibaraki CollegeR, Junior &Senior H.S. at KomabaS, Univ. Electro-Comm.T, AISTU, UHVEM Osaka Univ.V
H.Totsuji, M.MatsumotoA, H.NakanishiB, H.ShibahashiC, T.UesugiD, H.OharaE, Y.OkabeF, F.OkiharuG, T.KatoH, T.KanekoE, S.KuriharaI, T.SugiyamaJ, T.TanakaK, M.NamikiL, T.NakayashikiM, I.SuzukiN, S.AndoG, H.KezukaO, T.SaitoP, S.SatoQ, M.SatoR, K.ShinkajiS, T. SuemotoT, S.HasegawaH, K.FujiiU, K.MitsuokaV

16th WA201 Room 16pWA201 13:30〜16:45

Division 13
Physics Education

Development of an interactive screen experiment (Interaktive Bildschirmexperimente) material
Osaka U., Nagoya U.A, U. of Alaska FairbanksB
N. Mae, J. YasudaA, M. M. HullB
Developing the Application for Quizzes with Scoring the Data Automatically IV
Institute for Excellence in Educational Innovation, Chiba University
Takayuki Matsuzawa
Development of remote physics experiment teaching materials for science and engineering students
Tokyo Information Design Professional University
Yoshinobu Tanno, Karin Takahashi, Shogo Yoshida, Shugo Katsuhara, Mitsugu Terada
R & D for Physics Laboratory in Medical Schools (V) -Experiment for Gaussian distribution-
National Defense Medical College
K. Yawata and M. Kanenaga
Activities of Internet Telescopes in Astronomical Education
Toyama Pref. Univ.A,Dept. of Regional Studies and Humanities, Akita Univ.B,Dept. of Physics, Tokai Univ.C,Dept. of Physics at Hiyoshi, Keio Univ.D,National Defense Academy of JapanE,Dept. of Physics and Astronomy, Tokyo Univ. of ScienceF,Miyagi University of EducationG,Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Kagoshima Univ.H,Dept. of Physics, Kitasato Univ.I,Dept. of Education, Bukkyo Univ.J,Tohoku Univ. of Community Service and ScienceK,Fukushima Medical Univ.L,Research and Education Center for Natural Sciences, Keio Univ.M
Kouichi TodaA,M,Haruhiko UedaB,Junko KushidaC,M,Hiromichi KobayashiD,M,Seiji SakodaE,M,Nobuyuki SawadoF,Toshiko TakataG,Hiroyuki NakanishiH,M,Atsushi NakamulaI,Eiji MatsumotoJ,M,Yuki YamamotoK,M,Hiroshi YoshidaL,M
System and Operation of Internet Telescopes
Tohoku Univ. of Community Service and ScienceA, Dept. of Regional Studies and Humanities, Akita Univ.B, Dept. of Physics, Tokai Univ.C, Dept. of Physics at Hiyoshi, Keio Univ.D, National Defense Academy of JapanE, Dept. of Physics and Astronomy, Tokyo Univ. of ScienceF, Miyagi University of EducationG, Toyama Pref. Univ.H, Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Kagoshima Univ.I, Dept. of Physics, Kitasato Univ.J, Dept. of Education, Bukkyo Univ.K, Fukushima Medical Univ.L, Research and Education Center for Natural Sciences, Keio Univ.M
Yuki YamamotoA,M, Haruhiko UedaB, Junko KushidaC,M, Hiromichi KobayashiD,M, Seiji SakodaE,M, Nobuyuki SawadoF, Toshiko TakataG, Kouichi TodaH,M, Hiroyuki NakanishiI,M, Atsushi NakamulaJ, Eiji MatsumotoK,M, Hiroshi YoshidaL,M

Break (15:00〜15:15)

History of Physics

Classifying and structuring physical research: the transformation of ‘Busseiron’
Dept. Sci. Eng., Natl. Mus. Nat. Sci.
Hiroto Kono
Hideki Yukawa's Research Trends through the Analysis of Historical Documents“Ronbun Shōroku (Paper Abstracts) 1933-1941”(3)
Ryukoku Univ.
Daisuke Konagaya
Roots of the Elementary Particle Theory Group in Department of Physics, University of Tokyo
Keio Univ.
Michiji KONUMA
Making Future Plans of INS After the Establishment of KEK
Yoshinobu Takaiwa and Kohji Hirata
History of Engineer Educatioin for Nuclear Fuel Cycle and Environment at INSTN.
Nihon University College of Commerce
Shimadzu Corporation in Meiji 20s ― Expanding from Educational Apparatus to Research Equipment
Former Osaka Uni. of E. L.

17th WA201 Room 17aWA201 9:00〜12:15

Division 13
Physics Education

Simulation and Visualization of Electromagnetic Fields and Charge Motion Fully Incorporating Special Relativity
e-Seikatsu, TWCUA, UCLAB
Daiju Nakayama, Kin-ya OdaA, Koichiro YasudaB
Understanding Raman Scattering from Mineral Analysis - Examples of Calcite, Dolomite, and Magnesite -
Grad. Sch. Edu., Chiba Univ., Grad. Sch. Eng., Chiba Univ.A, Grad. Sch. GTS., Chiba Univ.B
Takatsugu Tsuchiya, Bei MaA, Yoshihiro IshitaniA, Hirofumi MinoB
Development of simulation materials to reproduce color changes in polarized color art
Grad. Edu., Chiba Univ., Grad. Deg. Prog. GTS., Chiba Univ.A, Grad. Sch. GTS., Chiba Univ.B
K.Marusawa, K.YoshidaA, H.MinoB
Publication of stereoscopic/VR videos from an underwater perspective on an e-learning website
Kanazawa Tech. Math. & Sci. RC, Kanazawa TechA
K. Akiyama, A. SekiguchiA, Y. MizunoA, and K. Nishioka
Development of acceleration measurement and analysis web app for smartphones and practical use in mechanics experiments
Keita Nishioka, Yuki Takai, Yasuhiro Tanaka, Shuji Watanabe
Development of a voltmeter that intuitively understand voltage drops
Hiroshima Itn. Univ. Med., Hiroshima Pref. Tech. Res. Inst.A, Hiroshima Itn. Univ. Educ.B
Tomotaka Kozuki, Yutaka Kobayashi, Eishi TanabeA, Norio NawachiA, Takashi TerashigeB

Break (10:30〜10:45)

Mechanics of Gymnastics
Yamaguchi Univ.
Nobuyuki Sakai, Tomoyo Akatsuka, Souma Motoyama
Mechanistic Consideration of Kizamitsuki Motion in Karate
Yamaguchi Univ.
Tomoya Shinjobo
Mechanical Effects of Knee Flexion-Extension Motion on Kendo Face Striking Motion
Yamaguchi Univ.
Itai Shungo, Sakai Nobuyuki
Mechanical Analysis of Step-in Motion in Soccer Goal Kicks
Yamaguchi Univ.
Oki Motohiro, Sakai Nobuyuki, Kurihara Tosiyuki, Hamada Souta, Mitusima Syunpei
Dynamics of Pitching Motion of Pitchers in Baseball
Yamaguchi University Science
Kentaro Tokuda, Nobuyuki Sakai
A dynamic study of the accuracy of shooting movements in basketball
Yamaguchi University
Shoki Ikeda, Nobuyuki Sakai

17th WA201 Room 17pWA201 13:30〜14:45

Division 13
Environmental Physics

Background of the installation of pseudoscience into public institutions - Magnetic water
Ankokudan, Yamagata Univ.A
Takashi Kurino, Yuko AmoA
The Issue of Determinism (III), Impact of Modern Science and Experimental Verification
F. Cul. and Edu., Univ. Saga
S. Nakamura
Generalized formulation on ideal light-driven systems based on photon energy-entropy flow analysis Ⅲ
Hokusei Univ.
Tetsuo Yabuki
Consistency Test of the Global Warming
Teikyo Univ.
Street trees in the material circulation
Osaka Inst. Tech.
Ken-ichi OGATA

18th WA201 Room 18aWA201 9:00〜12:15

Division 13
Physics Education

Analysis of Educational Effects in Physics using Machine Learning based on Causal Inference
School of Health Sciences at Odawara, International Univ. of Health and Welfare, Academic Support Center, Kogakuin Univ. Tech. & Eng.A, Division of Liberal-Arts, Kogakuin Univ. Tech. & Eng.B
Tomoko Nagai, Hirohisa TakahashiA, Motoki KinoA, Tetsuo HosoyaA, Takayuki MutoB, Shinya KomugiB
Validating computerized adaptive testing chain using Force Concept Inventory: A pilot study based on qualitative microgenetic method
Nagoya U., U. of Alaska FairbanksA, Tokyo Gakugei U.B, Gifu U.C, Osaka U.D, Kyushu U.E
Jun-ichiro Yasuda, Michael M. HullA, Haruko UematsuB, Taku NakamuraC, Naohiro MaeD, Kentaro KojimaE
Relationship Between Blackboard Writing and Learning Outcomes in Undergraduate Physics Lecture Courses
Agri-Inf. Technol. Ctr. Obihiro Univ. of Agric. & Vet. Med.
Jun Saito
Implementation of Performance Assessment in High School Physics
Aichi Univ. of Education, Kobe Univ.A, Okazaki Kita High SchoolB
Takahiko Miyakawa, Tomohiro IshidaA, Tsuyoshi IkehataB, Yasutaka TsutsuiB, Tosei SanoB
High School Students' Conceptual Understanding of Physics in Japan: Results of the PEPPER Large-Scale Survey
Tsukuba HS,Tokyo Gakugei UA,Gakugei HSB,Kochi TechC,TUSD,Nagoya UE,Meiji HSF,Waseda HSG,Kanagawa U. HSH,Ichikawa HSI,TGUISSJ,Hosei Int. HSK,Shinjuku HSL,Izu Chuo HSM,Doushisha HSN,Nagaoka Ote HSO
Hitoshi Katsuda,Hideo NIttaA,Haruko UematsuA,Ruita NishimuraB,Michi IshimotoC,Shuji UkonA,Fumiko OkiharuD,Jun-ichiro YasudaE,Satoshi ItoF,Akihito ImaiG,Kai EtoH,So-ichiro OgataI,Asako KariyaJ,Akihiro ShimizuK,Toru TakeuchiL,Kenya NagakuraM,Kenta HiramotoN,Gaku YamamotoO
High School Students' Conceptual Understanding of Physics in Japan: Results of the PEPPER Large-Scale Survey Ⅱ
Gakugei HS,Tokyo Gakugei UA,Tsukuba HSB,Kochi TechC,TUSD,Nagoya UE,Meiji HSF,Waseda HSG,Kanagawa U. HSH,Ichikawa HSI,TGUISSJ,Hosei Int. HSK,Shinjuku HSL,Izu Chuo HSM,Doushisha HSN,Nagaoka Ohte HSO
Ruita Nishimura, Hideo NittaA,Haruko UematsuA,Hitoshi KatsudaB, Michi IshimotoC,Shuji Ukon,Fumiko OkiharuD,Jun-ichiro YasudaE,Satoshi ItoF,Akihito ImaiG,Kai EtoH,So-ichiro OgataI,Asako KariyaJ,Akihiro ShimizuK,Toru TakeuchiL,Kenya NagakuraM,Kenta HiramotoN,Gaku YamamotoO

Break (10:30〜10:45)

Teaching how to do dictation in English for students in science and engineering
Nihon Univ.
Toshi-Aki Shibata
On the Translation of Thermal Doppler Broadening as Read from its Mechanism and the Translation of Thermal Motion.
Institute of Original Culture, Former Tokyou University of Science
Yasunori Igarashi
Historical Investigations and Lessons on Real Situations of Science Education from the Meiji Era to the Prewar Era and Its Reconstruction through Active Learning in Japan
Faculty of Education. Niigata Univ., Center for Teacher Education, Tokyo Univ. of ScienceA
Akizo Kobayashi and Fumiko OkiharuA
Revisit of Electromagnetic Dipole Radiation in Classical Electromagnetism
Tsuyoshi Suwada
Metallic disks and spheres floating on a water surface
Sch. Eng., Tohoku Univ.
Kazuo Sasaki
Measurement Experiment of Avogadro Number in the High School
Japan Atomic Energy Agency, Nuclear Science Research Institute
Kazuya Uehara

18th WA201 Room 18pWA201 13:30〜16:45

Division 13
Physics Education

A Consideration of Teaching Methods and Evaluation Methods to Improve Physics-related Learning
Kanazawa Ins. of Tech., Kanazawa Univ. Senior High Sch.A, Aichi Univ. of Tech.B
Tadayoshi TANAKA, Ken-ya WATARAIA, and Yoshinobu TACHIB
Face-to-face On-demand Data Science Education (II)
Gunma Univ., NII, Nakamura Gakuen Univ.
Y. Aoki, N. HamamotoA, K. OeB, S. YokoyamaB, H. InoueC, and A. TakefusaB
Is it easier for learners to solve problems using numbers or letters?
Center for Education and Innovation, Sojo University
Katsumi Itahashi
Practice and evaluation of high school physics classes using JiTT
Graduate School of Science and Technology, Niigata UniversityA, Faculty of Science, Niigata UniversityB, Faculty of Education, Niigata UniversityC
Hayata AkibaA, Yoshiaki OhnoB, Sachiko TosaC
Research on effective methods of implementing inquiry-based learning in physics classes
Gifu University
Taku Nakamura
Difficulties and Improvement in Implementing Active-Learning Style Physics Classes in Colleges
Faculty of Education, Niigata University
Sachiko Tosa

Break (15:00〜15:15)

Survey of elementary concepts in the field of mechanics for technical high schools and technical colleges
S.Iwata, K.MasudaA, A.Fukano, K.KobayashiA
Analysis of the relation between FCI and GRIT in college physics(V)
National Defense Medical College
M. Kanenaga, K. Yawata
Concept maps crafted by learners engaging in elementary statistical studies and their post-lecture alterations
Nagaoka Univ.
FUKAYA Shinsuke
An Attempt to Educate Facilitators in Interactive Physics Classes
Tokyo Gakugei U.
Haruko Uematsu
Development of a postgraduate course that recognises the relationship with other disciplines and society through the limit of validity of scientific theories
Grad Sch. of Science, Tohoku Univ., PwC ConsultingA
Tsuyoshi Hondou, Mariko TanakaA
Human resource development platform through quantum computing
Tohoku Univ.A, Tokyo TechB, sigma-iC
Rumiko HONDAA, Masayuki OHZEKIA,B,C
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