
Division 12

16th E201 Room 16aE201 9:00〜12:15

Division 12,Division 11 Joint
Biophysics joint 1

Coarse-grained protein models based on normal mode analysis.
Grad. Sch. Integ. Sci. Life, Hiroshima Univ.
Masashi Fujii
AlphaFold database reveals evolutionary trends in protein folding and dynamics
Dept of Phys., HK Baptist Univ.A, WIUCASB
Qian-Yuan TangA, Zecheng ZhangA, Weitong RenB
A theoretical basis for cell deaths
UT Sci, UT MI, KU Nano, UT IIS
Yusuke Himeoka, Shuhei A. Horiguchi, Tetsuya J. Kobayashi
Population dynamics of generalist/specialist under environmental fluctuations
Grad. Sch. Sci., Univ. Tokyo, RIKEN BDRA
Rintaro Niimi, Yusuke Himeoka, Chikara FurusawaA
Data analysis of bovine rumen microbial ecosystem
Grad. Sch. Info., NAROA
Kei Tokita, Kazuo Hashimi, Tomoshige Wakita, Takahiro Yamada, Rie SawadoA, Shuhei TakizawaA
Appearance and adaptive properties of bow-tie structures from simple metabolic networks
Grad. Sch. Sci., Univ. Tokyo, BDR, RIKENA
Yudai Iyoda, Chikara FurusawaA, Yusuke Himeoka

Break (10:30〜10:45)

Characterization of robust perfect adaptation in chemical reaction networks
Osaka Univ., ETH ZurichA
Yuji Hirono, Ankit GuptaA, Mustafa KhammashA
Evolution of efficiency of noise-induced cell state adaptation
BDR RIKEN, UBI Univ. Tokyo
Takuya Sato, Chikara Furusawa
Cellular response to low-temperature sress based on metabolic kinetics model
Kyoto Univ.A, Univ. Tokyo, PhysB, RIKEN BDRC
Atsuki HishidaA,B, Yusuke HimeokaB, Chikara FurusawaB,C
Two-Species Antiferromagnetic Vicsek Model
Dept. of Phys., Univ. of TokyoA, ELSI, Tokyo Inst. of Tech.B, RIKEN BDRC, Grad. Sch. of Arts and Sci., Univ. of TokyoD
T. OkiA, T. S. HatakeyamaB, J. F. YamagishiC, S. NishikawaD, S. IshiharaD, T. NambaD
Large-scale chiral pattern formation in population of migrating cells
Chuo Univ.A, Riken BDRB, Univ. TsukubaC
Masayuki HayakawaA,B, Biplab BhattacherjeeB, Hidekazu KuwayamaC, Tatsuo ShibataB
Exploring efficient transport of biological molecular motor F1-ATPase
Department of Applied Physics, Graduate School of Engineering, Tohoku University,Department of Physics, Simon Fraser UniversityA
Takahide Mishima, Yohei Nakayama, David A. SivakA, Shoichi Toyabe

16th E302 Room 16aE302 9:00〜12:15

Division 12,Division 11
General chemical physics

A Molecular Resolution for the Peculiar Behavior of Molar Heat Capacity at Constant Preesure of Chlorine Gas
Institute of Original Culture, Former Tokyo University of Science
Yasunori Igarashi
Theoretical analysis on photoluminescence of anatase TiO2 particles
AIST GZR, College of Engineering, Nihon University
Kazuhiko Seki, Ryuji Katoh
Ultrafast spectroscopy of liquid-phase molecules under vibrational strong coupling
Nara Inst. of Sci. and Tech.A,Univ. of California San DiegoB
Garrek StemoA,Avram GutierrezA,Joel NishiuchiA,Harsh BhaktaB,Haochuan MaoB,Garret WiesehanB,Wei XiongB,Hiroyuki KatsukiA
Orbital magnetic susceptibility of carbon nanobelts using tight-binding model
Univ. Hyogo
Norio Inui
Quantum-Classical Hybrid Algorithms for Efficient Monte Carlo Simulation of Double-Well Potentials
KQCC, Keio Univ.
Yoshiharu Mori and Naoki Yamamoto
Effects of In-Vivo Environmental Noise on Radical Pair Model
Tokio Yoshida, Masaya Kunimi, and Tetsuro Nikuni

Break (10:30〜10:45)

The optical absorption and Faraday rotation of a microbial rhodopsin in ultrahigh magnetic fields
ISSP, UTokyo
Y-L. Guo, Y. Ishii, X-G. Zhou, M. Konno, T. Nagata, K. Inoue, Y. H. Matsuda
Prediction of the intermediate state in the structure changes of a protein.
Shota ShimogochiA, Kazuhi HaraiB, Ryota KiyookaA, Naoyuki MiyashitaA,B
Elucidation of P-N Hydrolysis Mechanism in Phosphoramidate-based Antibody-drug Conjugates using Multiple Walkers Machine Learning Metadynamics Simulations
Dept. of Precision Eng.,Grad. Sch. of Eng.,Osaka Univ.A,SCREEN Holdings Co.,Ltd.B,Dept. of Phys.,Fac. of Sci. and Tech.,Universitas AirlanggaC,Res. Center for Quantum Eng. Design,Fac. of Sci. and Tech.,Universitas AirlanggaD
Rizka Nur FadillaA,Toshihiro KumeA,B,Harry Handoko HalimA,Febdian RusydiC,D,Yoshitada MorikawaA
Study on the Dielectric Relaxation and Ice Structure of Crystallized Fructose Aqueous Solution
Tokai University Graduate School, Tokai UniversityA, Tokai University Micro/Nano Research and Development CenterB
S. Higuchi, K. SasakiA,B, R. KitaA,B, N. ShinyashikiA,B
Structure Change Caused by an Electrochemical Potential in (La,Sr)CoO3 Film
School of Science, Tohoku Univ.A, School of Engineering, Kyoto Univ.B
Xuhui XuA, Atsuro FujisawaA, Yuta IshiiA, Hidekazu ShimotaniA, Yuta InoueB, Yuto MiyaharaB, Kohei MiyazakiB, and Yusuke WakabayashiA
Structure of the oxygen evolution catalyst (La,Sr)CoO3 ultra thin film as a function of electric potential
Tohoku Univ., Kyoto Univ.A
Atsuro Fujisawa, Xuhui Xu, Yuta Ishii, Hidekazu Shimotani, Yuta InoueA, Yuto MiyaharaA, Kohei MiyazakiA, Yusuke Wakabayashi

16th E304 Room 16aE304 9:15〜11:30

Division 6,Division 7,Division 10,Division 11,Division 12
Liquid metal

Permanent Densification of SiO2 Glass: Molecular Dynamics Study Using Machine-Learning Interatomic Potential III
Dept. of Phys., Kumamoto Univ., KEK-IMSSA
T.Sano, D.WakabayashiA, A.Koura, K.Shimamura, F.Shimojo
Pressure Dependence of Permanent Densification of SiO2 Glass Based on Large-Scale Simulations Using Machine-Laerning Interatomic Potentials
Dept. of Phys., Kumamoto Univ., KEK-IMSSA
H. Yoshida, T. Sano, D.WakabayashiA, A. Koura, K. Shimamura, F. Shimojo
Static and Dynamic Properties of Liquid Lactic Acid using Large-Scale Computer Simulations based on Machine-Learning Interatomic Potential
Dept. of Phys., Kumamoto Univ.
K. Tanaka, K. Ito, K. Shimamura, A. Koura, F. Shimojo
Static Structure of Liquid Racemic Malic Acid Based on First-Principles Molecular Dynamics Simulations
Kumamoto Univ., NUPMLSA, Chukyo Univ.B, Shimane Univ.C
W. Sugimoto, K.Ito, H. ShimakuraA, S. TaharaB, K. OharaC, A. Koura, K. Shimamura, F. Shimojo
Estimation of Zincblende-Rocksalt Phase Transition Pressure of SiC by Thermodynamic Integration Method III
Dept. of Phys., Kumamoto Univ.
T. Inoue, K. Shimamura, A. Koura, F. Shimojo

Break (10:30〜10:45)

Special lecture of the divisions 6, 7, 10, 11, and 12

(Invited Presentation.) Machine learning interatomic potentials and their application to the analysis of properties of liquids and glasses
Kumamoto Univ.
Kohei Shimamura

16th E307 Room 16aE307 9:00〜12:30

Division 12
Soft matter 1

A digger for 2D densely-packed coarse granular media using vibrations
Shizuoka University, National Taiwan UniversityA, Angelo State UniversityB, Texas Tech UniversityC
Guo-Jie Jason Gao, Fu-Ling YangA, Michael C. HolcombB, Jerzy BlawzdziewiczC
Observation of internal flow in scraping of foam
Tokyo Metropolitan University
Masaya Endo, Rei Kurita
Fracture dynamics of thin film observed in Sumiwari
Nara Women's Univ., FASTA
Michiko Shimokawa, So Kitsunezaki, Ludovic PauchardA, Anne DavailleA
Peculiar rolling behavior and its mechanism of a cylinder partially filled with granular materials
Department of Physical Sciences, Ritsumeikan University, Shiga, Japan, Graduate School of Engineering Science, Osaka University, Osaka, JapanA
Mizuki Ono,Toshizo TeraiA,Michio OtsukiA,Hirofumi Wada
Wrinkles formed in a heavy elastic sheet on a frictional rigid substrate
Ritsumeikan University
Keisuke Yoshida, Hirofumi Wada
Shape and growth dynamics of a bathtub vortex
Department of Physics, Ritsumeikan University
Yuta Nakanishi, Hirofumi Wada

Break (10:30〜10:45)

Analysis of levitating microdroplets behavior through temperature control of hot water surfaces.
Osaka Univ.
Akari Kokuryo, Ken Yamamoto, Takahiro Hatano, Hiroaki Katsuragi
Transition of dissolution process in phase separation of ionic liquids
Osaka Metropolitan Univ.A, Univ. of FlorenceB
Noriko OikawaA, Benedetto Pietro CasuB, Taiki HagaA, Takehiko HoritaA
After pinch-off dynamics of air in a quasi-two dimensional bath of viscous liquid Ⅲ: analogy with critical phenomena
Ochanomizu Univ.
Ikumi Yoshino, Ko Okumura
Breakup of hydrodynamic interface in a confined space: singular dynamics and renormalization group analysis
Ochanomizu University
Ko Okumura, Shoko Ii, Ikumi Yoshino
Avalanches on the granular layer in a quasi-two dimensional cell
Ochanomizu Univ.
Manami Miyake, Ko Okumura
Deformation of wet granular beds by the drop impact
Osaka Univ.
Wei Zhang, Hiroaki Katsuragi, Ken Yamamoto
Gravito-viscocapillary pinch off: periodic bubble generation in confined space
Dept. of Phys., Ochanomizu Univ.
H. Hitomi, K. Okumura

16th E201 Room 16pE201 13:30〜16:45

Division 12,Division 2,Division 5,Division 6,Division 11
Frontiers in the physics of turbulence: Towards the understanding of universality and diversity in turbulence from classical and quantum to active systems

(Symposium Session.) Introduction
Dept. Chem. Engineering, Kyoto Univ.
Yusuke T. Maeda
(Symposium Session.) Bacterial populations' route to turbulence (or spacetime chaos)
Dept. Physics, Univ. Tokyo
Kazumasa A. Takeuchi
(Symposium Session.) Universality of turbulent fluctuations and information flow from macro to micro scales
Dept. of Earth and Space Science, Osaka Univ.
Tomohiro Tanogami
(Symposium Session.) Harnessing art behind active flow dynamics
Hiroshima Univ., Grad. Sch. Integ. Sci. Life
Makoto Iima
(Symposium Session.) Two-dimensional turbulent flow to study relationship between elastic instability and drag reduction
Nagoya Univ.
Ruri Hidema

Break (15:15〜15:30)

(Symposium Session.) Turbulence modulation by additives
Grad. Sch. Eng. Sci., Osaka Univ.
Susumu Goto
(Symposium Session.) Cutting-edge research in quantum turbulence
OMU, Dep. Phys.
Makoto Tsubota
(Symposium Session.) Visualization and manipulation of quantized vortices
Dept. Phys. Kyoto Univ., The Hakubi Center for Adv. Res, Kyoto Univ.
Yosuke Minowa

16th E302 Room 16pE302 13:30〜16:15

Division 12

Development of an algorithm to determine the hydration structure and dynamics in the vicinity of fluctuating lipid membrane interfaces
Graduate School of Engineering Science, Osaka University
Kokoro Shikata, Kento Kasahara, Kang Kim, Nobuyuki Matubayasi
The analysis of buckling phenomena in red blood cells using a particle model
Keio Univ.A, ISSP, Univ. TokyoB
Tetsuya YamamotoA,B, Hiroshi WatanabeA, Hiroshi NoguchiB
A neural network modeling of salt concentration memory-dependent chemotaxis in C. elegans
Dept. of Chem. Okayama Univ., RIIS, Okayama Univ.A
M. Hironaka, T. SumiA, K. KogaA
Nonlinear recurrent neural networks for transient dynamics on amplified trajectories
Graduate School of Informatics, Kyoto University
Arata Tomoto, Jun-nosuke Teramae
Changes in the population of Paramecium grown under various pressures
Dept. of Sci. Tokyo Univ. of Sci.
Simulation of Angiogenesis using the Cellular Potts Model and its Image Analysis
Nippon Med. Sch., Senshu Univ.A
Hiroshi Fujisaki, Kenta OdagiriA, Hiroya Takada, Rei Ogawa

Break (15:00〜15:15)

Gait analysis of human locomotion by using inertial sensor
Dept. of Physics, Osaka Metropolitan Univ.
Tsuyoshi Mizuguchi
Emergence of tau protein precursors for fibril
Tomomi Takahashi, Takashi NonakaA, Masato HasegawaA, Yukiko HoriB, Taisuke TomitaB, Rei Kurita
Thermodynamics of metabolism and its physiological effects in mouse liver during fasting
Grad. Sch. Sci., Univ. Tokyo., M&D Data Sci. Cent., Tokyo Med. Dent. Univ.A
Takumi Abekawa, Satoshi OhnoA, Shinya Kuroda

16th E307 Room 16pE307 13:30〜17:00

Division 12
Soft matter 2

Velocity jump in the crack propagation induced on a polymer sheet by constant-speed stretching
Ochanomizu Univ.
Aoi Nohara, Ko Okumura
Scaling crossover for the falling velocity of a liquid drop surrounded by another liquid in a Hele-Shaw cell Ⅲ
Ochanomizu Univ.
Nanako Hirano, Ko Okumura
Charge competition with the membranes alters the protein diffusion inside cell-sized space
Grad. Sch. Arts Sci., Univ. TokyoA, UBI Univ. TokyoB
Relationship between boundary condition and mechanical response of Kirigami Ⅱ
Ochanomizu Univ.
Yukina Ninomiya, Ko Okumura
Bending deformation of tape springs by a notched indenter
Keio Mech.
Shunsuke Nomura, Tomohiko Sano
Twist Deformation of Trefoil Knot
Keio Mech.
Taiki Goto, Tomohiko Sano

Break (15:00〜15:15)

Mechanism of Curling Behavior in Plain Knitted Fabrics
Keio Univ., Osaka Univ.A
Kotone Tajiri, Riki MurakamiA, Ryuichi TarumiA, Tomohiko G. Sano
Localized buckling and collapse of an elastic tube due to wind loading
Department of Physics, Ritsumeikan University, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Ritsumeikan University
Shotaro Adachi, Shuya Yoshioka, Hirofumi Wada
Bending Instability of Fluid-Running Tubes
Keio Univ., Osaka Univ.A
Satsuki Shibuya, Isamu HashiguchiA, Shunsuke KobayashiA, Ryuichi TarumiA, Tomohiko Sano
Jumping dynamics of spherical shells on narrow substrates
Keio Univ.
Takara Abe, Tomohiko G. Sano
Bending mechanics of a cellular metaplate : Rigidity, Poisson's ratio, and Shape-shifting property
Department of Physics, Ritsumeikan University
Taiki Toyonaga and Hirofumi Wada
Buckling instability and wrapping transition of a rotating helical filament in a viscous fluid
Department of Physics, Ritsumeikan University
Takuro Kataoka, Hirohumi Wada
Numerical analysis for comparison of two types of interactions that yield synchronization between BZ gels
Dept. of Eng., Tokyo Tech., IRFI., Tokyo Tech.
Taro Sukegawa, Yuhei Yamada, Shingo Maeda

17th E201 Room 17aE201 9:00〜12:00

Division 12,Division 11 Joint
Biophysics joint 2

Structural Mechanics of 3D Bacterial Biofilm
Biozentrum, Univ. of Basel, Max Planck Institute for Terrestrial MicrobiologyA
Takuya Ohmura, Praveen K. SinghA, Knut Drescher
Organ shape universality and underlying growth mechanics across vascular plant root tips
Osaka U.A, JT BRHB, Kyoto U. E.C, Nagoya U.D, Akita Pref. U.E, NAISTF, Hiroshima U.G
Rion MutsunoA, Motohiro FujiwaraB, Rieko FujinamiC, Yoshiaki InukaiD, Zichen KangE, Satoru TsugawaE, Tatsuaki GohF, Keiji NakajimaF, Koichi FujimotoA,G
Theoretical analysis and simulation of 3D tissue formation in Dictyostelium
Grad. Sch. of Arts and Sci. Univ. of Tokyo, KIS. Univ. of TokyoA, UBI. Univ. of Tokyo
Seiya Nishikawa, Satoshi Kuwana, Gen HondaA, Satoshi SawaiB, Shuji IshiharaB
Modeling for cell deformation by the Fourier contour cell model and its relation to Phase-Field equation
Hiroshima Univ.A, EXCELLS NINSB, Univ. TokyoC
Nen SaitoA,B, Shuji IshiharaC
A Fourier contour model for collective cell migration
Hiroshima Univ.A,ExCELLS NINSB
Ryusei KubotaA, Nen SaitoA,B
Fourier contour cell model with cell division
Hiroshima Univ.A, ExCELLS NINSB
Seiya TakamuraA, Nen SaitoA,B

Break (10:30〜10:45)

Theoritical study on membrane morphology of endocytosis
Yokohama City University Graduate School of Nanobioscience
Suguru Ushioda, Masashi Tachikawa
A mathematical model for chiral collective rotation of multicellular colony
BDR RikenA,Grad. Sch. of Frontier Biol. Sci., Osaka Univ.B
Ryohei NishizawaA,B, Tomoki IshibashiA, Goshi OgitaA, Tatsuo ShibataA,B
Mathematical modeling of protein domain formation on the endoplasmic endoplasmic reticulum of eukaryotic cells
Sch. Sci., Yokohama City Univ.
Self-organization of the power-law and spatiotemporal structure of the principal components of neural dynamics
Grad. Sch. of Info., Kyoto Univ.
Asahi Nakamuta, Jun-nosuke Teramae
Deformation dynamics after vesicles fusion depends on their sizes and elasticity.
School of Science, Yokohama City University
Masashi Tachikawa

17th E302 Room 17aE302 9:00〜12:00

Division 12
Soft matter 3

Twining of an elastic rod around a rotating cylinder
Kyoto Univ., Ritsumeikan Univ.A
Marie Tani, Hirofumi WadaA
Statistical formulation of Onsager-Machlup variational principle
RIMS Kyoto Univ., Wenzhou Inst. UCASA
Kento Yasuda, Kenta Ishimoto, Shigeyuki KomuraA
On counting flat foldings of single vertex origami via statistical mechanics model
Tohoku Bunka Gakuen Univ. Engineering
Chihiro Nakajima
Spreading Behavior of Impinging Droplets on Solid Surfaces
Univ. Fukui, Keio Univ.A, City Univ. Hong KongB
Takahiro Koishi, Kenji YasuokaA, Xiao Cheng ZengB
Data-driven discovery of self-similarity using neural networks
Kyoto Univ., Osaka Univ.A, OISTB
Ryota Watanabe, Takanori Ishii, Yuji HironoA, Hirokazu MaruokaB
Constructing the Relationship Between Porous Structures and Physical Properties Using Manifold-Learning
Dep. of Appl. Phys., Tohoku Univ., SRIS Tohoku Univ.A
Shota Arai, Yuki TakayamaA, and Takashi Yoshidome

Break (10:30〜10:45)

Polymer 1

Modeling of Plastic Deformation of Crystalline Polymers by utilizing Transient Potential
Nagoya Univ.
Takashi Uneyama
Persistent Homology Analysis of Entanglements in Ring Polymers
Osaka Univ., AISTA, Edinburgh Univ.B
Shota Goto, Takenobu NakamuraA, Davide MichielettoB, Kang Kim, Nobuyuki Matubayasi
Chain stiffness dependence of shear thinning in polymer melts and its molecular structure characterization
Graduate School of Engineering Science, Osaka University
Kang Kim, Yuhi Sakamaki, Shota Goto, Nobuyuki, Matubayasi
Topological elastic force of Gaussian networks entangled with a ring polymer
Ochanomizu University, Kyoto UniversityA, Ochanomizu UniversityB
Naoki Sakata, Erica UeharaA, Tetsuo DeguchiB
Coarse-grained MD simulations of topological effect of ring-polymers filled block copolymers forming phase separated lamellar structures
NDA, Tohoku Univ.A
Katsumi Hagita, Takahiro MurashimaA

17th E313 Room 17aE313 9:15〜12:30

Division 11,Division 12 Joint
Active matter 1

Minimum scaling model and exact exponents for the Nambu-Goldstone modes in the Vicsek Model
Gakushuin Univ.
Harukuni Ikeda
Critical phenomena in Vicsek model systems with non-reciprocal interactions
Nagoya Inst. Tech.
Taisei Nakamura, Masaharu Isobe
Excluded volume effect and nonequilibrium phase transitions in hard disk Vicsek model systems with non-reciprocal interactions
Nagoya Inst. Tech.
Nobuaki Murase, Masaharu Isobe
Flow and jamming of confined active particles.
Kyoto Sangyo Univ.
Taiga Iwanaga, Kuniyasu Saitoh
Dynamics of a deformable droplet to an elliptic shape driven by surface tension gradient
Chiba Univ., Kobe Univ.A, Josai Univ.B, Hokkaido Univ.C
Hiroyuki Kitahata, Yuki KoyanoA, Yasuaki KobayashiB, Masaharu NagayamaC
Spontaneous droplet motion in PEG/Salt aqueous two phase system
Yuma Mori, Daichi Sato, Kai Kikuchi, Yutaka Sumino

Break (10:45〜11:00)

Evaluating the Density Dependence of Diffusivity in Active Brownian Particles
Tokyo Univ. of Science
Toranosuke Umemura, Issei Sakai, Takuma Akimoto
Boltzmann equation for collective motion via non-local visual interaction
Dept. of Phys., Tohoku Univ.
Susumu Ito, Nariya Uchida
Topological defect formation and collective motion of multicellular system in cylindrical lattice space
Dept. Eng., Univ. Kyoto
Ryo Ienaga, Yusuke Maeda
Ordered structures and phase defects in the solidification of active matter
Waseda Univ.
Tomida Hiroto, Yamazaki Yoshihiro
Vortex reversals as a precursor of bacterial turbulence
Dept. Phys., Univ. Tokyo.A, Penn State Univ.B, ipi, Univ. TokyoC
Daiki NishiguchiA, Sora ShirataniA, Igor S. AransonB, Kazumasa A. TakeuchiA,C
localization and bistability of bioconvection
Yoshiki Hiruta, Kenta Ishimoto

17th S101 Room 17aS101 9:00〜12:20

Division 9,Division 3,Division 4,Division 5,Division 12
Probing Emergence of Functionalities at Surfaces

(Symposium Session.) Opening remarks
Department of Electrophysics, NYCU
Chun-Liang Lin
(Symposium Session.) Momentum-Dependent Sum-Frequency Vibrational Spectroscopy of Bonded Interface Layer at Charged Water Interfaces
Institute of Physics, Academia Sinica
Yu-Chieh Wen
(Symposium Session.) Structure and dynamics of liquid interfaces by sum frequency generation spectroscopy
Department of Chemistry, Tohoku University
Kenichi Inoue
(Symposium Session.) Surface Defects as Catalysts: DFT Analysis of Enhanced Reactivity in PtTe2 and PdTe2
Graduate School of Advanced Technology, National Taiwan University
Jyh-Ping Chou

Break (10:35〜10:50)

(Symposium Session.) Second-order nonlinear susceptibility of monolayer ice on Pt(111): first-principles study
Cluster for Pioneering Research, RIKEN
Jun Haruyama
(Symposium Session.) Unveiling the Dirac Nodal Line in the Hourglass Semimetal Nb3SiTe6
National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center
Ro-Ya Liu
(Symposium Session.) X-ray nonlinear optics for materials science at SACLA
SPring-8 Center, RIKEN
Yuya Kubota

17th WA103 Room 17aWA103 9:00〜12:15

Theoretical Particle Physics,Theoretical Nuclear Physics,Division 1,Division 3,Division 11,Division 12
soliton, confinement

(Invited Presentation.) Recent developments on topological solitons such as Skyrmions and domain walls and in QCD and condensed matter
Keio Univ, Hiroshima Univ. WPI-SKCM2
Muneto Nitta
Integrable hyperbolic vortex on a compact surface of genus two
Kitasato Univ.
Kaoru Miyamoto, Atsushi Nakamula
A PINNs analysis for the inelastic collision process of vortices in a (2+1) nonlinear dynamical equation
Tokyo Univ. of Sci., Kitasato Univ.A, Okayama Univ.B, Tokyo Univ. of Sci.C, Toyama Pref. Univ.D
K.Shimasaki, A.NakamulaA, K.ObuseB, N.SawadoC, Y.Suzuki, K.TodaD
Some Properties of Topological and Nontopological Localized Modes on CPN Fermionic Sigma Model
Tokyo Univ. Sci.,Keio Univ.A
Shintaro Yamamoto,Yuki AmariA,Nobuyuki Sawado

Break (10:30〜10:45)

Solitonic Ground State in Supersymmetric Theory in Background
Keio University, Hiroshima University SKCM2, Kitasato UniversityA
Muneto Nitta, Shin SasakiA
String junctions in a flag manifold sigma model
Keio Univ.A, Dokkyo Medical Univ.B, SKCM2C
Keisuke OhashiA, Yuki AmariA, Toshiaki FujimoriA,B, Muneto NittaA,C
On axially symmetric monopoles of higher charges
Kitasato Univ.
Tomoaki Watanabe, Kaoru Miyamoto, Atsushi Nakamula
Bridging two semiclassical confinement mechanisms: monopole and center vortex
YITP, Kyoto U.
Yui Hayashi, Yuya Tanizaki
Restoration of residual local gauge symmetries due to topological defects and its implications for color confinement
Dept. of Phys., Chiba Univ.
Naoki Fukushima, Kei-Ichi Kondo

17th E201 Room 17pE201 13:30〜17:00

Division 12,Division 6,Division 11 Joint
Glassy systems 1

Logarithmic behavior of displacement correlations in a Brownian disk system in relation with its structural relaxation
Tottori Univ., Osaka Univ.A, Kyoto Univ.B
Ooshida T., M. OtsukiA, S. GotoA, T. MatsumotoB
State following procedure in 1+∞ dimensional replicated liquid theory: Compression and shear
Dept. Phys., Osaka Univ., CMC, Osaka Univ.A
Yukihiro Tomita and Hajime YoshinoA
Hysteresis of cohesive granular materials near jamming
Osaka Univ., Nagoya Univ.A
Michio Otsuki, Kiwamu YoshiiA
Exploring jammed packing structures of hard disk glasses using the free volume estimator
Nagoya Inst. Tech.
Daigo Mugita, Kazuyoshi Souno, Masaharu Isobe
Improving graph neural networks for a faithful prediction of relaxation dynamics of glassy liquids
Univ. of Hyogo, Nagoya UniversityA
Hayato Shiba, Hidemasa BesshoA, Takeshi KawasakiA
Glassy behavior in a deformable particle model
Dept. Phys., Nagoya Univ., Grad. Sch. of Integrated Sci. for Life, Hiroshima Univ.A
Kiwamu Yoshii, Nen SaitoA, Duc Dam T., Kunimasa Miyazaki, Takeshi Kawasaki

Break (15:00〜15:15)

Effects of dissipation on viscoelasticity in amorphous solids
University of Tokyo
Hideyuki Mizuno
Nonlinear mechanical response under finite shear rate in jammed state
Graduate School of Science of Nagoya University
Hidemasa Bessho, Takeshi Kawasaki, Kunimasa Miyazaki
Deep learning of features to identify the structure of glass-forming liquids.
Grad. Sch. Engn. Sci., Osaka Univ.
Kohei Yoshikawa, Kentaro Yano, Shota Goto, Kang Kim, Nobuyuki Matubayasi
Aging in Glass based on Delayed Response of Free Energy Landscape
Grad. Sch. of Sci. & Tech., Kyoto Inst. of Tech., Fac. of Mater. Sci. & Eng., Kyoto Inst. of TechA, Res. Inst. For Sci. Educ., Inc.B
Ayata Ueno, Tomoko MizuguchiA, Takashi OdagakiB
Thermal Properties and Surface Structures in Vapor-deposited Ultrastable Phenolphthalein Glass
Ibuki Furuno, Yuta Kishimoto, Arifumi Okada, Haruhiko Yao, Soichi Tatsumi
Effects of freezing temperature, amount of uncrystallized water, and dynamics of polymer on structure of ice in partially crystallized polymer - water mixtures
Dept. of Phys., Grad. Sch., Tokai Univ., Micro Nano Tech. Center, Tokai Univ.
Yuka Arai, Kaito Sasaki, Rio Kita, Naoki Shinyashiki
Structure and dynamics of amorphous methane hydrate
Menghan Zhang,Hiroshi Akiba,Takashi HondaA,Kazutaka IkedaB,Hiroki YamadaC,Seiya ShimonoC,Osamu Yamamuro

17th E302 Room 17pE302 13:30〜16:45

Division 12
Biomolecules 1

Development of a language model-based model for VHH properties
Saitama University
Yuki Hashidate, Taihei Murakami, Yasuhiro Matsunaga
Optimization of Force Field Parameters in Molecular Simulation Models Using a Differentiable Approach
Saitama University
Yohei Sako, Yasuhiro Matsunaga
Free Energy Estimation with SE(3) Equivariant Flow Models
Saitama University
Tsuyoshi Kawai, Yasuhiro Matsunaga
Effect of surrounding environment on electron beam irradiation damage of Enhanced Green Fluorescent Protein
Dept. of Appl. Phys. and Chem. Eng. Tokyo Univ. of Agriculture and Tech.
Haruyoshi Osakabe, Toshiki Shimizu, Hiroki Minoda
Predicting heteropolymer interactions: theory and numerical experiments
RIKEN iTHEMSA, RIKEN BDRB, RIKEN CPRC, Grad. Sch. of Sci., Univ. of TokyoD
Kyosuke AdachiA,B, Kyogo KawaguchiB,C,D
Prediction of coexistence in protein phase separation based on amino acid sequences
RIKEN iTHEMSA, RIKEN BDRB, RIKEN CPRC, Grad. Sch. of Sci., Univ. of TokyoD
Kyosuke AdachiA,B, Kyogo KawaguchiB,C,D

Break (15:00〜15:15)

Prediction about dissociation pathways of amyloid β peptide at the fibril edge based on evaluation of adiabatic potential surface
Grad. School of Sci., Univ. of Hyogo, Grad. School of Eng., Osaka Univ.A
Yasuhiro Oishi, Motoharu Kitatani, Kichitaro NakajimaA, Hirotsugu OgiA, Koichi Kusakabe
Molecular dynamics simulation study of the docking process of APP and beta-secretase
Grad. Sch. BOST, KINDAI Univ.A, BOST., KINDAI Univ.B
Ryo FujimotoA, Shota ShimogochiA, Seina SaitoB, Kaori YanaginoB, Naoyuki MiyashitaA,B
Structure changes between the Active and Inactive states in the transmembrane dimer of receptor tyrosine kinases
Grad. Sch. BOST, KINDAI Univ.A, BOST., KINDAI Univ.B
@Naoto TonogaitoA, Shota ShimogochiA, Ryo FujimotoA, Naoyuki MiyashitaA,B
Development of an ultraviolet cryogenic microscope for single-molecule spectroscopy
Department of Physics, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Faculty of Medicine, The University of Tokyo, Department of Physics, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Department of Physics, Tokyo Institute of Technology
Hibiki Sato, Namiki Toyama, Michio Matsushita, Satoru Fujiyoshi
Transmission electron microscopy of an individual phycobilisome aimed at the correlative light-electron microscopy.
Department of Physics, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Department of Bioscience, Tokyo University of AgricultureA, Department of Cell Biology and Anatomy, Graduate School of Medicine, The University of TokyoB
Daiki Sakamoto, Yuka ImamuraA, Satoru WatanabeA, Toshie FuruyaB, Masahide KikkawaB, Michio Matsusita, Satoru Fujiyoshi
Development of precise air conditioning system for image stability in cryogenic fluorescence microscopy of an individual molecule
Department of Physics, Tokyo Institute of Technology
Rinka Kai, Naoki Kamiya, Michio Matsushita, Satoru Fujiyoshi

17th E319 Room 17pE319 13:30〜16:30

Division 9,Division 7,Division 10,Division 12
Crystal Growth

(Invited Presentation.) Combination of Metal-Organic Frameworks and Soft Materials
Sch. Eng. Toyota Technol. Inst.
S. Anan
Characterization of critical nuclei of plate-like depletion attraction colloidal crystals by analyzing cluster number distributions and in situ observation
Tokushima Univ., Kanazawa Univ. EMIA
Yoshihisa Suzuki,Hiroyasu KatsunoA,Masahide SatoA,Keigo Kishida
Morphology control of protein crystals grown in hydrogel
Yokohama City Univ.
Miina Suzuki, Ryo Suzuki, Masaru Tachibana, Kenichi Kojima
Effects of ambient nitrogen gas on the growth kinetics of elementary steps on ice crystal surfaces
Institute of Low Temperature Science, Hokkaido University
Yuheng Zhao, Ken-ichiro Murata, Ken Nagashima, Gen Sazaki
The effect of atmospheric acidic gases on the vapor growth steps on ice
Institute of Low Temperature Science, Hokkaido University
K. Nagashima, K. Murata and G. Sazaki

Break (15:00〜15:15)

The Effect of Periodic Fluctuations in the Solution Environment Caused by a Pulsed Electron Beam on Crystal Growth
Hokkaido Univ.
Yuki Kimura
In-Situ Observation and Analysis of Nanoscale Polymorphs Using Electron Microscopy
Department of Chemistry, The University of Tokyo
Takayuki Nakamuro,Masaya Sakakibara,Eiichi Nakamura
Growth condition dependence of Fe/Ge(111) surfaces
Sch. Eng. Nagoya Univ.A, IMaSS. Nagoya Univ.B
N. MiuraA, Shi QingA, M. MizuguchiA,B, T.MiyamachiA,B
Pathways of Polymorphic Transitions during Colloidal Heteroepitaxy
Emerging Media Initiative, Kanazawa Univ., Graduate School of Natural Science & Technology, Kanazawa UniversityA, Institute for Meterials Research, Tohoku UniversityB
Masahide Sato, Kaku MukaiA, Jun NozawaB
Dependence of surface roughness on growth driving force and surface gradient: a Monte Carlo study
RIAM, Kyushu Univ.
Noriko Akutsu, Yoshihiro Kangawa

17th WB208 Room 17pWB208 13:30〜17:00

Division 10,Division 6,Division 7,Division 12
Materials Science Developed by Hyperordered Structures
(〜Physics of "Disorder in Order"and "Order within Disorder"〜)

(Symposium Session.) Introduction
Naogya Inst. Tech.
Koji Kimura
(Symposium Session.) Pressure dependent structure of amorphous aluminosilicate materials
Univ. Bath
Philip Salmon
(Symposium Session.) Relationship between intermediate-range structure and negative electrode property in Wadsley-Roth phase oxide
Tokyo Univ. Sci.
Naoto Kitamura
(Symposium Session.) Superconductivity emergence and its properties induced by intercalation of 4f-electron Yb into graphene
Univ. Tokyo
Ryota Akiyama

Break (15:10〜15:25)

(Symposium Session.) Information-Theoretic Analysis of Dopant Atomic Arrangement in Semiconductors via Photoelectron Holography
Nara Inst. Sci. Tech.
Tomohiro Matsushita
(Symposium Session.) Graph neural network model to predict doping effects in dielectric materials
Nagoya Univ.
Ryoji Asahi
(Symposium Session.) Phase behavior of water confined in one and two dimensional nano space
Okayama Univ.
Koga Kenichiro
(Symposium Session.) Summary
Nagoya Inst. Tech.
Koichi Hayashi

18th E201 Room 18aE201 9:00〜12:30

Division 12,Division 1
Solution / Liquid / Solvation 1

(Invited Presentation.) Physicochemical analysis of molecular association processes based on bimolecular reaction theory and molecular dynamics simulation
Grad. Sch. Eng. Sci, Osaka Univ.
K. Kasahara
Two ion-specific effects are related: Salting out and salt-enhanced association
Okayama Univ., Univ. of HyogoA
Kenichiro Koga, Hiroyuki Katsuto, Ryuichi OkamotoA, Tomonari Sumi
Derivation of diffusion equations for many particles by a general method of coars graining
Department of Physics, Niigata University
Akira Yoshimori, Shuto Suzuki
The Soret effect on a binary fluid mixture near the demixing critical point in the presence of the preferential adsorption onto two parallel plates
Faculty of Sci. & Tech., Keio Univ.
Youhei Fujitani

Break (10:25〜10:45)

First-principles molecular dynamics study of the CO2-water interface using unsupervised machine learning
Tetsuya Morishita, Masashige ShigaA
Rotational dynamics of a molecule doped in superfluid helium clusters
Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology, Kanazawa Univ., Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Kanazawa Univ.
Koki Kyushi, Shinichi Miura
Simulation of hydrofluoric acid solution using machine learning inter atomic potentials
SCREEN Holdings Co., Ltd.A,Department of Precision Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka UniversityB
Toshihiro KumeA,B,Rizka Nur FadillaB,Harry Handoko HalimB,Yoshitada MorikawaB
Parameter optimization using differentiable rigid-body docking simulation
Saitama University
Koki Kakinuma, Yasuhiro Matsunaga
Revisiting first principles van der Waals corrections based on Maximally Localized Wannier functions II
Takashi Ikeda
Changes in conformatiolnal stability of protein complexes due to amino acid mutations
Inst. Sci. Eng., Kanazawa Univ.
Kazutomo Kawaguchi, Hidemi Nagao
Reentrant behavior in an electrolyte concentration dependence of effective interaction between like-charged particles and the coion effects
Kyushu University, Nishinippon Institute of TechnologyA, Ehime UniversityB
Ryo Akiyama, Ayumi SuematsuA, Michika Takeda, Tatsuhiko MiyataB

18th E302 Room 18aE302 10:45〜12:15

Division 12
Biomolecules 2

Molecular dynamics simulation on full-length amyloid-beta peptides
Satoru G. Itoh, Hisashi Okumura
Non-equilibrium molecular dynamics method for reproducing a flow on lipid bilayer
Masaki OtawaA,B, Satoru G. ItohA,B,C, Hisashi OkumuraA,B,C
Predicting Water Molecule Replacement upon Ligand Binding Based on Deep Learning
Dep. Appl. Phys., Tohoku Univ., RikenA, Yokohama City Univ.B
Yuki Ito, Masateru OhtaA, Mitsunori IkeguchiA,B, and Takashi Yoshidome
Accelerating Protein Hydration Free Energy Computing Using a Deep Learning
Dep. Appl. Phys. Tohoku Univ.
Taichi Ito and Takashi Yoshidome
Transition-State Analysis of Protein Unfold Process Using Molecular Dynamics Simulation
Dep. Appl. Phys., Tohoku Univ.
Souta Kadowaki, Takashi Yoshidome
Construction of a simulation model which reproduces the single molecule experiment on biased Brownian motion of myosin head
Grad. Sch. Eng., Nagoya Univ.
Kenshiro Kaneko, Tomoki P.Terada

18th E308 Room 18aE308 9:00〜12:30

Division 12
Polymer 2

Analysis of relation between nano network structure and macro mechanics using double network gel
Grad. Sch. of Life Sci., Hokkaido Univ.A, Fac. of Adv. Life Sci., Hokkaido Univ.B, WPI-ICReDD, Hokkaido Univ.C
Naohiro KashimuraA, Takahiro MatsudaA, Yiran CuiA, Tsutomu IndeiB, Xiang LiB, Tasuku NakajimaB,C, Jian Ping GongB,C
Strengthening of protein crystals through cross-linking
Yokohama City Univ
Daiki Takaku, Ryo Suzuki, Masaru Tachibana, Kenichi Kojima
Significant negative energetic elasticity in a hydrogel with side chains
Univ. Tokyo
Sakumichi Naoyuki, Yamashita Ryosuke, Masuda Tsukuru, Yoshikawa Yuki, Fujiyabu Takeshi, Sakai Takamasa
Simultaneous observation of crack propagation and acoustic emission in polymer gels with homogeneous network structure
Univ. Tokyo
Mitsuki Nagaura, Naoyuki Sakumichi, Takamasa Sakai
Finite Element Analysis of Subsonic Crack Propagation in Viscoelastic Solids Using Fukagawa's Variational Principle
Osaka Univ. Eng. Sci, Univ. Tokyo Eng.A
Hokuto Nagatakiya, Naoyuki SakumichiA, Shunsuke Kobayashi, Ryuichi Tarumi
Concentration Gradient Formation of Cationic Polymer in Aqueous Solution with Temperature Gradient as an External Field
Grad. School of Sci., Tokai Univ., School of Sci., Tokai Univ.A

Break (10:30〜10:45)

Viscous heating and viscosity of polymer melts under wall-driven shear
Nagoya Univ.
Tatsuma Oishi, Yusuke Koide, Takato Ishida, Takashi Uneyama, Yuichi Masubuchi
Relationship between shear thinning behavior and microstructure under shear for aqueous solution of linear polymer PEGs with polydisperse molecular weight distribution
Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, the University of TokyoA, School of Science Department of Physics, Nagoya UniversityB
Naoya YanagisawaA, Daisuke ShimamotoA, Takeshi KawasakiB, Miho YanagisawaA
Effect sugars on the volume phase transition of a thermoresponsive hydrogel
Fac. of Sci., Kyushu Univ.
Yasuyuki Maki, Shunta Usami, Masahiko Annaka
Evaluation of the effect of microphase separation structure on gel shrinkage dynamics
Dept. Mech., Tokyo TechA, Dept. IRFI., Tokyo TechB
Mizuki Hirasawa, Yuhei Yamada, Shingo Maeda
Exact nonlinear elasticity of polymer networks consisting of finitely extensible random walk chains
Ochanomizu Univ., Georgia Univ.A, Colorado State Univ.B, Kyoto Univ.C
Tetsuo Deguchi, Jason CantarellaA, Clayton ShonkwilerB, Erica UeharaC
Non-linear elasticity of random network derived from a moment-force formula
Kyoto Univ.,Georgia Univ.A,Colorado State Univ.B,Ochanomizu Univ.C
Erica Uehara,Jason CantarellaA,Clayton ShonkwilerB,Tetsuo DeguchiC
Non-Gaussian asymptotic entropy for topological polymers
Allan John GerrardA,Tetsuo DeguchiB

18th E311 Room 18aE311 9:15〜12:30

Division 11,Division 12 Joint
Active matter 2

Model Estimation with the data assimilation method
Kyushu Univ.
Daisuke Irikura, Mitsusuke Tarama
Life-like Behavior of an Oil Droplet in an Aqueous Surfactant Solution
Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, The University of Tokyo
Riku Adachi, Hiroki Kojima, Takashi Ikegami
Confining geometry determines the contracted shape of active cytoskeletons
Dept. Phys. Kyushu Univ.,Dept. Biomed. Eng. Yale Univ.A,Dept. Chem. Eng. Kyoto Univ.B
Archit NegiB,Ryota SakamotoA,Yusuke T. MaedaB
Mechanism of nonlinear transport by active matter using microtubules as agents
Kyoto Univ.
Nozomu Sasaki, Marie Tani, Masatoshi Ichikawa, Ibuki Kawamata, Akira Kakugo
Autonomous Assembly and Disassembly of Microtubules using DNA Reaction Network
Kyoto University, Tohoku University, Hokkaido University, Kyusyu Institute of Technology, Kyushu University
Ibuki Kawamata, Kohei Nishiyama, Daiki Matsumoto, Shosei Ichiseki, Jakia J. Keya, Kohei Okuyama, Masatoshi Ichikawa, Arif M. R. Kabir, Yusuke Sato, Daisuke Inoue, Satoshi Murata, Kazuki Sada, Akira Kakugo, Shin-ichiro M. Nomura
Dynamics of a chiral swimmer in viscosity gradients
Graduate School of Eng. Kyoto Univ.
Takuya Kobayashi, Ryoichi Yamamoto

Break (10:45〜11:00)

The effect of chirality on the oscillating edge current in polar active fluid
Dept. of Physics, Kyushu Univ.
Hiroki Matsukiyo, Jun-ichi Fukuda
Collective motion in confined dense chiral active matter
Nagoya Univ.
Hajime Ikeda, Kunimasa Miyazaki, Takeshi Kawasaki
Odd diffusivity of chiral active matter and numerical analysis of time correlation
Kyoto Sangyo Univ.
Shogo Azuma, Kuniyasu Saitoh
Cooperative phenomena of active particles communicating through diffusion fields
ISSP, Univ. Tokyo
Keita Fujita, Hiroyoshi Nakano, Hiroshi Noguchi
Lattice Boltzmann analysis of the collective motion and irreversibility of active matter
Institute of Engineering, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
Michiaki Sakamoto, Itsuo Hanasaki

18th E201 Room 18pE201 13:30〜17:30

Division 12,Division 6,Division 11
Glassy systems 2

Numerical research of unjammed state under oscillaroty shear
Graduate School of Science of Nagoya University
Hiroka Onoyama, Hidemasa Bessho, Takeshi Kawasaki, Kunimasa Miyazaki
Evaluation of determinants for the boson peak in glasses using coherent potential approximation
Univ. of Tsukuba
Tatsuya Mori, Dan Kyotani, Soo Han Oh
Relation between cryptobiosis and high temperature anomaly in trehalose dihydrate
Reon Oka, Taisei Yato, Keisuke Yamakawa, Haruhiko Yao, Soichi Tatsumi
Low temperature heat capacities of vapor-deposited simple molecular glasses II
ISSP,Univ. of Tokyo
Xuejun Wu,Hiroshi Akiba,Yoshinori Ohmasa,Osamu Yamamuro
Polymer relaxation time analysis below glass transition temperatures by single-molecule fluorescence video microscopy
Josai University
Fragility of low-concentration glycerol aqueous solution under high pressure
Dept. of Phys., Tokai Univ.
Kaito Sasaki, Yoshiharu Suzuki
Temperature Dependence of Viscosity in Supercooled Liquid Mg-Zn-Y Alloys Using Machine-Learning Interatomic Potentials
Kumamoto Univ.
K. Shimamura, T. Tsumuraya, A. Koura, F. Shimojo
Understanding glass transition as a critical phenomenon of liquid-liquid phase transition
Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering, Hiroshima Univ.
Yukio Kajihara

Break (15:30〜15:45)

Solution / Liquid / Solvation 2

Lowest frequency Raman scattering modes in mono-alcohols
Graduate School of Sci. and Eng. Yamagata Univ., Faculty of Science Yamagata Univ.A
Koshi Ozama, Yuko AmoA, Yasuo KamedaA, Takeshi UsukiA
Dynamic and thermodynamic properties of acetonitrile and Mg-electrolyte absorbed in a metal–organic framework MIL-101
ISSP, CROSSA, Tokyo Univ. of Sci.B
Shun Sato, Hiroshi Akiba, Yoshinori Ohmasa, Takeshi YamadaA, Kaori TaniguchiB, Masaaki SadakiyoB, Osamu Yamamuro
Separation Experiment of Cyclic Oligosaccharide Aqueous Solution using Thermal Diffusion Phenomenon by Developing Fluidic Device using Temperature Gradient
Grad.Schoolof Sci.,Tokai Univ.,School of Sci.,Tokai Univ.A,MNTC. Tokai Univ.B
Thermodynamic and microscopic factors determining the solute-size dependence of hydrophobic interactions
Dept. Chem., Okayama Univ., RIIS, Okayama Univ.A
H. Naito, T. SumiA, K. KogaA
Exploration of Reaction Coordinates for Characterizing Transition Processes of Ion Association and Dissociation
Osaka Univ
Kazushi Okada, Kang Kim, Nobuyuki Matubayasi
Development of scaled-charge ions based on partial molar volumes of individual ions in water
Dept. of Chem., Okayam Univ., RIIS, Okayama Univ.A
Aoi Taira, Tomonari SumiA, Kenichiro KogaA
Long-chain preferential absorption and short-chain preferential permeation phenomena of alkanes to the polymer P4MP1
Keio Univ., Kyushu Univ.A, Fukuoka Univ.B
Tomoki Ogihara, Ryo AkiyamaA, Yusuke SanadaB, Yukiteru KatsumotoB, Ayano Chiba

18th E302 Room 18pE302 13:30〜16:45

Division 12,Division 11
Liquid crystal / colloid

Transient response of stress in nematic liquid crystal to step electric field
Nitech, Hokkaido Univ.
Yoshinori Takikawa, Koki Yoshihara, Makoto Iwata, Hiroshi Orihara
Travelling wave of director and flow patterns in chiral liquid crystal under electroconvection
Ritsumeikan Univ., RIKEN CEMSA
Jun Yoshioka, Hiroki Nobiri, Koji Fukao, Fumito AraokaA
Suppressing swirl structure of topological defects in liquid crystals
Hokkaido Univ.,Hokkai Gakuen Univ.A
Keito Konishi,Yuji SasakiA
Spontaneous flow and negative viscosity under electric field in a tricyclic fluorine liquid crystal
Dep. of Sci. and Tech. Oita Univ., Dep. of Eng. Oita Univ.A, Dep. of Appl. Phys., Hokkaido Univ.B, Dep. of Phy. Kyushu Univ.C, RIES, Hokkaido Univ.D
Tomoyuki Nagaya, Takato MeraA, Jun TakedaB, Seiji Ujiie, Fumiaki KobayashiC, Hiroshi OriharaB,D
Polar topology of liquid-matter ferroelectrics with nematicity
School of Emergent Soft Matter, South China University of Technology
Satoshi Aya, Jidan Yang, Yu Zou
Phase behavior and fluctuation in mixture of 5CB/dimethyl terephthalate
Dept. of Phys., Japan Women's Univ., Dept. of Macromol. Sci., Osaka Univ.A, ICR, Kyoto Univ.B
Ryoko Shimada, Osamu UrakawaA, Tadashi InoueA, Hiroshi WatanabeB

Break (15:00〜15:15)

Simulating nematic-isotropic phase transition and thermodynamic picture of intermolecular interaction using non-boltzmann statistics
Osaka Univ., Kitasato Univ.A, Hyogo Univ.B
Shunsuke Ogita, Yoshiki IshiiA, Hitoshi WasizuB, Kang Kim, Nobuyuki Matubayasi
Analyais of Lebwohl-Lasher model with randomness
Kyoto Univ.
Rei Amano, Takeaki Araki
Collective motion in a mixture of self-propelled particles with different motilities
Kyushu Univ., Kyoto Sangyo Univ.A
C.Sadamatsu, A.Hashimoto, K.Saito, F.Kobayashi, Y.IwashitaA, Y.Kimura
Aging Behavior in Laponite Solution Revealed by Molecular Diffusion Analysis
Graduate School of Science Univ. TokyoA, iCeMS Kyoto Univ.B, Komaba Institute for Science Univ. TokyoC
Shunichi SaitoA, Sooyeon KimB, Yuichi TaniguchiB, Miho YanagisawaA,C
Effects of Hydrodynamic Interactions for the Displacement Field in the Relaxation Process of Dense Colloidal Suspensions
IIS, Univ. of Tokyo
Junpei Noji, Akira Furukawa
Aggregation mechanism of colloids during curing of dispersion media
Yujiro FurutaA,B,Rei KuritaA

18th E308 Room 18pE308 13:30〜16:30

Division 12,Division 11 Joint
Biophysics joint 3

Negative differential resistance of bio-molecular motor F1-ATPase
Department of Applied Physics, Graduate School of Engineering, Tohoku University
Haruto Kimura, Shoichi Toyabe, Yohei Nakayama
Controlling evolutionary trajectory in microbial exprimental evolution
BDR, RIKEN, UBI, Univ. TokyoA
Atsushi Shibai, Shumpei Sato, Hazuki Kotani, Naomi Yokoi, Chikara FurusawaA
Mathematical Model of “Gene Guidance”
CDS, Kochi University
Takeshi Sugawara
Active thermodynamic force-driven pattern formation in two-dimensional space
Univ. Fukui, Tokyo TechA
Masashi K. Kajita, Tetsuhiro S. HatakeyamaA
Evolutionary rate in gene regulatory networks with changing gene numbers
Univ. of Tokyo, BDR RIKENA
Yutaro Ikeda, Yusuke Himeoka, Chikara FurusawaA
Koopman mode decomposition analysis of gene expression time series data
Masayo Inoue

Break (15:00〜15:15)

A stochastic spatiotemporal growth model reproducing static and dynamic statistical laws of gut microbiome
Tokyo Tech Comp., SONY CSLA, CornellB, RIKEN IMSC
Rie Maskawa, Hideki TakayasuA, Lena TakayasuB,C, Wataru SudaC, Misako Takayasu
On constraints of autocatalytic growing systems
The University of Tokyo, Tohoku UniversityA
Atsushi Kamimura, Yuki SughiyamaA, Tetsuya J. Kobayashi
Correlation between secondary structures of lattice proteins and evolutionary robustness to environmental perturbation
Grad. Sch. Sci., UTokyo, Grad. Sch. Eng.A, Nagoya Univ., and Grad. Sch. Inform., Nagoya Univ.B
Tomoei Takahashi, George ChikenjiA, Kei TokitaB, and Yoshiyuki Kabashima
Evolvability of the latecomer killing system
ELSI, Tokyo Inst. of Tech, Dept. of Basic Sci., Univ. of TokyoA, Niels Bohr Inst., Univ. of CopenhagenB
Tetsuhiro S. Hatakeyama, Arisa H. OdaA, Kunihiro OhtaA, Kunihiko KanekoB
Intermittent dynamics on a resource leak-intake system
Univ. Tokyo, Niels Bohr Inst.A
Takashi Shimada, Kunihiko Kaneko

18th S101 Room 18pS101 13:30〜17:20

Division 3,Division 11,Division 12
Free energy analysis using data science: toward connecting material structure and material function

(Symposium Session.) Intrduction
Tokyo University of Science
Masato Kotsugi
(Symposium Session.) A study of data-driven Landau model
Tokyo University of Science
Chiharu Mitsumata
(Symposium Session.) Feature extended free energy model: automated interpretation of magnetic domain structure.
Tokyo University of Science
Masato Kotsugi
(Symposium Session.) Confidence evaluation for feature selection in expanded feature space based on density of states
Tsukuba University
Yasuhiko Igarashi

Break (15:05〜15:20)

(Symposium Session.) The shape of Data: Application of persistent homology to materials science
Okayama University
ippei Obayashi
(Symposium Session.) Physics in Probabilistic Inference: Insights from Free Energy Landscape
The Institute of Statistical Mathematics
Ayaka Sakata
(Symposium Session.) Reservoir computing with magnetic wire
Tohoku University
Hikaru Nomura
(Symposium Session.) Materials Design and Realization of Room Temperature Spin Glass for Brain-morphic Computing
The University of Tokyo
Hitoshi Tabata

19th E201 Room 19aE201 9:30〜12:55

Division 12,Division 11
Physics of Soft Robotic Matter

(Symposium Session.) Opening Remarks
Keio Univ.
Tomohiko Sano
(Symposium Session.) Inflatable Robots
Meijo Univ.
Ryuma Niiyama
(Symposium Session.) Riemannian Geometry for Soft Robotic Matter
Osaka Univ.
Ryuichi Tarumi
(Symposium Session.) From Soft Rods to Soft Robotics
Kyoto Univ.
Marie Tani

Break (11:10〜11:25)

(Symposium Session.) Three-dimensional architecture and assembly mechanism of the egg-shaped shell in testate amoeba
Yamagata Univ.
Mami Nomura
(Symposium Session.) Designing Soft Materials and Soft Robots
Tokyo Inst. Tech.
Shingo Maeda
(Symposium Session.) Shell Mechanics in Biological Functions
Kyushu Univ.
Taiju Yoneda

19th E308 Room 19aE308 9:00〜12:00

Division 12
Amphiphilic molecule / Structure / Rheology

Cellular spatial patterns on the air-liquid interface driven by Marangoni flow in Glycerol/Oleic Acid system.
Hirokazu Maruoka, Christian Vaquero-Steiner, Khá-Î Tô, Shreyas MandreA, Mahesh M. Bandi
Concentration dependence of the diffusion coefficient of surfactants in micellar solutions
Nagoya Univ.
Yusuke Koide, Takato Ishida, Takashi Uneyama, Yuichi Masubuchi
Analysis of self-motile vesicles embedding gold nanoparticles under AC Electric Fields
Tokyo Univ. Sci.
Yoshinori Sonoyama, Kotaro Nakazawa, Yutaka Sumino
Popping: A Granular Transition
Tata Inst. of Fundamental Res.,IndiaA,OIST Grad. Univ.B
Akash GhoshAMahesh BandiB,Shankar GhoshC
Jamming of a Spongy Granular Medium
Samuel Poincloux,Takeuchi A. KazumasaA
Dependence of shear viscosity on intersurface distance analyzed in near-critical binary system
Osaka Electro-Communication Univ.
Masami Kageshima

Break (10:30〜10:45)

In-situ observation of dispersion system of cellulose nanocrystals in aqueous environment by using transmission electron microscopy
Dept. Appl. Phys. Chem. Eng. Tokyo Univ. Agri. Tech.,Dept. Mech. Sys. Engi. Tokyo Univ. Agri. Tech.A
Toshiki Shimizu, Shinnnosuke Kawagoe, William Kai Alexander WorbyA, Yoshiyuki TagawaA, Hiroki Minoda
Chain formation of particles mixed in a non-Newtonian fluid under shear.
Hiroto Yokoyama, Rinya Miyakawa, Yutaka Sumino
Collective motion of Quincke particles and the rheology of their dispersion systems.
Dep. Phys., Kyushu Univ., Fac. Sci., Kyushu Univ.A, Fac. Sci. and Tech. Oita Univ.B
Taichi Kono, Kenichiro Ide, Jiwon LeeA, Fumiaki Kobayashi, Tomoyuki NagayaB and Yasuyuki Kimura
Dependence of maximum osmotic pressure of foams on salinity
Dept. Phys., Tokyo Metroporitan Univ.
Aoi Kaneda, Rei Kurita
Flow pattern of reactive interface induced by rheological change
Dept. of Appl. Phys., Tokyo Univ. of Sci.
Kojiro Otoguro, Shunsuke Tanaka, Miyuki Kunihiro, Hiroki Ishikawa, Yutaka Sumino

19th N101 Room 19aN101 9:00〜12:30

Division 11,Division 12 Joint
Active matter 3

Self-phoretic Motion of Janus Particles Producing the Coexistence of Temperature and Viscous Gradients
Kyoto Univ.
Bokusui Nakayama,Ryoya Hirose,Masatoshi Ichikawa,Akira Kakugo
Change in motion of electrically driven Janus particles in viscoelastic fluids
Dept. of Phys. Kyushu Univ., Dept. of Phys. Kyoto Sangyo Univ.A
R.Kawano, K.Saito, F.Kobayashi, Y.IwashitaA, Y.Kimura
Orientational order of magnetotactic bacteria in quasi-2D system
Dept. Phys., Univ. Tokyo
Takashi Goto, Daiki Nishiguchi, Kazumasa A. Takeuchi
Exploration of edge flows in bacterial collective motion confined to asymmetric networks
Dept. Phys., Univ. Tokyo
Yoshihito Uchida, Daiki Nishiguchi, Kazumasa A. Takeuchi
Bioconvection patterns of the ciliate Tetrahymena to asymmetric boundary conditions.
Department of Physics, Kyoto Univ., RIES, Hokkaido Univ.A
Kenan Matsui, Kohei Okuyama, Ibuki Kawamata, Yukinori NishigamiA, Mari Tani, Akira Kakugo, Masatoshi Ichikawa
Characterization of multiscale dynamics of dense active matter based on experimental observation of ciliate Tetrahymena
Department of Physics, Kyoto Univ.
Kohei Okuyama, Takeshi Matsumoto, Masatoshi Ichikawa
Response measurement on a micro-swimmer against flow
Dept. Phys. Kyoto Univ., Biozentrum Univ. BaselA, RIES Hokkaido Univ.B
Masatoshi Ichikawa, Takumi Kobayashi, Takuya OhmuraA, Yukinori NishigamiB

Break (10:45〜11:00)

Cell motility response to substrate “stiffness”
Kyushu Univ.
S. Nakamura, M Tarama
Scattering and capturing of chemotactic active particles
Kyushu Univ., HHU DüsseldorfA
Mitsusuke Tarama, Hartmut LöwenA
Anomolous Rheology of the Puller-Type Microswwimer Suspensions
Appl. Phys., Univ. of Tokyo, IIS, Univ. of TokyoA
Haruki Hayano, Akira FurukawaA
Frozen patterns of active nematic liquid crystals under a quenched random field
Dept. of Phys., Tohoku Univ.
Yutaka Kinoshita and Nariya Uchida
Topological Defects and Aggregation in Active-XY Model
Graduate School of Science, Osaka University
Shun Inoue, Satoshi Yukawa
Unjamming and fluidization of active Brownian particles
Nagoya Univ.
Duc Dam,Takeshi Kawasaki,Kunimasa Miyazaki
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