
Division 9

16th E319 Room 16aE319 9:30〜12:30

Division 9
Theory / Simulation / Machine Learning
(Hydrogen Dynamics)

Mechanism of Diffusion Barrier Increase of Hydrogen Atoms at the α-Al2O3/α-Cr2O3 Interface
Facul. Eng., Hokkaido Univ.
Yuji Kunisada, Ryotaro Sano, Norihito Sakaguchi
Machine Learning Molecular Dynamics on Hydrogen Dynamics on Cu Surfaces
Osaka Univ.
H Halim,Y Yamada,Y Morikawa
Density functional theory study on the structure and hydrogen storage performance of hydrogen boride sheets
Dept. Prec. Eng., Grad. Schl. Eng., Osaka Univ.
Shunsuke Naka, Ikutaro Hamada
Nonadiabatic effects in proton discharge on metal electrodes
The Univ. of Tokyo
Elvis Arguelles,Osamu Sugino

Break (10:30〜10:45)

Screening multicomponent alloys using evidence theory and high-throughput DFT calculations for C2-selective eCO2RR
CCS Univ. TsukubaA, ToyotaB
F. KurodaA, M. IbeB, M. OtaniA
Exploring high-entropy alloy clusters with high catalitic activity via machine learning
Dept. of Mater. Eng. UTokyoA, CD-FMat AISTB
K. MiyamotoA, K. OtsukaA, A. K. A. LuA, K. ShimizuA,B, S. WatanabeA
Bayesian measurement of oxidation reactions observed by time-resolved X-ray diffraction
UTokyo Sci., UTokyo GSFSA, NIMSB, JASRIC, Kumamoto UD
K.Uehara, T.NabikaA, S.KatagamiA, K.NagataB, S.KawaguchiC, S.KobayashiC, M.MizumakiD, M.OkadaA
Mechanism of electrolyte decomposition on spinel oxide cathodes in Mg rechargeable battery: A first-principles study
Yoshitaka TateyamaA,B, Wenchong ZhouB
Theoretical Study of Graphene Self-Assembly on the Diamond Surface for Carbon-Based Electronics
Osaka Univ.A,Sumitomo Electric Ind.B
John Isaac G. EnriquezA,Takahiro YamasakiB,Masato MichiuchiB,Harry Handoko HalimA,Kouji InagakiA,Masaaki GeshiA,Ikutaro HamadaA,and Yoshitada MorikawaA
Structural characterization of platinum single-atom catalysts supported on graphene edges using machine learning
Osaka Univ.
Beatriz Andrea Choi Tan,Nurul Ainu Sofi,Pham Ngoc Thanh,Yuji Hamamoto,Yoshitada Morikawa
Two-dimensional superconductivity in α-Sn(111) layer grown on SnTe(111)
Univ. Tokyo, NIMSA, Tokyo Inst. Tech.B
Y. Guo, R. Akiyama, T. KonoikeA, S. IchinokuraB, Y. HattoriA, T. Takashiro, R. Hobara, T. TerashimaA, T. HiraharaB, S. UjiA, and S. Hasegawa

16th E319 Room 16pE319 13:30〜16:30

Division 9,Division 5,Division 10
Surface Measurement
(Spectroscopy / Operando Measurement)

(Invited Presentation.) Atomic-level visualization of surface catalytic reactions by in situ/operando surface science techniques
Institute for Catalysis, Hokkaido Univ.
Satoru Takakusagi
Decomposition of Methanol on Layered PdTe2 Controlled by Under-coordinated Pd
Nat'l. Central Univ.,Nat'l. Tsing Hua Univ.A,Nat'l. Yang Ming Chiao Tung Univ.B,Nat'l. Cheng Kung Univ.C,TCECM,NSTCD,NSRRCE,Nat'l. Changhua Univ. of EducationF
Jing-Wen Hsueh,Lai-Hsiang Kuo,Po-Han ChenA,Wan-Hsin ChenB,Chi-Yao ChuangB,Chia-Nung KuoC,D,Chin-Shan LueC,D,Hung-Wei ShiuE,Bo-Hong LiuE,Chia-Hsin WangE,Yao-Jane HsuE,Chun-Liang LinB,Jyh-Pin ChouF and Meng-Fan Luo
Distribution of work function on model Pt-loaded TiO2 photocatalyst surfaces under water vapor atmosphere
Hiromasa SatoA, Taketoshi MinatoA, Toshiki SugimotoA,B
Hydrogenation process of formate adsorbed on Cu(997): Direct observation of dioxymethylene and formaldehyde
ISSP, Univ. of Tokyo
Haruka Yoshioka, Kozo Mukai, Shunsuke Tanaka, Jun Yoshinobu
Ultrabroadband vibrational spectroscopy using infrared pulses generated by two-color laser-induced air plasma filamentation
The Institute for Solid State Physics, The University of Tokyo
Shunsuke Tanaka, Risako Kameyama, Yuta Murotani, Takuya Matsuda, Natsuki Kanda, Ryusuke Matsunaga, and Jun Yoshinobu

Break (15:00〜15:15)

High-Sensitivity Detection of Molecular Vibrations by Phase-Sensitive Tip-Enhanced Sum Frequency Generation Spectroscopy with a Time-Delay Method
Institute for Molecular ScienceA, Graduate Institute for Advanced Studies, SOKENDAIB, Tohoku UniversityC
A. SakuraiA,B, S. TakahashiA, T. MochizukiA,B, K. KumagaiC, T. HiranoC, A. MoritaC, and T. SugimotoA,B
Chiral-selective self-assemblies of brominated triphenylamine molecules on Au and Ag(111)
Model catalytic molecule 1,10-phenanthroline reseached by low-temperature scanning tunneling microscopy
Dept. of Phys. Kanazawa Univ., Eng. And Tech. Dept. Kanazawa Univ.A, Hokkaido Univ.B, Kyusyu Univ.C
R. Kobata, E. T. Man, Y. Kaneko, T. -Y. Cheng, Y. Obata, K. ShimamuraA, K. HayashidaB, K. TakeyasuB, J. NakamuraC, Y. Yoshida
Observation of quantum diffusion of Hydrogen in epitaxial Vanadium film
Univ. of Tokyo-IISA,NIT-Akashi Col.B,JAEA-ASRCC
S.S. DasA,T. OzawaA,T. KawauchiA,H. NakanishiB,K. FukutaniA,C
Deposition Temperature Dependence and Effect of Atomic Hydrogen on the Structure of H2O on Au(111)
Hiroyuki Koshida, Markus Wilde, Katsuyuki Fukutani

17th S101 Room 17aS101 9:00〜12:20

Division 9,Division 3,Division 4,Division 5,Division 12
Probing Emergence of Functionalities at Surfaces

(Symposium Session.) Opening remarks
Department of Electrophysics, NYCU
Chun-Liang Lin
(Symposium Session.) Momentum-Dependent Sum-Frequency Vibrational Spectroscopy of Bonded Interface Layer at Charged Water Interfaces
Institute of Physics, Academia Sinica
Yu-Chieh Wen
(Symposium Session.) Structure and dynamics of liquid interfaces by sum frequency generation spectroscopy
Department of Chemistry, Tohoku University
Kenichi Inoue
(Symposium Session.) Surface Defects as Catalysts: DFT Analysis of Enhanced Reactivity in PtTe2 and PdTe2
Graduate School of Advanced Technology, National Taiwan University
Jyh-Ping Chou

Break (10:35〜10:50)

(Symposium Session.) Second-order nonlinear susceptibility of monolayer ice on Pt(111): first-principles study
Cluster for Pioneering Research, RIKEN
Jun Haruyama
(Symposium Session.) Unveiling the Dirac Nodal Line in the Hourglass Semimetal Nb3SiTe6
National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center
Ro-Ya Liu
(Symposium Session.) X-ray nonlinear optics for materials science at SACLA
SPring-8 Center, RIKEN
Yuya Kubota

17th E318 Room 17pE318 13:30〜17:00

Division 4,Division 9
Topological materials (Theory)

Unveiling the Connection Between Molecular Chirality and Chiral Phonons
Univ. of TokyoA,Duke Univ.B
Hanggai NouminBFeng-Feng SongA,Naoki KawashimaA,Peng ZhangB,David N. BeratanB
Intrinsic spin Nernst effect in Dirac and Weyl semimetals
Dept. of Phys., Kyoto Univ.A, YITPB, ISSP Univ. of TokyoC, Advanced Science Research Center JAEAD, Saitama Univ.E
Taiki MatsushitaA,B, Akihiro OzawaC, Yasufumi ArakiD, Junji FujimotoE, Masatoshi SatoB
Strong magnetic field response theory in the Bernevig-Hughes-Zhang model
ISSP, the University of Tokyo
Hiroyuki Sudo, Takashi Oka
Thermoelectric Effects Originating from Multiple Bands in Spin-1 Fermion Systems
Dept. of Phys., Nagoya Univ.
Risako Kikuchi and Ai Yamakage
Orbital paramagnetism without density of states enhancement in nodal-line semimetal ZrSiS
Dept. of Basic Science, Univ. of Tokyo, Dept. of Phys., Univ. of TokyoA, Dept. of Phys., Osaka Univ.B, Dept. of Phys, Tohoku Univ.C, Trans-Scale Quantum Science Inst., Univ. of TokyoA,D
Soshun Ozaki, Hiroyasu MatsuuraA, Ikuma TateishiB, Takashi KoretsuneC, Masao OgataA,D
High-harmonic generation in Su-Schrieffer-Heeger model
Dept. of Appl. Phys, Hokkaido Univ.
Yuto Karube,Hideaki Obuse

Break (15:00〜15:15)

Theoretical analysis of nonreciprocal current induced by geometric Bloch-Zener oscillation
Ritsumeikan Univ., Univ. of TokyoA, Nihon Univ.B
Ibuki Terada, Sota KitamuraA, Hiroshi WatanabeB, Hiroaki Ikeda
Analysis of electron transport properties in an interferometer containing a Kitaev chain model
Hiroshima University
Yuto Takarabe, Yositake Takane
Topological boundary states and chiral Majorana modes at the half-Heusler interfaces
Dept. of Applied Phys. Univ. of Tokyo, RCAST Univ. of TokyoA, RIKEN CEMSB
Tonghua Yu, Ryotaro AritaA,B, Motoaki HirayamaB
Domain wall states in high spin topological insulators
Dept. Phys. Osaka Univ.A, Ben-Gurion Univ.B, YITP, Kyoto Univ.C
Takuto KawakamiA, Igor KuzmenkoB, Yshai AvishaiB, Yigal MeirB, Masatoshi SatoC
Topological corner aggregation in crystal growth of topological materials
RIKEN CEMS, ITP Chinese Academy of SciencesA, Dept. of Phys. Tokyo Inst. of Tech.B
Yutaro Tanaka, Shuai ZhangA, Tiantian ZhangA, Shuichi MurakamiB
Topological pumping in higher order topological insulator on breathing kagome lattice
University of Tsukuba
Daiki Matsumoto, Tomonari Mizoguchi, Kazuki Sone, Yasuhiro Hatsugai
Topological phase transition in bilayer and trilayer quadrupole topological insulators
RCASTA, Dept.of Enginnering Univ. of TokyoB, Tokyo TechC, Keio Univ.D, NanoQuineE, IIS Univ. of TokyoF
N. IshidaA, M. EzawaB, L.GuangtaiA, W. LinC, Y. OtaD, Y. ArakawaE, S. IwamotoA,F

17th E319 Room 17pE319 13:30〜16:30

Division 9,Division 7,Division 10,Division 12
Crystal Growth

(Invited Presentation.) Combination of Metal-Organic Frameworks and Soft Materials
Sch. Eng. Toyota Technol. Inst.
S. Anan
Characterization of critical nuclei of plate-like depletion attraction colloidal crystals by analyzing cluster number distributions and in situ observation
Tokushima Univ., Kanazawa Univ. EMIA
Yoshihisa Suzuki,Hiroyasu KatsunoA,Masahide SatoA,Keigo Kishida
Morphology control of protein crystals grown in hydrogel
Yokohama City Univ.
Miina Suzuki, Ryo Suzuki, Masaru Tachibana, Kenichi Kojima
Effects of ambient nitrogen gas on the growth kinetics of elementary steps on ice crystal surfaces
Institute of Low Temperature Science, Hokkaido University
Yuheng Zhao, Ken-ichiro Murata, Ken Nagashima, Gen Sazaki
The effect of atmospheric acidic gases on the vapor growth steps on ice
Institute of Low Temperature Science, Hokkaido University
K. Nagashima, K. Murata and G. Sazaki

Break (15:00〜15:15)

The Effect of Periodic Fluctuations in the Solution Environment Caused by a Pulsed Electron Beam on Crystal Growth
Hokkaido Univ.
Yuki Kimura
In-Situ Observation and Analysis of Nanoscale Polymorphs Using Electron Microscopy
Department of Chemistry, The University of Tokyo
Takayuki Nakamuro,Masaya Sakakibara,Eiichi Nakamura
Growth condition dependence of Fe/Ge(111) surfaces
Sch. Eng. Nagoya Univ.A, IMaSS. Nagoya Univ.B
N. MiuraA, Shi QingA, M. MizuguchiA,B, T.MiyamachiA,B
Pathways of Polymorphic Transitions during Colloidal Heteroepitaxy
Emerging Media Initiative, Kanazawa Univ., Graduate School of Natural Science & Technology, Kanazawa UniversityA, Institute for Meterials Research, Tohoku UniversityB
Masahide Sato, Kaku MukaiA, Jun NozawaB
Dependence of surface roughness on growth driving force and surface gradient: a Monte Carlo study
RIAM, Kyushu Univ.
Noriko Akutsu, Yoshihiro Kangawa

17th N101 Room 17pN101 13:30〜17:20

Division 9,Division 3,Division 4,Division 5,Division 7,Division 8,Division 10
Revealing Novel States at Surface and Interface

(Symposium Session.) Opening remarks
Jun Haruyama
(Symposium Session.) Development of laser-based photoemission at the surfaces of metals and 2D materials
Institute of Atomic and Molecular Sciences, Academia Sinica
Cheng-Tien Chiang
(Symposium Session.) Electronic Tuning of van-der-Waals Layered Compounds in Two-Dimensional Limit
Department of Physics, National Central University
Meng-Kai Lin
(Symposium Session.) Probing Atomic-Scale Magnetism in Low-Dimensional Topological Quantum Materials
Department of Physics, National Tsing Hua University
Pin-Jui Hsu

Break (15:05〜15:20)

(Symposium Session.) Direct Visualization of Disorder Driven Electronic Liquid Crystal Phases in Dirac Nodal Line Semimetal GdSbTe
Institute of Physics, Academia Sinica
Tien-Ming Chuang
(Symposium Session.) Intercalation-driven van Hove singularity and superconductivity in graphene
Department of Physics, Tokyo Institute of Technology
Satoru Ichinokura
(Symposium Session.) Topological mosaics and its boundary states in twisted van-der-Waals materials
Department of Physics, Osaka University
Ikuma Tateishi
(Invited Presentation.) How STM can help next-generation semiconductor industry?
Department of Electrophysics, NYCU
Chun-Liang Lin

18th E319 Room 18aE319 9:00〜11:45

Division 9
Atomic-layer and topological materials

Atomic configuration of stanene on a Ag(111) substrate
ASRC, JAEA, ISSP, Univ. TokyoA
Y. Fukaya, I. MatsudaA
The structure and electronic of graphene sheets intercalated with Rhodium atoms
Department of Electronics Engineering and Computer Science Faculty of Engineering, Fukuoka UniversityA,Synchrotron Light Application Center, Saga UniversityB
Kazuma YagyuA, Masaki ImamuraB, Kazutoshi TakahashiB, Takayuki SuzukiA
Structural and electronic properties of B/Al(111) using concerted quantum beams of positrons and photons
Waseda Univ.A, Synchrotron Light Application Center, Saga Univ.B, IMSS KEKC, IMRAM, Thohoku Univ.D
M. ShojiA, K. NishiyamaA, T. TakedaA, T. NumatagawaA, M. ImamuraB, K. TakahashiB, I. MochizukiA, K. WadaC, T. HyodoC, A. TakayamaA,D
Millimeter-scale growth of YCrB4 single crystals and observation of the metallic state by Angle resolved Photoelectron Spectroscopy
ISSP, Univ. of TsukubaA, KEK-IMSS-PFB, Kyushu Univ.C
Xiaoni Zhang, Yuki Tsujikawa, Masashige Miyamoto, Kazuki Yamaguchi, Masafumi Horio, Mei YuanA, Kenichi OzawaB, Kunio YubutaC, Takahiro KondoA, Iwao Matsuda
Distinct Exciton Auger Processes in WS2/WSe2 Moiré Heterobilayers
Nat'l. Tsing Hua Univ.,Nat'l. Synchrotron Radiation Res. CenterA,Academia SinicaB
Wei-Ting Hsu,@ Cheng-Syuan CaiA,Wei-Yan Lai,Po-Hsuan Liu,Tzu-Chieh ChouA,Chih-Ming Lin,Shangjr Gwo,Ro-Ya LiuA
Tomography Scan of Charge Density Wave in NbSe2
Jyun-Yu Wu,Yung-Ting LeeA,Guan-Hao ChenB,Zheng-Hong Li,Chang-Tsan Lee,Jie-Yu Hsu,Chia-Nung KuoC,Juhn-Jong Lin,Wen-Hao ChangB,Chin-Shan LueC,D,Noriaki TakagiE,Po-Tuan ChenA,Cheng-Tien ChiangF,G,Chien-Cheng KuoH,Chien-Te Wu,Chi-Cheng LeeG*,Ming-Chiang ChungI*,Hung-Chung HsuehG*,Chun-Liang Lin*

Break (10:30〜10:45)

Ion Bombardment and Annealing Treatment: An Approach to Perfect TMDs Surfaces
Dept. of ElectroPhys., NYCUA, Dept. of Phys., NCUB, Dept. of Phys., NCKUC, TCECM, NSTCD, AISSM, NCKUE, NSRRCF, Inst. of Electron. Eng., NYCUG, ICST, NYCUH, Dept. of Phys., NCUEI
Wan-Hsin ChenA, Naoya KawakamiA, Jing-Wen HsuehB, Lai-Hsiang KuoB, Jiun-Yu ChenA, Ting-Wei LiaoB, Chia-Nung KuoC,D, Chin-Shan LueC,D,E, Yu-Ling LaiF, Yao-Jane HsuF, Der-Hsien LienG, Chenming HuH, Jyh-Pin ChouI, Meng-Fan LuoB, Chun-Liang LinA
Real-space Landau-level spectroscopy of the Sb(111) surface
Shunsuke Yoshizawa, Keisuke Sagisaka
Electronic structure calculations for Se-deposited Bi2Se3 as modified by surface reconstruction
Grad. School of Sci. Univ. of Hyogo
Rikuto Yamamoto,Koichi Kusakabe,Motoharu Kitatani
Spin effect of hydrogen on Bi2Te3
Institute of Industrial Science, The University of TokyoA, Advanced Science Research Center, Japan Atomic Energy AgencyB
Yusei OhashiA, Takahiro OzawaA, Hirokazu UetaB, Hiroyuki KoshidaA, Koichi KatoA, Markus WildeA, Katsuyuki FukutaniA,B

18th B112 Room 18pB112 13:30〜17:00

Division 2,Division 5,Division 9,Division 10
Frontiers in Advanced Measurement - the challenge of seeing the invisible

(Symposium Session.) Introduction
SANKEN, The Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research, Osaka University (SANKEN, Osaka U)
Shin-ichiro Tanaka
(Symposium Session.) Development of data platform for materials research
National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS)
Masahiko Demura
(Symposium Session.) Multi-wavelength remote sensing technology for solar-astrophysical plasma
National Astronomical Observatory of Japan (NAOJ)
Yukio Katsukawa
(Symposium Session.) Sensor fusion program for quantitative plasma turbulence diagnostics
National Institute for Fusion Science (NIFS)
Tatsuya Kobayashi

Break (15:05〜15:20)

(Symposium Session.) New frontiers in elucidating surface atomic arrangements opened up by positron diffraction and data-driven science
High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK)
Ken Wada
(Symposium Session.) Electronic structure investigation by photoelectron momentum microscopy: from observation to elucidation
Institute for Molecular Science (IMS)
Fumihiko Matsui
(Symposium Session.) High temporal- and spatial-resolved diagnostics of tangent, non-equilibrium, micro-scale plasmas produced by lasers
Institute of Laser Engineering, Osaka University (ILE, Osaka U)
Shinsuke Fujioka
(Symposium Session.) Summary and Future Prospects
National Institute for Fusion Science (NIFS)

18th E319 Room 18pE319 13:30〜16:45

Division 9
Structural Properties

Ad-dimer structures on diamond (001) surfaces observed with atomic force microscopy
Dept. Adv. Mater. Sci., Univ. Tokyo,ISSP, Univ. TokyoA,AISTB
Yuuki Yasui,Runnan Zhang,Masahiro FukudaA,Taisuke OzakiA,Masahiko OguraB,Toshiharu MakinoB,Daisuke TakeuchiB,Yoshiaki Sugimoto
Growth of indium clusters in porous metal-organic networks on Cu(111)
National Institute of Technology, Gunma College, Institute for Solid State Physics, the university of TokyoA
Noriyuki Tsukahara and Jun YoshinobuA
Unique orientation dependent lattice expansion of Au(111) on WS2
Dept. of Electrophysics,NYCU,Internat'l. Col. of Semiconductor Tech.,NYCUA,Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company,CREDMB,Kyoto Univ.C
Wei-Tung Liu,Kuan-Bo LinA,Sen-Hao Chang,Hui-Ting LiuA,Jyun-Yu Wu,Shu-Jui ChangB,Noriaki TakagiC,Chenming Hu*A,Chun-Liang Lin*
Hydrogen adsorption and restructure of Ag(111)-Bi surface
Institute of Industrial Science, The University of TokyoA, Advanced Science Research Center, Japan Atomic Energy AgencyB
Shunsuke Izu, Yuji Ishizaki, Takahiro OzawaA, Katsuyuki FukutaniA,B
First-principles study of Pentacene adsorption on the quasicrystal surfaces
Kagoshima Univ.
Masanori Sato, Kazuki Nozawa
Modification of physical properties by hydrogen in high-entropy perovskite oxides
Inst. Indust. Sci., Univ. of TokyoA, School of Materials and Chemical Technology, Tokyo Inst. Tech.B, Univ. of TokyoC, Asrc, JAEAD
T. OzawaA, K. WangB, K. NishioB, R. ShimizuB,C, T. HitosugiB,C and K. FukutaniA,D

Break (15:00〜15:15)

Evaluation of Sub-nm Scale Roughness on HOPG through RHEED Spot Profiles
Nara Inst. Sci. Technol.,Osaka Univ.A,Yonago Col.B
Rivaldo M. Tumbelaka,Yoshihiro Kitagawa,Juharni,Toh-ya Fujiwara,Yuki Ida,Azusa N. HattoriA,Hiroki MomonoB,and Ken Hattori
Growth and atomic structure of twisted bilayer graphene formed on Ni(111) by segregation
Fac. of Edu. Yamanashi Univ.A, Dept. of Appl. Phys. Waseda Univ.B
A. NagashimaA, M. OzekiA, Y. KamiyamaA, G. OdaharaB
Accuracy of subsurface hydrogen position in Pd(100) by RHEED intensity analysis
IIS, Univ. TokyoA,Sch. of Eng., DendaiB,ASRC, JAEAC
Takaaki KawamuraA,B,Shohei OguraB,Takahiro OzawaA,Yuki FukayaC,Katsuyuki FukutaniA,C
Structure analysis of Pb/Ge(111)-(√3×√3)-β phase by total-reflection high-energy positron diffraction (TRHEPD)
Waseda Univ.A, IMSS KEKB, IMRAM Tohoku Univ.C
R. TakahashiA,M. ShojiA,L. KonermannA,I. MochizukiB,K. WadaB,T. HyodoB,A. TakayamaA,C
Single Ag atom adsorption on the Si(111)7×7
Tohoku Univ., Lund Univ.A
Shozo Suto, Hiroyuki Horii, Kenya Haga, Jacek R. OsieckiA
Interlayer Si Dimer of Si(110)3×2-Sb and -Bi surfaces
IMRAM Tohoku Univ., SRIS Tohoku Univ.A
Boxuan Li, Hinako Terengut, Hiroaki Aoyama, Hajime Yamamoto, Tadashi AbukawaA

18th N101 Room 18pN101 13:30〜17:30

Division 9
Electronic properties

Application of dual-beamline photoelectron momentum microscopy to Au(111) surface states
Institute for Molecular ScienceA, SOKENDAIB, Osaka Univ.C
Kenta HagiwaraA, Ryunosuke SagehashiA, Yusuke SatoA, B, Shin-ichiro TanakaC, Shigemasa SugaC, Fumihiko MatsuiA, B
Electronic Structure Investigation of Black Rutile TiO2(110)
Univ. of TokyoA,Tokyo Gakugei Univ.B,JAEAC
Muhammad IrfandiA,Ryoka KawanoB,Touma IchikawaB,Takahiro OzawaA,Masuaki MatsumotoB,Katsuyuki FukutaniA,C
Novel surface states of a kagome superconductor LaRh3B2 studied by ARPES
WPI-AIMR, Tohoku Univ.A, Dept. Phys., Tohoku Univ.B, CSIS, Tohoku Univ.C, Univ. Paris-SaclayD, UVSOR, IMSE, SOKENDAIF, QSTG, KEK-IMSS-PFH, IMRAM, Tohoku Univ.I, SRIS, Tohoku Univ.J, MathCCS, Tohoku Univ.K
T. KatoA, K. NakayamaB, T. OsumiB, S. SoumaA,C, A. HonmaB, A. AntezakD, K. TanakaE,F, M. KitamuraG, K. OzawaH, K. HoribaG, H. KumigashiraI, T. TakahashiB, F. FortunaD, A. F. Santander-SyroD, T. SatoA,B,C,J,K
Thickness-dependent electronic structure of superconducting K-intercalated graphene
Dept. Phys., Tokyo Tech.,IMS UVSORA
Tatsuya Nakamura,Satoru Ichinokura,Kei Tokuda,Kiyohisa TanakaA,Toru Hirahara
Study of Quantum Beat in Image-Potential States on Graphene/Ir(111) using Time-Resolved Two-Photon Photoemission Spectroscopy
Yu-Chan TaiA,Chih-Wei Luo,Chun-Liang Lin,Ryuichi ArafuneA
Electronic states of bismuth thin films on GaAs(111)B studied by high-resolution ARPES
Dept. Phys., Tohoku Univ.A, WPI-AIMR, Tohoku Univ.B, CSIS, Tohoku Univ.C, SRIS, Tohoku Univ.D, and MathCCS, Tohoku Univ.E
K. YaegashiA, K. SugawaraA,B, T. TakahashiA, and T. SatoA,B,C,D,E
Microscopic Mechanism of Magnetic Stability in Monolayer Transition-Metal Dihalides
SANKEN,Osaka Univ.,CSRN,Osaka Univ.A
Thi Phuong Thao Nguyen,Kunihiko YamauchiA

Break (15:15〜15:30)

Electronic properties ・ Nanoscale quantum properties

Surface conductivity influenced by structures and electronic states on Pb monolayer formed on Si(111)
ISSP, Univ. Tokyo
Masahiro Haze, Junya Okazaki, Masayuki Hamada, Masamichi Yamada, and Yukio Hasegawa
Evaluation of structures and surface conductivity on dense Pb monolayer formed on Si(111)
ISSP, Univ. Tokyo, LION, Leiden Univ.A
Junya Okazaki, Masahiro Haze, Masayuki Hamada, Yudai SatoA, and Yukio Hasegawa
Single-molecule spectroscopy of higher acenes using scanning tunneling microscopy
Dept. Applied Phys., Univ. of Tokyo,RIKENA,NIMSB,Dept. Nanobio., YCUC,ICRD
Kyoka Mochizuki,Kensuke KimuraA,Hironobu HayashiB,Minhui LeeA,Risa OgataC,Hiroshi ImadaA,Hiroko YamadaD,Yousoo KimA
Theoretical analysis of vibronic progression in photoelectron spectra of coronene molecule
QST, Chiba Univ.A
Misa Nozaki, Naoya IwaharaA
Stability and Electronic Properties of SnS/ZnS Interfaces for Thin-Film Solar Cells: A First-Principles Study
Japan Advanced Inst. of Sci. and Tech.
Rohit Dahule,Kenta Hongo,Ryo Maezono
Swarm intelligence search for Si band bending consistent with measured quantum levels: dependence on V(z) representation
NAIST, Tohoku UniversityA, Osaka UniversityB, Tokyo Institute of TechnologyC
T. Ono, R. Ichikawa, B. G. Lim, R. YukawaA, Y. Higa, R. Tan, K. Ikeda, K.SakamotoB, K. TsutsuiC, S. N. Takeda
Photo-induced changes in carrier distribution in Si space charge layers probed through subband energy levels
NAIST,Toray Research CenterA,Tohoku Univ.B,Osaka Univ.C,Saga Univ.D
S. N. Takeda, T. SakataA, T. Ono, R. Ichikawa, Y. Okumura, R. Horie, B. G. Lim, R. YukawaB, R. Tan, K. SakamotoC, K. YamadaA, H. MiyataA, K. Ikeda, I. YamamotoD, J. AzumaD
Origin of the step-edge state on the N-saturated Cu(001) surface
ISSP, UTokyoA, Materia, TitechB, IMaSS, NagoyaUC, GSIST, UTokyoD
Fumio KomoriA,B,C, Yusuke KonishiA, Takushi IimoriA, Yoshihide YoshimotoD, Toshio MiyamachiA,C

19th E319 Room 19aE319 9:00〜10:45

Division 9
Surface and interface magnetism

Magnetic properties and moiré-induced interface electronic states of monolayer FeCl2 on Bi(111)
Grad. Sch. Eng., Osaka Univ., Institute of Molecular Science, University of Valencia (Spain)A, Max Planck Institute of Microstructure Physics (Germany)B
Shigemi Terakawa, Amilcar Bedoya-PintoA, Jingrong JiB, Gabriele DomaineB, Emily C. McFarlaneB, Stuart S. P. ParkinB, Niels B. M. SchröterB
Electronic and magnetic properties of MnTe films and its substrate dependence
Dept. Phys., Tokyo Tech., NIMSA, ALBAB
R. Akiyama, T. SasakiA, M. ValvidaresB, S. Ichinokura, T. Hirahara
Control of anomalous Hall effect of magnetic topological insulator heterostructure MnBi2Te4/Bi2Te3 by interface engineering
Dept. Phys. Tokyo Tech., Tomsk Univ.A, NIMSB, INMA SpainC, DIPC SpainD
K. Ishihara, S. V. EremeevA, S. Ichinokura, H. Nishimichi, T. SasakiB, M, M. OtrokovC, E. V. ChulkovD, T. Hirahara
Detection and Control of Intramolecular Exchange Interaction Observed by Split Kondo Peak and Yu-Shiba-Rusinov Peak for le Molecule Magnet of Bis(phthalocyaninato)terbium(III) (TbPc2) and YPc2 Adsorbed on Superconductor Pb(111) Surface
Chemistry Tohoku Univ., IMRAM Tohoku Univ.A, Chemistry Nagoya Univ.B
Dey Shishir Kumar, Wang Zhipeng, Ali Md. Arafat, Shahed S.M.D.A, Arafune RyuichiB, Komeda TadahiroA
RF Signal Injection in STM Tunneling Junction for Bis(phthalocyaninato)terbium(III) (TbPc2) and YPc2 Adsorbed on Superconductor Pb(111) Surface
Chemistry Tohoku Univ., IMRAM Tohoku Univ.A
Dey Shishir Kumar, Chowdhury Uttam, Ali Md. Arafat, Shahed S.M.D.A, Takaoka TsuyoshiA, Komeda TadahiroA
Microscopic insights into magnetic anisotropies of Gd/Co bilayer
Nat'l. Sun Yat-sen Univ.A,Chung Yuan Christian Univ.B,Nat'l. NSRRC,TaiwanC,IAMS Academic SinicaD
Liang-Wei LanA,Aldrin ChangA,Wei-Ming LiB,Swati KanojiaA,Jyun-Syong JhuangC,Wei-Sheng ChiuC,Cheng-Tien ChiangD,Chii-bin WuB,Tzu-Hung ChuangCChien-Cheng KuoA
Observation of spin transfer accompanying light-induced desorption of Rb atoms from Co surfaces
Naoki Tanabe, Kanta Asakawa and Atsushi Hatakeyama
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