
Division 6

16th E303 Room 16aE303 9:00〜12:30

Division 6
(Theory on Magnets/SC junctions, Interface phenomena)

Finite-momentum superconductivity in two-dimensional altermagnet based on microscopic calculation
Dept. of Appl. Phys., Tohoku Univ.
K. Mukasa and Y. Masaki
Superconducting diode effect in d-wave superconductor/altermagnet junction system
Dept. of Appl. Phys., Tohoku Univ.A, CSIS, Tohoku Univ.B, Inst. for Theor. Phys., Univ. of RegensburgC
Osamu KanehiraA, Yusuke MasakiA, Hiroaki MatsuedaA,B, Andreas CostaC, Jaroslav FabianC
Local density of states and Josephson effect in Josephson junctions with altermagnet
Okayama Univ., Nagoya Univ.A, Tianjin Univ.B
Yuri Fukaya, Kazuki MaedaA, Keiji YadaA, Bo LuB, Yukio TanakaA
φ Josephson junction induced by altermagnetism
Dept. of Phys., Tianjin Univ., Dept. of Appl. Phys., Nagoya Univ.A
Lu Bo, Kazuki MaedaA, Hiroyuki ItoA, Keiji YadaA, and Yukio TanakaA
Odd-frequency pairing due to Majorana and trivial zero-energy Andreev states
Nagoya Univ.,Uppsala Univ.A
Ahmed Eslam,Cayao JorgeA,Tanaka Yukio
Anomalous proximity effect in a d-wave superconductor with a spin-orbit interaction
Hokkaido Univ.A, Nagoya IARB
Jaechul LeeA, Satoshi IkegayaB, Yasuhiro AsanoA

Break (10:30〜10:45)

Superconducting state and transition temperature of nano-sized dirty superconductor
Osaka Metropolitan Univ.A, Kyushu Sangyo Univ.B
Masaru KatoA, Terukazu NishizakiB
Cooperation of Edelstein Effect and Kondo Effect
Center for Advanced High Magnetic Field Science, Osaka University, Department of Physics, University of TokyoA
Kazumasa Miyake, Hiroyasu MatsuuraA
Anomalous electromagnetic response of vortex solid in superconductors with two-component order parameters
Department of Physics, Kyoto University
Ryusuke Ikeda, Yuhto Yokota
Electromagnetic response of the second Landau level vortex lattice II
Department of Physics, Kyoto University
Ryusuke Ikeda, Yuhto Yokota
3D Molecular dynamics for vortices in superconductor with columnar defects II
Osaka Metropolitan Univ.
Naoto Yamashita, Masaru Kato
Vortex flow across nematic twin boundary by GL theory
Dept. Phys. &RIIS, Okayama University
Sakiko Noda, Hiroto Adachi, Masanori Ichioka
Novel vortex state in locally noncentrosymmetric superconductors
Dept. of Phys. Kyoto Univ.
Akihiro Minamide, Youichi Yanase

16th E304 Room 16aE304 9:15〜11:30

Division 6,Division 7,Division 10,Division 11,Division 12
Liquid metal

Permanent Densification of SiO2 Glass: Molecular Dynamics Study Using Machine-Learning Interatomic Potential III
Dept. of Phys., Kumamoto Univ., KEK-IMSSA
T.Sano, D.WakabayashiA, A.Koura, K.Shimamura, F.Shimojo
Pressure Dependence of Permanent Densification of SiO2 Glass Based on Large-Scale Simulations Using Machine-Laerning Interatomic Potentials
Dept. of Phys., Kumamoto Univ., KEK-IMSSA
H. Yoshida, T. Sano, D.WakabayashiA, A. Koura, K. Shimamura, F. Shimojo
Static and Dynamic Properties of Liquid Lactic Acid using Large-Scale Computer Simulations based on Machine-Learning Interatomic Potential
Dept. of Phys., Kumamoto Univ.
K. Tanaka, K. Ito, K. Shimamura, A. Koura, F. Shimojo
Static Structure of Liquid Racemic Malic Acid Based on First-Principles Molecular Dynamics Simulations
Kumamoto Univ., NUPMLSA, Chukyo Univ.B, Shimane Univ.C
W. Sugimoto, K.Ito, H. ShimakuraA, S. TaharaB, K. OharaC, A. Koura, K. Shimamura, F. Shimojo
Estimation of Zincblende-Rocksalt Phase Transition Pressure of SiC by Thermodynamic Integration Method III
Dept. of Phys., Kumamoto Univ.
T. Inoue, K. Shimamura, A. Koura, F. Shimojo

Break (10:30〜10:45)

Special lecture of the divisions 6, 7, 10, 11, and 12

(Invited Presentation.) Machine learning interatomic potentials and their application to the analysis of properties of liquids and glasses
Kumamoto Univ.
Kohei Shimamura

16th E201 Room 16pE201 13:30〜16:45

Division 12,Division 2,Division 5,Division 6,Division 11
Frontiers in the physics of turbulence: Towards the understanding of universality and diversity in turbulence from classical and quantum to active systems

(Symposium Session.) Introduction
Dept. Chem. Engineering, Kyoto Univ.
Yusuke T. Maeda
(Symposium Session.) Bacterial populations' route to turbulence (or spacetime chaos)
Dept. Physics, Univ. Tokyo
Kazumasa A. Takeuchi
(Symposium Session.) Universality of turbulent fluctuations and information flow from macro to micro scales
Dept. of Earth and Space Science, Osaka Univ.
Tomohiro Tanogami
(Symposium Session.) Harnessing art behind active flow dynamics
Hiroshima Univ., Grad. Sch. Integ. Sci. Life
Makoto Iima
(Symposium Session.) Two-dimensional turbulent flow to study relationship between elastic instability and drag reduction
Nagoya Univ.
Ruri Hidema

Break (15:15〜15:30)

(Symposium Session.) Turbulence modulation by additives
Grad. Sch. Eng. Sci., Osaka Univ.
Susumu Goto
(Symposium Session.) Cutting-edge research in quantum turbulence
OMU, Dep. Phys.
Makoto Tsubota
(Symposium Session.) Visualization and manipulation of quantized vortices
Dept. Phys. Kyoto Univ., The Hakubi Center for Adv. Res, Kyoto Univ.
Yosuke Minowa

16th E303 Room 16pE303 13:30〜17:15

Division 6
(Experiment: Vortex)

Observation of quantum vortices in micro-fabricated superconductor
Univ. Tokyo, NIMSA, Tokyo Tech.B
Shunsuke Nishimura, Taku Kobayashi, Kensuke Ogawa, Takeyuki TsujiA, Takayuki IwasakiB, Mutsuko HatanoB, Kento Sasaki, Kensuke Kobayashi
Observation of Quantum Vortex Distribution using Wide-Field Local Magnetic Field Measurements
Univ. Tokyo, NIMSA, Tokyo Tech.B
Taku Kobayashi, Shunsuke Nishimura, Hao Gu, Kensuke Ogawa, Takeyuki TsujiA, Takayuki IwasakiB, Mutsuko HatanoB, Kento Sasaki, Kensuke Kobayashi
Kibble-Zurek mechanism for dynamical ordering transition: Effects of asymmetric quench rates
Tokyo Tech.A,Yamaguchi Univ.B
K. OmoriA,S. MaegochiA,T. EbiharaA,K. IenagaA,B,S. KanekoA,S. OkumaA
Effects of Heavy-ion Irradiation on Twin Domains and Vortex Penetration in FeSe
Dept. of Appl. Phys. The Univ. of Tokyo, Dept. of Phys., Southeast Univ., ChinaA
T. Ren, Y. SunA, R. Sakagami, Z. X. ShiA, T. Tamegai
Quasi-two-dimensional superconductivity and vortex phase diagrams of (Li,Fe)OHFeSe films grown hydrothermally
Center for Emergent Matter Sci.,RIKEN,Inst. of Phys.,Chinese Academy of Sci.A,High Magnetic Field Lab.,Chinese Academy of Sci.B,Inst. for Tech. Phys.,Karlsruhe Inst. of Tech.,GermanyC
Dong Li,Yue LiuA,Zouyouwei LuA,Zhaosheng WangB,Li PiB,Jens HänischC,Fang ZhouA,Xiaoli DongA,Zhongxian ZhaoA
Trapping magnetic field in tubular stacked coated superconductors
Department of Applied Physics, U-Tokyo, Faraday Factory Japan LLCA
Cheng Yu, Ryosuke Sakagami, Ivan VeshchunovA, Vladimir VyatkinA, M. NakamuraA, T. H. DaoA, and Tsuyoshi Tamegai

Break (15:00〜15:15)

Magnetic flux trapping and anomalous self-heating in phase-separated superconducting composites
Tokyo Metropolitan Univ., AISTA
Yoshikazu Mizuguchi,Takumi Murakami,Poonam Rani,Md. Riad Kasem, Hiroto ArimaA
Self-heating phenomenon in phase-separated Sn-Pb solder superconductors
Tokyo Metropolitan Univ., AISTA
Takumi Murakami,Poonam Rani,Md. Riad Kasem, Hiroto ArimaA, Yoshikazu Mizuguchi
Critical field and in-plane-vortex dynamics in Pb thin films with thickness around coherence length
IMR, Tohoku Univ.
H. Shirai, T. Nojima
Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless transition in rhenium nitride films
Kosuke Takiguchi, Yoshiharu Krockenberger, Yoshitaka Taniyasu, Hideki Yamamoto
High current transport properties and phase slip line state in electric-field-induced 2D superconductivity at MoS2 surface
IMR, Tohoku Univ.
R. Sakamoto, T. Nojima
Two-dimensional vortex dynamics induced by in-plane magnetic field in a polar superconducting state of SrTiO3 surface
IMR, Tohoku Univ.
T. Nojima, H. Chiba
Dynamics of liquid crystal vortex in Fe-NbS2 superconductivity
Dept. of Phys., Hokkaido Univ.A,Center for Topo. Sci & Tech., Hokkaido Univ.B,Dept. of Appl. Phys.,Hokkaido Univ.C,RIES, Hokkaido UniversityD,IMR, Tohoku Univ.E
K. TakahashiA,H. NobukaneA,B,E. UnoA,Y. TabataA,N. MatsunagaA,M. KimataE,S. TandaB,C,D
Composition dependence of interlayer deparing current density of Ba(Fe1-xCox)2As2 microbridge.
Dept. of Physics, Aoyama Gakuin Univ., AISTA
Y. Mizukoshi, S. Suzuki, S. IshidaA, H. EisakiA, H. Kitano.

16th E304 Room 16pE304 13:30〜16:30

Division 6
Liquid metal

XAFS Evidence for Two Liquid Phases of SnI4
Phys. Dept., Ehime Univ.
Kazuhiro Fuchizaki, Hiroki Naruta
Photo-induced crystallization of amorphous selenium
Yoshifumi Sakaguchi
Static and Dynamic Properties of Liquid Se-Te mixture Based on ab initio Molecular Dynamics Simulations
Dept. of Phys., Kumamoto Univ.
A. Koura, K. Shimamura, and F. Shimojo
Ion Dynamics Analysis of Superionic Conducting Glass AgI-As2Se3 by Machine Learning Force Field
Yamagata Univ. Graduate School of Science and Engineering,Yamagata Univ. Faculty of ScienceA
Taisei Arakawa,Shusuke KasamatsuA,Takeshi UsukiA
Investigation of intermediate range order in GeO2 glass using persistent homology and machine learning
Grad. Sch. of Sci. and Eng. Yamagata Univ., Fac. of Sci. Yamagata Univ.A
Kenta Matsutani, Shusuke KasamatsuA, Takeshi UsukiA
Static Structure of GexS1-x Glass Based on Ab Initio Molecular Dynamics Simulations II
Dept. of Phys., Kumamoto Univ., CROSSA
K. Ito, Y. SakaguchiA, A. Koura, K. Shimamura, F. Shimojo

Break (15:00〜15:15)

Structures of Se chains encapsulated in single-walled carbon nanotubes
Department of Physics, University of Toyama, Institute of Applied Physics, University of TsukubaA, Department of Mathematics and Physics, Hirosaki UniversityB, Graduate School of Engineering, Nagasaki UniversityC, Synchrotron Radiation Research Center, Nagoya UniversityD
H. Ikemoto, T. FujimoriA, T. MiyanagaB, K. UritaC, R. Kawaguchi, M. TabuchiD
Relation between the optical conductivity and Baym DC conductivity in liquid metals
Dept. of Phys., Kyoto Univ.
Hikaru Kitamura
Ab Initio Structural Search for High-pressure Solid Hydrogen over 0.5 TPa
Tom Ichibha, Putu Chrysnanda, Kenta Hongo, Ryo Maezono
Transport properties of C–H–O ternary system at planetary interior conditions
Graduate School of Eng., Osaka Univ., Faculty of Eng., Hiroshima Institute of Tech.A, Inst. Laser Eng., Osaka Univ.B
Daisuke Murayama, Satoshi OhmuraA, Ryosuke KodamaB, Norimasa OzakiB
Ab initio molecular dynamics study on structural change of 11Å tobermorite under compressive stresses
Hiroshima Inst. of Tech., Kumamoto Univ.A
I. Kanemasu, S. Ohmura, F. ShimojoA

17th E303 Room 17aE303 9:00〜12:15

Division 6
(SC properties, Extreame conditions)

Local pair superconductivity in ZrTe3
Department of Physics, Hokkaido UniversityA, Center of Education and Research for Topological Science and Technology, Hokkaido UniversityB, Department of Applied Physics, Hokkaido UniversityC, RIES, Hokkaido UniversityD
Hiroyoshi NobukaneA,B, Shotaro IzutsuA, Kazuhiko YamayaB, Shigeru TakayanagiB, Satoshi TandaB,C,D
Effect of In addition on misfit layered compounds {(SnSe)1.16}m(NbSe2)n
CST Nihon Univ.
S. Kuwahara, T. Watanabe, S. Demura
Evaluation of superconducting properties of Se Substituted Layered Chalcogenide 4Hb-TaS2
CST, Nihon Univ.
M. Maeda, K. Sasajima, N. Mitsuhashi, S. Kuwahara, T. Watanabe, S. Demura
Pressure-induced volumetric negative thermal expansion in CoZr2 superconductor
Tokyo Metropolitan Univ.A, AISTB, JASRIC, Shimane Univ.D, NIMSE, CHS, Nihon Univ.F
Yuto WatanabeA, Hiroto ArimaA,B, Saori Kawaguchi-ImadaC, Hirokazu KadobayashiC, Kenta OkaC, Hidetomo UsuiD, Ryo MatsumotoE, Yoshihiko TakanoE, Takeshi KawahataF, Chizuru KawashimaF, Hiroki TakahashiF, Aichi YamashitaA, Yoshikazu MizuguchiA
Stabilization of high-pressure superconducting phase of Ba by high-pressure torsion processing
Kyushu Inst. of Tech., Fukuoka Univ.A
M. Mito, H. Tsuji, T. TajriA, K. Nakamura, Z. Horita
Pressure effect on superconducting transition temperature of Sn thin film
Sch. of Eng., Tokyo Tech, KYOKUGEN, Osaka Univ.A, NIMSB, GRC Ehime Univ.C
M. Ohkuma, M. SasakiA, R. MatsumotoB, T. ShinmeiC, T. IrifuneC, Y. TakanoB, K. ShimizuA

Break (10:30〜10:45)

Quantum phenomena of hydrogen atoms in superconducting NbHx detected by Vibrating Wire method
Fac. of Engineering. Kyushu Univ., Fac. of Engineering Science, Kyushu Univ.A, Okayama University of ScienceB
Y. HAGA, Tai Zizhou, M. Shiga, K. HashizumeA, Y. InagakiB, T. Kawae
Superconducting Properties of PdHx Films Prepared by Low Temperature Hydrogen Absorption
Dept. of Applied Quantum Physics, Kyushu Univ., Dept. of Physics, Kyushu Univ.A
R. Kato, T. Yoshida, M. Shiga, R. IimoriA, T. KimuraA, T. Kawae
Pair-breaking effect of epitaxial bilayers of superconductor NbN and half-metallic Heusler alloy Co2Fe0.4Mn0.6Si
Kagoshima Univ., Tohoku Univ.A, Kyushu Univ.B, JAEAC
Iduru Shigeta, Takahide KubotaA, Shojiro KimuraA, Bunju ShinozakiB, Takeshi SekiA, Satoshi AwajiA, Koki TakanashiC,A, Masahiko Hiroi
Observation of resistance oscillations in Nb/Ni superconducting rings
Dept. of Physics, Osaka Univ.A,ICR, Kyoto Univ.B,PREST, JSTC,CSRN, Osaka Univ.D,OTRI, Osaka Univ.E,CSRN, Kyoto Univ.F
Fumiya MatsumotoA,HidekiHideki NaritaB,C,Masaki MaedaA,Mori WatanabeA,Ryoya NakamuraA,Nan JiangA,D,E,Teruo OnoB,F,Yasuhiro NiimiA,D,E
Superconducting spintronics in superconductor/ferromagnetic insulator heterostructures
University of Cambridge, CSIC-UPV/EHUA, Delft University of TechnologyB, The Ohio State UniversityC, Kindai UniversityD, Nagoya UniversityE, Imperial College LondonF, Beihang UniversityG, The Hebrew University of JerusalemH, University of BordeauxI
Hisakazu Matsuki, Alberto HijanoA, Grzegorz MazurB, Stefan IlićA, Binbin WangC, Yuliya Alekhina, Kohei OhnishiD, Sachio KomoriE, Yang Li, Nadia Stelmashenko, Niladri BanerjeeF, Lesley CohenF, David W. McCombC, Sebastián BergeretA, Guang YangG, Alon GutfreundH, Vadim PlastovetsI, Avia NoahH, Laura Gorzawski, Nofar FridmanH, Alexander BuzdinI, Oded MilloH, Yonathan AnahoryH, Jason Robinson
Current correction between remote arrays of small Josephson junctions via photon exchange
Dept. Engineering Science, UEC
Yuta Shioda, Tatsuya Iizuka, Yoshinao Mizugaki, Hiroshi Shimada

17th E304 Room 17aE304 9:00〜12:30

Division 6,Division 8
(Superconductivity, Thermal Conductivity)

Element substitution effect on superconducting properties of Au-Ga-La Tsai-type quasicrystal approximants
Tokyo Univ. of Science, Res. Inst. Tokyo Univ. of ScienceA
T Kato, T D. Yamamoto, A IshikawaA, R Tamura
Superconductivity in Au-(Ga,In)-La icosahedral quasicrystal 1/1 approximants with Tsai-type clusters
Nagoya Univ.
K. Yokoo, T. Kuwano, H. Taniguchi, K. Deguchi
Pressure dependence of superconducting properties in Al-Zn-Mg quasicrystals and its approximant crystals II
Grad. Sci., Tohoku Univ., Ilas, Nagoya Univ.A, Toyota Tech. Inst.B, IMRAM, Tohoku Univ.C, NSRRC(Taiwan)D, Aichi Inst. of Tech.E
N. Kabeya, K. Harada, K. ImuraA, T. TakeuchiB, S. OhhashiC, N. FujitaC, H. IshiiD, N. Kimura, N. SatoE
Fabrication of Ta–X–Te ternary van der Waals layered quasicrystals and their superconductivity
IIS, Univ. of Tokyo
Kento Tomiyama, Koki Kasai, Yuki Tokumoto, Yasushi Kamimura, Keiichi Edagawa
Superconductivity in Ta-Cu-Te ternary van der Waals layered quasicrystal
IIS, Univ. of Tokyo, Dept. of Phys., Tohoku Univ.A
Yuki Tokumoto, Noriyuki KabeyaA, Kento Tomiyama, Noriaki KimuraA, Keiichi Edagawa
Search for high performance thermal rectification materials using a large experimental database
IIS, Univ. of Tokyo
T. Kurono, J. Zhang, Y. Kamimura, Y. Tokumoto and K. Edagawa

Break (10:30〜10:45)

Synthesis and magnetism of Eu-based hypermaterials
Dept. of Mater. Sci. and Tech., Tokyo Univ. of Sci.A, Dept. of Phys. Sci., Aoyama Gakuin Univ.B, Res. Ins. of Sci. and Tech., Tokyo Univ. of Sci.C
T. AbeA, S. SuzukiB, T. D. YamamotoA, F. LabibC, A. IshikawaC, R. TamuraA
Synthesis of Ga-Pd-RE icosahedral quasicrystals and their magnetic properties
Dept. of Mater. Sci. and Tech., Tokyo Univ. of Sci. Res. Ins. of Sci. and Tech., Tokyo Univ. of Sci.A
R. Naito, T. Abe, T. D. Yamamoto, A. IshikawaA, F. LabibA, R. Tamura
Magnetic dynamics and nonreciprocal excitation in hedgehog order in quasicrystal approximant
Dept. Basic Science, Kyutech
Shinji Watanabe
Structure and magnetic properties of Ba-doped Tsai-type 1/1 quasicrystal approximants
Res. Ins. of Sci. and Tech., Tokyo Univ. of Sci., Hokkaido Univ.A, Dept. of Mater. Sci. and Tech., Tokyo Univ. of Sci.B
A. Ishikawa, F. Labib. H. TakakuraA, T. D. YamamotoB, R. TamuraB
Low temperature magnetism of Au-Al-Er 1/1 approximants
Nagoya Univ.
T. Kanai, T. Kuwano, H. Taniguchi, K. Deguchi
Gd 3d-edge resonant photoemission study on magnetic Au-Al-Gd quasicrystal approximants
Grad. Sch. Eng. Sci. Osaka Univ.A, RIKEN SPring-8 CenterB, Fac. Sci. Eng., Konan Univ.C, Res. Inst. for Sci. & Tech. Tokyo Univ. of Sci.D, Dep. of Mater. Sci. & Tech. Tokyo Univ. of Sci.E
G. NozueA,B, H. FujiwaraA,B, Y. ToriiA,B, M. SakaguchiA,B, T. KissA, S. HamamotoB, M. OuraB, A. YamasakiB,C, A. IshikawaD, F. LabibD, T. D. YamamotoE, R. TamuraE, A. SekiyamaA,B
Local magnetic domain structure observation of ferromagnetic quasicrystal by DPC STEM
the Univ. of TokyoA, JST PRESTOB, Tokyo Univ. of ScienceC, JEOL Ltd.D, JFCCE
Takeshi IwataA, Takehito SekiA,B, Asuka IshikawaC, Ryuji TamuraC, Yuji KohnoD, Yuichi IkuharaA,E, Naoya ShibataA,E

17th E201 Room 17pE201 13:30〜17:00

Division 12,Division 6,Division 11 Joint
Glassy systems 1

Logarithmic behavior of displacement correlations in a Brownian disk system in relation with its structural relaxation
Tottori Univ., Osaka Univ.A, Kyoto Univ.B
Ooshida T., M. OtsukiA, S. GotoA, T. MatsumotoB
State following procedure in 1+∞ dimensional replicated liquid theory: Compression and shear
Dept. Phys., Osaka Univ., CMC, Osaka Univ.A
Yukihiro Tomita and Hajime YoshinoA
Hysteresis of cohesive granular materials near jamming
Osaka Univ., Nagoya Univ.A
Michio Otsuki, Kiwamu YoshiiA
Exploring jammed packing structures of hard disk glasses using the free volume estimator
Nagoya Inst. Tech.
Daigo Mugita, Kazuyoshi Souno, Masaharu Isobe
Improving graph neural networks for a faithful prediction of relaxation dynamics of glassy liquids
Univ. of Hyogo, Nagoya UniversityA
Hayato Shiba, Hidemasa BesshoA, Takeshi KawasakiA
Glassy behavior in a deformable particle model
Dept. Phys., Nagoya Univ., Grad. Sch. of Integrated Sci. for Life, Hiroshima Univ.A
Kiwamu Yoshii, Nen SaitoA, Duc Dam T., Kunimasa Miyazaki, Takeshi Kawasaki

Break (15:00〜15:15)

Effects of dissipation on viscoelasticity in amorphous solids
University of Tokyo
Hideyuki Mizuno
Nonlinear mechanical response under finite shear rate in jammed state
Graduate School of Science of Nagoya University
Hidemasa Bessho, Takeshi Kawasaki, Kunimasa Miyazaki
Deep learning of features to identify the structure of glass-forming liquids.
Grad. Sch. Engn. Sci., Osaka Univ.
Kohei Yoshikawa, Kentaro Yano, Shota Goto, Kang Kim, Nobuyuki Matubayasi
Aging in Glass based on Delayed Response of Free Energy Landscape
Grad. Sch. of Sci. & Tech., Kyoto Inst. of Tech., Fac. of Mater. Sci. & Eng., Kyoto Inst. of TechA, Res. Inst. For Sci. Educ., Inc.B
Ayata Ueno, Tomoko MizuguchiA, Takashi OdagakiB
Thermal Properties and Surface Structures in Vapor-deposited Ultrastable Phenolphthalein Glass
Ibuki Furuno, Yuta Kishimoto, Arifumi Okada, Haruhiko Yao, Soichi Tatsumi
Effects of freezing temperature, amount of uncrystallized water, and dynamics of polymer on structure of ice in partially crystallized polymer - water mixtures
Dept. of Phys., Grad. Sch., Tokai Univ., Micro Nano Tech. Center, Tokai Univ.
Yuka Arai, Kaito Sasaki, Rio Kita, Naoki Shinyashiki
Structure and dynamics of amorphous methane hydrate
Menghan Zhang,Hiroshi Akiba,Takashi HondaA,Kazutaka IkedaB,Hiroki YamadaC,Seiya ShimonoC,Osamu Yamamuro

17th E301 Room 17pE301 13:30〜17:00

Division 8,Division 3,Division 5
Nickel oxides superconductivity

(Symposium Session.) Introduction
Hiroshi Eisaki
(Symposium Session.) Superconductivity in infinite layer nickelates :experiment
IMR, Tohoku University
Motoki Osada
(Symposium Session.) Superconductivity in infinite layer nickelates : theory
Univ. of Hyogo
Motoharu Kitatani
(Symposium Session.) Single layer vs. bilayer systems in unconventional superconductivity : from a theoretical viewpoint
Fac. Sci., Osaka Univ.
Kazuhiko Kuroki

Break (15:00〜15:15)

(Symposium Session.) Superconductivity in bilayer La3Ni2O7 and and trilayer La4Ni3O10 : theory
Fac. of Eng., Tottori Univ.
Hirofumi Sakakibara
(Symposium Session.) Superconductivity in bilayer La3Ni2O7 and and trilayer La4Ni3O10 :experiment
Yoshihiko Takano
(Symposium Session.) NMR study in La3Ni2O7 and La4Ni3O10
Grad. School of Eng. Sci. Osaka Univ.
Hidekazu Mukuda
(Symposium Session.) Experiment on Ln4Ni3O8(Ln=La,Pr,Nd,Sm)
Yokohama national univ. dept. of phys.
Masatomo Uehara

17th E303 Room 17pE303 13:30〜16:45

Division 6
Density wave
(Density wave: Experiments & Theory)

Quantum size effect on the density-wave and excitonic phases in graphite under high magnetic fields
ISSP, The University of Tokyo
T. Taen, T. Osada
Current fluctuations in a non-sliding region of a periodically-driven CDW system
Osaka Univ.
Yu Funami and Kazushi Aoyama
Motion of Vortices in Type-II Superconductors Under Gradients of Temperature
Department of Physics, The University of TokyoA, Department of Basic Science, The University of TokyoB
Takuma KanakuboA, Yusuke KatoA,B
Conformal aspect of charge density waves: Theory and experiment
Center of Topological Sci. and Technol., Hokkaido Univ.A, NIMSB, RIKEN RQCC, NIT, Toyama CollegeD, Applied Phys., Hokkaido Univ.E, RIES, Hokkaido Univ.F
Keiji NakatsugawaA,B, Tatsuhiko N. IkedaC, Takeshi ToshimaD, Satoshi TandaA,E,F
Quantum electromagnetic response of microtubules
Grad.Sch.of Eng., Hokkaido Univ., NIMSA, Asahikawa Med. Univ.B, RIES,Hokkaido Univ.C
Miki Okudera, Yutaro Teranishi, Keiji NakatsukawaA, Toshiyuki FujiiB, Yukinori NishigamiC, Toshiyuki NakagakiC, Koichi Ichimura, Satoshi TandaC
Observation of charge density waves in the single chain TaSe3
Dept. of Phys. Hokkaido Univ.A, Dept of Appl. Phys. Hokkaido Univ.B, Center for Topo. Sci.& Tech.C, RIESD
Haruto YoshidaA, Hiroyoshi NobukaneA,C, Kyosuke TakahashiA, Kota OnoderaA, Shiro KashimotoB, Satoshi TandaB,C,D

Break (15:00〜15:15)

Charge density wave, superconductivity, and broken inversion symmetry at the surface of 2H-NbSe2
Tetsuo Hanaguri
The asymmetric magnetoresistance in TiSe2
Dept. of Phys. Hokkaido Univ.
F.Itose, H.Nobukane, N.Matsunaga
Analysis and control of multiple orders on TaTe2surface
Dept. of Phys. Tokyo Univ. of Science
T. Takeda, S. Kobayashi, H. Akimoto, D. Takeuchi, and H. Sakata
Charge density wave instability in ZrTe3 as seen via high-resolution inelastic x-ray scattering
J-PARC JAEAA, RIKEN SPring-8 CenterB, Information Technology Center, Univ. of TokyoC, Dept. of Material Science., Univ. of HyogoD, JASRI SPring-8E, Dept. of Phys., Nihon Univ.F, Dept. of Phys., Tokyo Univ. of ScienceG, Dept. of Sci. & Eng., Kindai Univ.H, CROSSI
Naoki MuraiA,B, Mitsuaki KawamuraC, Suguru NakataD, Daisuke IshikawaE,B,Satoshi DemuraF, Sora KobayashiG, Yuiga NakamuraE, Kunihisa SugimotoH, Motoyuki IshikadoI, Hideaki SakataG, and Alfred Q. R. BaronB,E
Observation of Shapiro steps induced by surface acoustic waves in charge density wave state NbSe3 thin films
Dep. Phys., Osaka Univ.,Dep. Basic Sci., Univ. TokyoA,CSRN, Osaka Univ.B,OTRI, Osaka Univ.C
Koji Fujiwara,Takuya KawadaA,Natsumi Nikaido,Nan JiangB,C,Shintaro TakadaB,C,Yasuhiro NiimiB,C
Effect of charge density wave transition on acoustoelectric current in NbSe3 thin films
Department of Physics, Graduate School of Science, Osaka UniversityA, Department of Basic Science, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, The University of TokyoB, Osaka University, Center for Spintronics Research NetworkC, Institute for Open and Transdisciplinary Research Initiatives, Osaka UniversityD
Nikaido NatsumiA, Takuya KawadaA,B, Koji FujiwaraA, Nan JiangA,C,D, Sintaro TakadaA,C,D, Yasuhiro NiimiA,C,D

17th E304 Room 17pE304 13:30〜17:00

Division 6

Structural analysis of the 3/2 periodic approximants in Al-Pd-W-Fe alloys
Graduate School of Engineering, Tohoku Univ., IMRAM Tohoku Univ.A, Division of Applied Physics, Faculty of Engineering, Hokkaido Univ.B
Makito Aoyama, Nobuhisa FujitaA, Hiroyuki TakakuraB
A novel antiferromagnetic order in Heisenberg 1/1 quasicrystal approximant
Tokyo Univ. of Sci.,Osaka Univ.A,JAEAB,RIKEN CCSC,Hokkaido Univ.D
Farid Labib,Takanori SugimotoA,B,C,Hiroyuki TakakuraD,Asuka Ishikawa,Ryuji Tamura
Synthesis and evaluation of Zn-Cu-Yb approximant crystal
Tokyo University of Science Applied Physics, Tokyo University of Science Materials Science and TechnologyA
Shinki Fujino, Tsunetomo Yamada, Asuka IshikawaA, Ryuji TamuraA
Structure analysis of a natural AlNiFe decagonal quasicrystal by synchrotron X-ray diffraction
Hokkaido University, Rigaku Corp.A, University of FlorenceB, CNRS, INP, SIMaPC, ESRFD, ILLE, Princeton UniversityF, Tokyo University of ScienceG, Hokkaido UniversityH
S. Mizutani, M. MeyerA, L. BindiB, M. de BoisseuC, A. BosakD, L. PaolasiniD, F. FormisanoE, P. J. SteinhardtF, T. YamadaG, H. TakakuraH
Discovery of a modulated phase in icosahedrite - the first natural AlCuFe icosahedral quasicrystal
Hokkaido University,University of FlorenceA,CNRS, INP, SIMaPB,ESRFC,ILLD,Princeton UniversityE,Tokyo University of ScienceF,Hokkaido UniversityG
K. Mizunuma, L. BindiA,M. de BoisseuB,A. BosakC,L. PaolasiniC,F. FormisanoD,P. J. SteinhardtE,T. YamadaF,H. TakakuraG
Development of a deep learning model to identify decagonal quasicrystal phase in powder X-ray diffraction pattern
Tokyo University of Science
Kanta Hiroki, Tsunetomo Yamada

Break (15:00〜15:15)

Enumeration of vertex environments in the extended canonical-cell tiling
IMRAM, Tohoku Univ.
Nobuhisa Fujita
Theoretical Calculation of the Free Energy of Iron Grain Boundaries with Structural Fluctuations
University of Tokyo, University of Tokyo,JST-PRESTOB, Nippon SteelC, University of Tokyo,Japan Fine Ceramics CenterD
Toshihiro Futazuka, Masaki Arai, Takehito SekiB, Nobusato MorishigeC, Ryo MatsubaraC, Yuichi IkuharaD, Naoya ShibataD
Analysis of structural fluctuation in silicon steel grain boundaries based on STEM observations and theoretical calculation
School of Eng., Univ. of TokyoA, JST PRESTOB, Nippon SteelC, JFCCD
Masaki AraiA, Toshihiro FutazukaA, Takehito SekiA,B, Nobusato MorishigeC, Ryo MatsubaraC, Yuichi IkuharaA,D and Naoya ShibataA,D
Observation of fluctuations in tetrahedral clusters of Tsai-type quasicrystals by high-resolution Scanning Transmission Electron Microscope
Dept. Appl. Phys. Nagoya Univ., Dept. Phys. Nagoya Univ.A, IMaSS, Nagoya Univ.B
Haruki Ishii, Kyoma YokoA, Tatsuya KanaiA, Kazyhiko DeguchiA, Koh SaitohB
Schematic structural analysis of Ce-Ti-O ultra-thin films on Pt(111) using photoelectron holography and ab initio calculation
Nagoya University, Nara Institute of Science and TechnologyA, University of LorraineB
Xu Li, Shougo YamadaA, Yuya YamadaA, Momoko YoshidaA, Yusuke HashimotoA, Tomohiro MatsushitaA, Ma WeiliangB, Emilie GaudryB, Junji Yuhara
Synthesis and thermoelectric properties evaluation of Al-Ge-Ru 1/0 approximants
Dept. of Mater. Sci. & Tech. Tokyo Univ. of Sci., NIMSA, NDAB, Res. Inst. For Sci. & Tech. Tokyo Univ. of Sci.C, ISMD
Y. Niwa, Y. IwasakiA, S. Tanaka, K. KitaharaB, T. D. Yamamoto, A. IshikawaC, K. KimuraD, and R. Tamura
Dependence of Thermoelectric Properties of Al-Pd-Ru Quasicrystals on Composition and Heat Treatment Conditions
Dept. of Mater. Sci. and Tech., Tokyo Univ. of Sci.A, NIMSB, NDAC, Res. Ins. of Sci. and Tech., Tokyo Univ. of Sci.D, ISME
S. TanakaA, Y. IwasakiB, T. D. YamamotoA, K. KitaharaC, A. IshikawaD,K. KimuraB, R. TamuraA

17th WB208 Room 17pWB208 13:30〜17:00

Division 10,Division 6,Division 7,Division 12
Materials Science Developed by Hyperordered Structures
(〜Physics of "Disorder in Order"and "Order within Disorder"〜)

(Symposium Session.) Introduction
Naogya Inst. Tech.
Koji Kimura
(Symposium Session.) Pressure dependent structure of amorphous aluminosilicate materials
Univ. Bath
Philip Salmon
(Symposium Session.) Relationship between intermediate-range structure and negative electrode property in Wadsley-Roth phase oxide
Tokyo Univ. Sci.
Naoto Kitamura
(Symposium Session.) Superconductivity emergence and its properties induced by intercalation of 4f-electron Yb into graphene
Univ. Tokyo
Ryota Akiyama

Break (15:10〜15:25)

(Symposium Session.) Information-Theoretic Analysis of Dopant Atomic Arrangement in Semiconductors via Photoelectron Holography
Nara Inst. Sci. Tech.
Tomohiro Matsushita
(Symposium Session.) Graph neural network model to predict doping effects in dielectric materials
Nagoya Univ.
Ryoji Asahi
(Symposium Session.) Phase behavior of water confined in one and two dimensional nano space
Okayama Univ.
Koga Kenichiro
(Symposium Session.) Summary
Nagoya Inst. Tech.
Koichi Hayashi

18th E303 Room 18aE303 9:30〜12:00

Division 6
ultralow temperature
(Restricted geometry, helium-3)

Mechanical response and film structure of 4He films adsorbed on a graphite substrate II
Univ. of Electro-Communications
T. Kasahara, M. Suzuki, J. Taniguchi
Superfluidity of 4He films adsorbed on hexagonal boron nitride
Keio Univ., OISTA
Ryo Ohgushi, Tomoyuki TaniA, Yusuke Nago, Keiya Shirahama
Dielectric anomaly in helium films at ultra-low temperatures
Keio Univ.
K. Okamura, F. Koike, Y. Nago, and K. Shirahama
Pressure dependence of flow velocity of superfluid 4He through a highly-oriented porous membrane
Univ. of Electro-Communication
Keisuke Kosaka, Masato Kuribara, Junko Taniguchi, Masaru Suzuki

Break (10:30〜10:45)

Spin diffusion of 1D 3He fluid formed in nanotunnels III
Dept. Phys., Nagoya Univ., TMDUA
Azimjon A. Temurjonov, Yuya Miyauchi, Masayuki Itoh, Yoshiaki Kobayashi, Mitsunori HiedaA, Nobuo Wada, Taku Matsushita
Heat Capacity Measurements on the Commensurate-Incommensurate Transition in Submonolayer Helium-3 on High Crystallinity ZYX Graphite
Grad. Sch. Sci., Univ. of Hyogo, AISTA, CRC, UTokyoB
Atsuki Kumashita, Jun UsamiA, Yu Yamane, Shigeki Miyasaka, Akihiko Sumiyama, Hiroshi FukuyamaB, Akira Yamaguchi
Andreev reflection rate in 3He-B at a surface
Kwansei Gakuin Univ.
Yasumasa Tsutsumi
A-B Transition and Texture in Superfluid 3He
Dept. of Phys. Kyoto Univ.A,Univ. of FukuiB
Y. IkegaiA,Y. HinoA,B. TangA,Z. XuA,T. TakagiB,Y. SasakiA
Electrical resistivity measurements in PdHx:Quantum Phenomena of hydrogen absorbed in superconductor
Dept. of Applied Quantum Phys. Kyushu Univ., Dept. of Phys. Kyushu Univ.A
T. Kawae, R. Kato, T. Yoshida, M. Shiga, R. IimoriA, T. KimuraA

18th E310 Room 18aE310 9:00〜12:30

Division 4,Division 6,Division 8,Division 11
Topological order

(Invited Presentation.) What is topological order
Masaki Oshikawa
(Invited Presentation.) Fracton topological phases in view of new symmetries
Yukawa Institute
Hiromi Esbiu

Break (10:30〜10:45)

Theory of topological superconductivity

Topological zero modes and bounded modes at smooth domain walls: exact solutions and dualities
Univ. of Tokyo,Univ. of Salerno
Pasquale Marra,Angela Nigro
Majorana multipole response with magnetic point group symmetry
Shingo Kobayashi, Yuki YamazakiA
Full-gap chiral superconducting phases and multipole response of surface Majorana fermions
Yuki Yamazaki, Shingo KobayashiA
Current-Voltage Characteristics from Andreev Reflection and Topological Phase Transition in the Kitaev Chain Model with Nonzero Chemical Potential (μ≠0)
Osaka Metropolitan Univ. College of Tech., Nara Women's Univ.A, Callaghan Innovation Res. Inst.A
Yukimi Kanai, Shuichi IwabuchiA
Gapless superconductivity in quasicrystals and its topological phase transition
The University of TokyoA, Fac. of Sci. Div. I, Dept. of Appl. Phys. Tokyo Univ. of Sci.B, Dept. of Phys. and Eng. and Cent. for Quant. Topo and Appl. Univ. of SaskatchewanC, Fac. of. Adv. Eng., Dept. of Appl. Phys. Tokyo Univ. of Sci.D
Kazuma SaitoA,B, Masahiro HoriB,C, Ryo OkugawaB,D, K. TanakaC, Takami TohyamaB,D
Self-consistent study of Zeeman-field-induced higher-order topological superconductivity
Dept. of Appl. Phys.,Tokyo Univ. of Sci., NIT,Tsuruoka, ColA
Yuichiro Ishiyama, Kazuma Saito, Jun TokimotoA, Ryo Okugawa, Takami Tohyama
Theory of Green's function and transport of Kitaev chain model of finite length
Ngoya Univ., Upsala Univ.A, Wurzburg Univ.B
Yukio Tanaka, Jorge CayaoA, Shun TamuraB

18th N101 Room 18aN101 10:15〜12:15

Division 7,Division 3,Division 6,Division 8,Division 10
Fumiko Yonezawa Memorial Award/High Pressure

(Lecture of the Yonezawa Memorial Prize.) Experimental study of hydrides showing high-temperature superconductivity under high pressure
KYOKUGEN, Graduate School of Engineering Science, Osaka Universi
Minimal modeling of the electronic state of pressure induced superconducting phase of hydrogen sulfide
Ryosuke Akashi
Evolutionary search for superconducting phases in lanthanum hydrides including platinum-group elements
Dept. of Phys. Univ. of Tokyo, ENEOSA
T. Ishikawa, Y. TanakaA, S. Tsuneyuki
Structural investigation of the hydrogen sulfide-hydrogen chloride mixture under high pressure
Gifu Univ.
Masafumi Sakata, Soma Kato, Yusuke Saeki, Tomoaki Kimura, Shigeo Sasaki
Revisiting pressure-induced metallization and superconductivity of oxygen
KYOKUGEN, Grad. Sch. Eng. Sci., Osaka Univ.
Katsuya Shimizu, Yuki Kato, Yuki Nakamoto
First-principles Study of the Structures and Superconductivity of High-Pressure Strontium
INSD Osaka Univ., Kindai Univ. Tech. CollegeA
Masaaki Geshi, Hiroki FunashimaA, Gayan Prasad Hettiarachchi

18th E201 Room 18pE201 13:30〜17:30

Division 12,Division 6,Division 11
Glassy systems 2

Numerical research of unjammed state under oscillaroty shear
Graduate School of Science of Nagoya University
Hiroka Onoyama, Hidemasa Bessho, Takeshi Kawasaki, Kunimasa Miyazaki
Evaluation of determinants for the boson peak in glasses using coherent potential approximation
Univ. of Tsukuba
Tatsuya Mori, Dan Kyotani, Soo Han Oh
Relation between cryptobiosis and high temperature anomaly in trehalose dihydrate
Reon Oka, Taisei Yato, Keisuke Yamakawa, Haruhiko Yao, Soichi Tatsumi
Low temperature heat capacities of vapor-deposited simple molecular glasses II
ISSP,Univ. of Tokyo
Xuejun Wu,Hiroshi Akiba,Yoshinori Ohmasa,Osamu Yamamuro
Polymer relaxation time analysis below glass transition temperatures by single-molecule fluorescence video microscopy
Josai University
Fragility of low-concentration glycerol aqueous solution under high pressure
Dept. of Phys., Tokai Univ.
Kaito Sasaki, Yoshiharu Suzuki
Temperature Dependence of Viscosity in Supercooled Liquid Mg-Zn-Y Alloys Using Machine-Learning Interatomic Potentials
Kumamoto Univ.
K. Shimamura, T. Tsumuraya, A. Koura, F. Shimojo
Understanding glass transition as a critical phenomenon of liquid-liquid phase transition
Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering, Hiroshima Univ.
Yukio Kajihara

Break (15:30〜15:45)

Solution / Liquid / Solvation 2

Lowest frequency Raman scattering modes in mono-alcohols
Graduate School of Sci. and Eng. Yamagata Univ., Faculty of Science Yamagata Univ.A
Koshi Ozama, Yuko AmoA, Yasuo KamedaA, Takeshi UsukiA
Dynamic and thermodynamic properties of acetonitrile and Mg-electrolyte absorbed in a metal–organic framework MIL-101
ISSP, CROSSA, Tokyo Univ. of Sci.B
Shun Sato, Hiroshi Akiba, Yoshinori Ohmasa, Takeshi YamadaA, Kaori TaniguchiB, Masaaki SadakiyoB, Osamu Yamamuro
Separation Experiment of Cyclic Oligosaccharide Aqueous Solution using Thermal Diffusion Phenomenon by Developing Fluidic Device using Temperature Gradient
Grad.Schoolof Sci.,Tokai Univ.,School of Sci.,Tokai Univ.A,MNTC. Tokai Univ.B
Thermodynamic and microscopic factors determining the solute-size dependence of hydrophobic interactions
Dept. Chem., Okayama Univ., RIIS, Okayama Univ.A
H. Naito, T. SumiA, K. KogaA
Exploration of Reaction Coordinates for Characterizing Transition Processes of Ion Association and Dissociation
Osaka Univ
Kazushi Okada, Kang Kim, Nobuyuki Matubayasi
Development of scaled-charge ions based on partial molar volumes of individual ions in water
Dept. of Chem., Okayam Univ., RIIS, Okayama Univ.A
Aoi Taira, Tomonari SumiA, Kenichiro KogaA
Long-chain preferential absorption and short-chain preferential permeation phenomena of alkanes to the polymer P4MP1
Keio Univ., Kyushu Univ.A, Fukuoka Univ.B
Tomoki Ogihara, Ryo AkiyamaA, Yusuke SanadaB, Yukiteru KatsumotoB, Ayano Chiba

18th E301 Room 18pE301 13:30〜16:45

Division 6,Division 3,Division 4,Division 7,Division 8
25 Years of the Sir Martin Wood Award

(Symposium Session.) Introduction
National Institutes of Natural Sciences
Maki Kawai
(Symposium Session.) Superconducting diode effect
Inst. for Chem. Res., Kyoto Univ.
Teruo Ono
(Symposium Session.) Exploring new frontiers in magnetic sensing
SRIS, Tohoku Univ., SANKEN, Osaka Univ.
Daichi Chiba
(Symposium Session.) Charge, spin and phonon in organic semiconductor crystals
Department of Advanced Materials Science, Univ. Tokyo
Shun Watanabe

Break (14:55〜15:10)

(Symposium Session.) Panel Discussion: "Messages from the award winners to young researchers and carrier path"
Department of Physics, Univ. Tokyo
Shuji Hasegawa
(Symposium Session.) Recent development and application of ultra-atomic resolution electron microscopy
Institute of Engineering Innovation (IEI), Univ. Tokyo
Naoya Shibata
(Symposium Session.) Quantum dynamics and transport of spins in magnets
School of Engineering, Univ. Tokyo
Eiji Saitoh
(Symposium Session.) Summary
Research Institute for Science and Technology, Tokyo Univ. of Science
Hidetoshi Fukuyama

18th E303 Room 18pE303 13:30〜17:15

Division 6
Ultralow temperature
(Quantum fluid, Vortex)

Effect of the bottom shape of the container on the dripping period of superfluid 4He droplets Ⅲ
Dept. of Engneerring, Hokkaido Univ., CMD Gunma Univ.A
Shota Takamatsu, Keito Miyake, Ryota Yamane, Yuki AokiA, Ryuji Nomura
Dripping period of superfluid 4He droplets at varing input flow rates
Dept. of Engineering, Hokkaido Univ., CMD Gunma Univ.A
R. Yamane, K. Miyake, S. Takamatsu, Y. AokiA and R. Nomura
Oscillation period of superfluid4He droplets depending on container shape
Dept. of Engineering, Hokkaido Univ., CMD Gunma Univ.A
K. Miyake, R. Yamane, S. Takamatsu, Y. AokiA and R. Nomura
Optical manipulation of quantized vortices in superfluid helium
Graduate School of Engineering Science, Osaka UniversityA, Graduate School of Science, Kyoto UniversityB, The Hakubi Center for Advanced Research, Kyoto UniversityC
Taiju HashimotoA,Yosuke MinowaB,C,Masaaki AshidaA
Kelvin wave excitation on quantized vortices in superfluid helium
Dept. of Phys., Kyoto Univ.A, Hakubi Center Adv. Res., Kyoto Univ.B, Grad. Sch. Eng. Sci., Osaka Univ.C, Dept. of Phys., Osaka City Univ.D, Dept. of Phys., National MagLab, USAE, Florida State Univ., USAF, Osaka Met. Univ.G, NITEP, Osaka Met. Univ.H
Yosuke MinowaA,B, Yuki YasuiC, Tomo NakagawaD, Sosuke InuiE,F, Makoto TsubotaG,H, Masaaki AshidaC
Evolution of Vortex Tangle in a pipe generated by thermal counterflow
Osaka Metropolitan University
Ken Obara, Satsuki Yoshisaka, Kento Kuwahira, Hideo Ya
Suction Vortex Generated by Superfluid Fountain Pump 2
Dept. of Phys. Osaka Metropolitan Univ.A, NITEPB
R.MaedaA, K.ObaraA,B, H.YanoA,B

Break (15:15〜15:30)

Non-circular orbital rotation of two parallel vortices and resonance with collective mode in self-gravitating Bose-Einstein condensate
Dept. of Phys., Osaka Metropolitan Univ., Nambu Yoichiro Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Physics (NITEP), Osaka Metropolitan Univ.A
Kenta Asakawa, Makoto TsubotaA
Macroscopic Efimov effect of quantized vortex
Osaka Metropolitan University
Weican Yang
Quantum turbulence generated by normal-fluid wall turbulence in co-flow of superfluid 4He
Dept. of Phys., Osaka Metropolitan Univ.A, Dept of Phys., Hiyoshi Campus, Keio Univ.B
Yoshihiro YabuuchiA, Satoshi YuiA, Hiromichi KobayashiB, Makoto TsubotaA
Kelvin waves on a quantized vortex excited by a vibrating nanobeam in superfluid helium-4
Dept. of Phys., Osaka Metropolitan Univ.A, NITEP, Osaka Metropolitan Univ.B
Satoshi YuiA,B, Makoto TsubotaA,B
Rotating Quantum Turbulence: Competition between Anisotropization by Rotation and Isotropization by Turbulence
Dept. of Phys., Osaka Metropolitan Univ.
I. Doki and M. Tsubota
Kolmogorov's law in steady turbulence of a two-component superfluid
CDEX, Univ.of Electro-communications
Tsuyoshi Kadokura, Hiroki SaitoA
Enstrophy cascade in two-dimensional turbulence of a two-component superfluids
University of Electro-communications
Ryo Kobayashi, Hiroki Saito

18th E310 Room 18pE310 13:30〜16:50

Division 4,Division 3,Division 6,Division 7,Division 8
Recent advances in topological superconductivity

(Symposium Session.) Introduction
Dept. Mat. Eng. Sci., Osaka Univ.
Takeshi Mizushima
(Symposium Session.) Sr2RuO4: Time Reversal Symmetry Breaking and Topological Superconductivity
Toyota Riken - Kyoto Univ. Research Center (TRiKUC)
Yoshiteru Maeno
(Symposium Session.) Topological superconductivity in heavy fermions: recent studies of UPt3, UTe2, and CeRh2As2
Dept. Phys. Kyoto Univ.
Youichi Yanase
(Symposium Session.) Nonlocal transport anomalies as a fingerprint of Majorana zero modes
IAR, Nagoya Univ.
Satoshi Ikegaya

Break (14:55〜15:10)

(Symposium Session.) Possibility of chiral superconductivity in honeycomb network systems
Dept. Math. Phys., Hirosaki Univ.
Jun Goryo
(Symposium Session.) High-temperature topological superconductivity in bulk materials: CuxBi2Se3 and K2Cr3As3
Dept. Physics, Okayama Univ.
Guo-qing Zheng
(Symposium Session.) Broken time-reversal symmetry in superconducting CaAg1-xPdxP
Dept. Appl. Phys., Nagoya Univ.
Satoshi Kashiwaya
(Symposium Session.) Superconductivity in j=3/2 electronic systems
Dept. Appl. Phys., Hokkaido University
Yasuhiro Asano

19th E303 Room 19aE303 9:00〜12:45

Division 6
(Theory: Unconventional SC)

Finite center of mass momentum pairing order in multiband superconductors
Dept. of Phys., Hokkaido Univ., RIKEN CEMSA, Dept. of Appl. Phys., Hokkaido Univ.B
T. Sato, S. Hayami, S. KobayashiA, Y. AsanoB
Collective Excitation Modes and dynamical responses in Fulde-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov superconductors
Dept. Mat. Eng., Osaka Univ.
R. Miwa, R. Ohashi, S. Fujimoto and T. Mizushima
Real-space analysis on the finite-momentum superconducting state in few-layer NbSe2 under in-plane magnetic field
Kyoto Univ.
Michiya Chazono and Youichi Yanase
Nonequilibrium FFLO and breached pairing states in an asymmetric N-S-N junction
The Univ. of Tokyo
Taira Kawamura
Linear and nonlinear paraconductivity in bilayer multiphase superconductors
Dept. of Phys., Kyoto Univ.
Tsugumi Matsumoto, Youichi Yanase, Akito Daido
Vertex correction for nonlinear optical responses in superconductors
Dept. of Phys. Kyoto Univ.
H. Tanaka and Y. Yanase

Break (10:30〜10:45)

Unconventional superconductivity in BaPtSb and BaPtAs on honeycomb lattice
Hirosaki Univ.,Okayama Univ. of ScienceA, Sophia Univ.B, Osaka Univ.C, Osaka Univ. OTRID
T. Imazu, J. Goryo, N. FurutaniA, T. AdachiB, K. KudoC,D, Y. ImaiA
Lifetime of edge states in chiral superconductors
Hiroshima Univ.
Seiji Higashitani, Gota Sato, Akihiro Oda, Yasushi Nagato
Zero energy Andreev surface bound states from the perspective of odd-frequency Cooper pairs
Hiroshima Univ.
Gota Sato, Yasushi Nagato, Seiji Higashitani
Nonlinear diode effect in a purely two-dimensional helical superconductor
Grad. Sch. Sci., Kyoto Uni.A, Grad. Sch. Sci., Kyoto Uni.B
Naratip Nunchot, Yoichi Yanase
Analysis of functionalized MXenes with density functional theory for superconductors
The Univ. of Tokyo
Alpin N. Tatan,Osamu Sugino
A peak in Tc arising from a competition between the Fano-Feshbach resonance and particle-hole fluctuations in a two-band superconductor with an incipient heavy band
Univ. TokyoA, Univ. Camerino, ItalyB, RICMASS, Rome, ItalyC, CNR, ItalyD
Hiroyuki TajimaA, Hideo AokiA, Andrea PeraliB, Antonio BianconiC,D
Assessing the possible superconductivity in hole-doped perovskite hydride KMgH3 under lattice anharmonicity and spin fluctuation
Univ. of Tokyo, QSTA
Shaocong Lu, Ryosuke AkashiA, Mitsuaki Kawamura, Shinji Tsuneyuki
Thermoelectric effect of superconductors with Bogoliubov Fermi surfaces
Dept. of Appl. Phys., Hokkaido Univ., Dept. of Phys., Hokkaido Univ.A, Nagoya IARB, RIKEN CEMSC
T. Sano, T. SatoA, S. IkegayaB, S. KobayashiC, Y. Asano
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